Heavy is next? /speculation


Walking round in women's underwear
Mar 9, 2005
Reaction score
Steam Forums said:
Heavy might be the next!

Someone from a French site (http://www.garryfr.com/) found new files in the French gcf which contains the translated sounds, those new files are in tf/sound/vo/ and the files names are:


The heavy talk about a new weapon, for example:

"My fists, they are in steel!"
"I have a new weapon!"

(other sentences are all about that he has a new weapons and that he own people with it)

Those files are NOT in the English GCF.


Those sounds are also in the German, Spanish and Russian GCF.

Well, the Heavy is hardly played anymore and is far too dependent on medics. Should be interesting to see what he gets for his unlocks. :O

heavy_specialweapon01: My fists are made of steel!
heavy_specialweapon02: A new weapon!
heavy_specialweapon03: I got a new weapon!
heavy_specialweapon04: They will cry infront of my gigantic weapon!
heavy_specialweapon06: This weapon is oversized compared to my tiny enemies!
heavy_specialweapon07: I am heavy weapons guy, and this is my new weapon.
heavy_specialweapon08: This new weapon is good!
heavy_specialweapon09: Yes, I like this new weapon.
I actually enjoy playing heavy with or without a medic, but I cannot wait to see what they have in store for his new weapon.

However, I'm sorry to say that those new sounds aren't as funny as I'd hope them to be.
I actually enjoy playing heavy with or without a medic, but I cannot wait to see what they have in store for his new weapon.

However, I'm sorry to say that those new sounds aren't as funny as I'd hope them to be.

"I spy with my little eye!" and "I love this doctor!" aren't funny either without the audio of that huggable fatso saying it. :)

I do agree that some seem out of character ("This weapon is oversized compared to my tiny enemies!") but I bet that's due to the translation.
Ah, but you see, it's not what the Heavy says, it's how he says it. ;)
I bet spy would be next since there's pyros running wild all over the joint.
I doubt the heavy will be next...

Good speculation but he is too strong, like the Soldier. Both will be last.

I do have my own theory which I will share. If we look at the current updates, the weakest combat classes have recieved the weapons first, going inorder up from the bottom. Medic is (was) the weakest combat class, so they pimped him out first, then Pyro because he is very bad at frontal attacking. My next guess is Scout, as he has very other advantages beside his speed and flanking abilities.

Obviously, we are beginning to narrow down the classes and the further up my theory we go, the easier it comes to predict, because there is less remaining but it also becomes harder because the class combat efficency becomes closer together.

Here is how I think the updates will come...
Sniper sounds have been discovered.


I'll try to do it, but I'm only half-russian so dont flame me for my bad transation and my poor english.

sniper_meleedare01.wav: Time for machete!
sniper_meleedare02.wav: Let's get started kid!
sniper_meleedare03.wav: Are you ready for the meeting?
sniper_meleedare04.wav: If you'd like I'll cut you another mouth!
sniper_meleedare05.wav: We'll see how much blood in you!
sniper_meleedare06.wav: Let's do it!
sniper_meleedare08.wav: Time for cutting(not sure, but have to do something with cutting)
sniper_meleedare09.wav: Chop! Chop! Chop!
sniper_meleedare10.wav: I'll cut you a mouth from ear to ear!

sniper_specialweapon01.wav: This is...beauty!
sniper_specialweapon02.wav: Look how beautiful this is!
sniper_specialweapon03.wav: Just glance at it!
sniper_specialweapon04.wav: Hahaha...new weapon...somebody won't be lucky!
sniper_specialweapon05.wav: I'm sure I will like it!
sniper_specialweapon06.wav: Now I have a real cool gun!
sniper_specialweapon07.wav: It seems this is a very helpful thing!
sniper_specialweapon08.wav: Hahaha...like in (maybe it's "for", for example the enemy got a headsot like...) the morning of Christmas!
sniper_specialweapon09.wav: Look at this beauty!

It's possible that there could be a release for the Heavy and Sniper at the same time? Would certainly be better then having 12 of the same class on each team.
Maybe they're just pre-recorded generic unlockable sound files.

It does not necessarely mean heavy and sniper will be the next.
IF that's the case, why aren't the rest in there?

These sounds point strongly to the next unlockables, I think.
Didnt valve say a few weeks ago they are working on eng upgrades? They said they are "trying out a new upgradable teleport for the engeneer which we hope will be fun..." its not an exact quote but its pretty close IIRC.
Well, Valve seems intent on getting these acheivements out fast. I was surprised the pyro pack came out as fast as it did (in Valve time).

So they are probably working on a lot of stuff.

I would prefer the Spy next myself, but Heavy would be good. The Heavy would be a good answer to all the pyros. Especially since Heavy+Medic already = a lot of dead pyros. A lot of people complaing about how almighty the pyro is don't seem to understand that yet.

