Heaven's Got a Hitman!!!

Lil' Timmy

Oct 14, 2003
Reaction score
i hope this isn't a repost (i searched), if it is, plz take a shovel to my face..

anyway, if you go to the painkiller site http://www.painkillergame.com/ and check the downloads section, you'll notice that a demo is scheduled for Feb. 16th. myself, i'm not particularly excited about this game. but it might be a fun demo
serious sam + havok + pretty graphics = painkiller

still should be fun though :)
multiplayer sounds stupid.

People Can Fly- A midification of Deathmatch 1 on 1, pushing the limits of physics-based multiplay. Only equipped with the Rocked Launcher/Chaingun, you can only score damage against your opponent while he's in the air -- use your Rocket Launcher to send him airborne, and finish him off with your Chaingun!

that multiplay thing must be the dumbest techdemoey thing I have ever heard of. pushing physics to the limit.. you could do that in TFC today if you wished it.
qckbeam said:
umm, excuse my ignorance here, but what does gh3y mean?

You spend how much time on the internet and you don't know?
qckbeam said:
umm, excuse my ignorance here, but what does gh3y mean?

gh3y = ghey = gay.

I'll definitally play this demo, it doesn't look bad.
Yeah, that multiplayer sounds stupid. I'll probably just get the demo, it looks like one of those games where the entire experience can be condensed into 20 minutes.
I personally prefer hitmen from hell, but whatever, not my game.
when is serious sam 3 due?
and is painkiller with havok?
just check out their site..

looks like a fun game but more in a whambamthankyoumam sorta way..