Heaven is...

A medium rare usda prime ribeye steak cooked over hot coals.

A day at the rifle range all alone with no time constraints/obligations and no wind to fudge everything up (very rare to have no wind here).

A day with no responsibilities and some good dvd's or an awesome new PC FPS game.

Time with my family with no other prior obligations/stuff that has to be done.
This thread has pissed me off something rotten.

Why can I only find pickled onion Monster Munch in shops? Beef was always the superior flavour and no bugger sells it round here.

Someone send me some beef Monster Munch. Do it.
This thread pisses me off because nobody will tell me what Monster Munch is.

So... until that happens, I'm assuming it's sloppy joe.
WTF? Corn snacks? This thread is about corn snacks shaped like a monster paw?

<walks away>
Had beef jerky a few days ago, tasted good. $2 a piece though (It was more like a sausage and its 2 SGD which is around 1.20 USD)
your veins guys, must look like


due to all that meat
Monster Munch is not made from real monsters. It's not even an animal.

That's right, not even the Smoked Beef ones. They are not covered in powdered cow.
Pickled onion monster munch are incredible.
monster munch = chewy liqourice vampires, deliciously puffy marshmallow werewolves, and sour flourescent green minotaurs, all stuffed into a foil wrapped paket for maximum freshness!!

(available now at selected macdonalds branches )
Best ever crisps were mo'flockin' BRANNIGANS before McCoys bought them out, roast beef & mustard or the other weird ones they had.
Prawn cocktail Wotsits, I see you are a connoisseur...
Thread is on nom nom indeed.
See, that's where you're going wrong. I eat mine. Using my mouth. Putting them up your nose isn't really the best way to enjoy them.
I lawd. :E

(What is that short for anyways?)

BTW, I'd like to add that I inhale my food, but not through my nose of course.
No, the nose is where the flame comes out.