Heavy is next? /speculation

Much of the community is pleased at just how quickly this update is coming out

How can the community be pleased about an update they've not heard about yet?

The second unlockable weapon will be the new primary weapon, the super shotgun. With double the damage of the original scattergun, players will truly need to make every shot count for this weapon to be effective.

No mention of a downside of this weapon

Doug Lombardi, Developer of Team Fortress 2

Doug is the PR guy not a developer, surly Shacknews knows this after all the interviews he has given them.

many of you have seen in videos prior to the release of TF2, where the scout runs by a sentry with the radar gun in hand

No, he was running around with a nail gun, not a Radar gun

The demo guy

He is a Demoman not "the demo guy" i doubt Doug call him that

Overall it's a poor fake, updates have not had much thought put into them. A scout using Radar to scout ahead, it's quicker to run and find out. Also it's a Spy's job to do reconnaissance not the Scout. And a unlockable Hockey stick and mask, why would Valve do that?, it's like a change of character, also a slow hitting Scout. That's takeing away the big advantage the Scout has his speed.
the scout updates are lies. besides, Look at the homepage of hl2.net i just saw.

didn't the scout have an enemy detector back in regular Team Fortress for Quake?


If that's true and its looks apply to its abilities.... my ideas were correct! A vulcan cannon which fires an extremely powerful blast with extremely slow rate of fire and single clips!

Googled it... a Bofors cannnon is an anti-aircraft gun...

I was looking forward to Spy/Scout unlockables, not a class which already has my highest playtime and doesn't need much more work.
Heavy has my lowest playtime (<7 hours)... Spy has my highest (40+)
/me looks at his previous denial post 0_0...


Still, sounds epic.
It has been announced, but the weapons havnt been revealed...

And now, a shitty representation of my new prediction of the way the Classes will recieve their achievements/weapons. The colour is just a colour that represents to the number in the order I have worked out Valve might be following when they deliver the achievements.


As you can see...It is shitty and done in under 30 seconds. Never the less, it shows my opinion on the way the Classes will recieve their new toys.

Its kind of worked out randomly :S. But my old theory failed so this is kind of my backup, god give me strength if this one fails...:upstare:
Support - Offensive - Defensive - Support - Offensive - Defensive - Support - Offensive - Defensive.
They will add new unlocks for the least played class in each category.

Support - Medic
Offense - Pyro
Defense - Heavy


Offense - Scout
Defense - Engineer
Support - Sniper
Offense - Soldier
Defense - Demoman
I have been getting that whole face/backstab thing alot to. My first speculation was that the sniper would have the next update, but seeing the Support - Offensive - Defensive - Support - Offensive - Defensive - Support - Offensive - Defensive thing it realy made more sense that the heavy would be next, as for the next support im saying sniper sense i freakin love sniping :p.
What about them?

Here are some of the most frustrating situations which almost always end up turning nasty.

1) You stab and the animation is almost complete but then the victim moves out of the way.
2) You stab and the animation completes but it registers as a normal hit.
3) You stab and the enemy turns around at the last moment.
It's hate it how sometimes, i backstab and hear the crit hit and nothing happens. Makes me look like a prat when i run behind someone, stab but fails to register, and end up running infront of them cause of it. Psycho got it dead on.
Running and stabbing also really pisses me off. You can slash at someone just before you reach them and get a backstab, but if you're too close, you're start the animation and run past them just before you're finished.
That's why you quickly uncloak and gun down careless snipers from behind instead.

It works much better than you may think.
Here are some of the most frustrating situations which almost always end up turning nasty.

1) You stab and the animation is almost complete but then the victim moves out of the way.
2) You stab and the animation completes but it registers as a normal hit.
3) You stab and the enemy turns around at the last moment.

1) Well you got me here, that's a good point.
2) That's never happened to me, and I play spy a great deal.
3) I think the angle of determining a backstab is generous enough so that if you're positioned right, it'll hit no matter what.

You do have a good point. There are some situations where the animation becomes a problem. I think if they replace the downstab animation with the an altered pokestab, there wouldn't be enough time for the victim to move out of the way.
That's why you quickly uncloak and gun down careless snipers from behind instead.

It works much better than you may think.

There are limited amount of snipers in one map.
Then keep your distance when uncloaked and abuse the gunning.
Eh, sorry about that.

I forgot I only played on a 32-player server since the very first week of the beta and may have a different gamestyle and mentality.

Even though it mostly gets me to the top of the board and prevents the mindless and suicidal "PANIC-MODE-SPY-SWIPES-EVERYONE".
It's hate it how sometimes, i backstab and hear the crit hit and nothing happens. Makes me look like a prat when i run behind someone, stab but fails to register, and end up running infront of them cause of it. Psycho got it dead on.

What's weird is that sometimes the game registers a backstab and it was really a facestab, or a sidestab. That's annoying for the player being stabbed.

Also the spy's pistol is more useful than most people think, it's a really good weapon.

Anyway, I suck as a spy, and get backstabbed a lot as a sniper on 2fort