And yes- demoman and soldier should be last. Especially soldier. That is the only class people use only 1 weapon (rocketlauncher) I wonder if half of them know he has a shotgun and a shovel. Much less unlockables.
My personal favourite Heavy line is "We must stop little cart!"
Medic unlockables+Heavy Unlockables=Serious Whoopass
Not really. The Kritzkrieg is far from an awesome weapon, and the Heavy is rendered useless with a barrage of enemies attacking him without a Medic healing him. I mean look at it this way, if the Medic has to get his Uber/Kritz charge by using the new saw, then the Heavy is going to sit there and DIE by everyone shooting him!

Plus, Heavy is mostly affective when he is ubered since he can just jog into places and not be moved by sentries and stickies as easily as other classes.
As a medic I don't go 'sawing' around, if an enemy comes too close that's when they get sliced. Actually pretty effective when people come after you or the one your healing.
As a medic I don't go 'sawing' around, if an enemy comes too close that's when they get sliced. Actually pretty effective when people come after you or the one your healing.
I'm just saying for the Medics who want their uber/krit incredibly fast.
I doubt Spy would be next because that might cause even more pyros to be waltzing around.
I'm just saying for the Medics who want their uber/krit incredibly fast.
Well healing a wounded teammate is not that slow. If you go sawing around while friendlies taking the beating then you obviously don't know what a support type is. And GingTFO of the medic column would be wise. Though I have yet to see medics just going around sawing (non-medics, cause I know about that one achievement).
Well healing a wounded teammate is not that slow. If you go sawing around while friendlies taking the beating then you obviously don't know what a support type is. And GingTFO of the medic column would be wise. Though I have yet to see medics just going around sawing (non-medics, cause I know about that one achievement).
I've seen many medics decide to go saw for their uber instead, but you are correct. GTFO muh medicz.

My personal favourite Heavy line is "We must stop little cart!"

"Little mens steal our cart" is better.

Personally I am hoping for the Scout to be next. I used to enjoy it, but these days it's harder and harder to use. There isn't much you can do if there's more than one sentry in the enemy side. I am also really looking for the Engineer and Spy unlockables. I hope there will be something interesting relating to sentries and sappers.
"Little mens steal our cart" is better.

I heard a new one for me the other day

"MY FLESH!!!..........IT BURNS!!"

I was lol'ing so was my teammate beside me.

I love the Heavy.
A portable artillery gun? That is awesome probably has a longer range than the minigun but a slower rate of fire
The bottom shows 3 rounds, so is it going to have a low amount of ammunition, or is it a double magazine/ammo belt?
3 rounds isn't much unless it is some kind of rocket launcher, but why give it to a heavy?
Maybe it can hold 2 more in the chamber , then you will have to reload.
Isn't Valve doing these updates based on popularity, the lesser played classes get the updates first.
So my guess would be the Scout would be next, seeing as he is currently the least played character, although it could be due to all the Pyros.
wonder about ROF and damage. Latter is probably high with former being low.
But why does the gun have a black dildo on it?!
I just went "what"? Then I looked back and lol'd. :D Also:
shacknews.com ? Valve has announced that the Scout class update for its online multiplayer shooter Team Fortress 2 will be released next Thursday. To celebrate the update, the company is also doing another free TF2 Weekend, starting the following friday, as done with the Medic and Pyro updates. Much of the community is pleased at just how quickly this update is coming out. Now on to the changes/additions:

The first unlockable replaces the Scout's secondary weapon of the pistol. The new radar gun works by holding down your primary fire key, which will show a small green health bar of enemies within the cone shaped region, this radar can also pick up cloaked or disguised spies, but the radar only lasts for 3 seconds.

The second unlockable weapon will be the new primary weapon, the super shotgun. With double the damage of the original scattergun, players will truly need to make every shot count for this weapon to be effective.

The third unlockable will bring a sort of nostalgia to children of the 80's, with the scout toting a hockey stick and hockey mask (ala Casey Jones from TMNT), like the super shotgun, this weapon deals much heavier damage than the (Bonk!) Bat but attacks much slower.
During the interview with Doug Lombardi, Developer of Team Fortress 2, Doug had the following to say about the future and past updates.

DOUG: The medic was the most dramatic overhaul, just in terms of looking at his gameplay. People who played the medic in the old days will find a lot of variance when they play the new medic. The demo guy is somewhere we can really play with physics. The engineer is another one. Some of the guys have really simple, classic roles, the Heavy being one of them and the Scout being another. There's not really a lot with the Heavy you can change. He's got a big bad gun, he's slow, but he can take a lot of damage. The Scout was headed toward a simpler route as well, being the nasty gnat he is, so we kind of made him a bit more deadlier with a bit more patience, scoping out your terrain first, then attacking in kind. In fact, the original model for the radar gun, many of you have seen in videos prior to the release of TF2, where the scout runs by a sentry with the radar gun in hand. It was always an idea for us, but given no other weapon like this existed, it was hard to implement what is actually more of a personal sonar than a team "radar"."
Slow down Valve, holy shit! :rolling:
Fake, i can't see anything on Shacknews relating to this.
Also Rader Gun that can show spy's, i really hope this is wrong
Super Shotgun, what's the downside, there meant to be alternatives not upgrades, this seems defiantly like an upgrade.

Also what videos prior to Team Fortress 2 showed the Scout with a rader gun?
All those weapons sound shit. I hope it's fake.