Heckler & Koch MP7 Grenade Madness


Apr 26, 2004
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If you don't know, the main submachinegun in HL2 is the MP7, the HKPRO page can be found here. In the E3 2004 Video, around 14:40, Gordon starts firing grenades out of the MP7, like the MP5 in the original Half-Life. I'm a little confused about where these grenades are supposed to be coming from :p Was anybody else looking forward to having a submachinegun without a grenade launcher built in? I thought it was a little goofy in HL (although helpful) and now there isn't even a grenade launcher visible on the weapon. Am I seeing things wrong in the video, or are the grenades truly being fired from thin air ;( ?
Its a game. i would like to see a halo style grenade throw though, would solve that problem.
It was coming out of nowhere :eek:

I'm sure it was in the other smg in the original teaser videos before E3 2003 :sleep: Maybe they just swapped it round for e3 2004?
Your assuming the gun is completely unmodifed from the one in that picture

On a related note i noticed in 2004 video the player clearly selects the crossbow icon from the menu but switches to the mp7 intead. Bet this has been mentioned before though.
The MP7 has two barrels. I don't know anything about guns, but one could possibly launch grenades.

Can anyone more qualified tell for certain?
Mechagodzilla said:
The MP7 has two barrels. I don't know anything about guns, but one could possibly launch grenades.

Can anyone more qualified tell for certain?

ROFL! no way in hell without attaching a laucher its too small to have one inbuilt, unless the nades are really small like party poppers. :)
Still, it's the future. They might have managed to add more explosive punch to a small grenade.

I checked google, and I found an interview where valve says that the gun is a combination of a prototype MP7 and the actual production model.
Also, they added their own 20mm grenade launcher onto the Half-life 2 version.
(The Half-Life 1 gun had a 40mm launcher.)
So, the gun is pretty much fictional.

I'm sure they'll add any necessary launcher onto it later.
It could also be there as a placeholder until they finish up another model that actually shows the underslung grenade launcher. Like UKchaos said, some of the things in the E3 videos are still being worked on and will likely change when the game is finally released.
Okey, if ONE person could show me to a place that officialy confirms that this 'MP7' is a MP7, then I'm impressed.

WHO EVER SAID THAT THIS GUN WAS A MP7? Since it's unclear what gun it's nobody can complain about the grenade launcher on it.
moppe said:
Okey, if ONE person could show me to a place that officialy confirms that this 'MP7' is a MP7, then I'm impressed.

WHO EVER SAID THAT THIS GUN WAS A MP7? Since it's unclear what gun it's nobody can complain about the grenade launcher on it.

Like I said up there, the gun is a valve-created gun that's based almost entirely off of various real MP7s.
I found the interview on Google, so you can probably find it with a quick search of "Half-Life MP7 Grenade Launcher Gabe interview".

It's like how the 'Patriot' in GTA is modeled completely off of a Hummer, but with slight changes and dramatic license.
Mechagodzilla said:
Like I said up there, the gun is a valve-created gun that's based almost entirely off of various real MP7s.
I found the interview on Google, so you can probably find it with a quick search of "Half-Life MP7 Grenade Launcher Gabe interview".

This looks like it: http://www.netjak.com/review.php/374.

The weapon you see in the E3 videos is in fact based off of the HK MP7. It has elements from both the prototype PDW and the production version, the MP7. The game version has been further modified with the addition of an integral 20mm grenade launcher, much like the 40mm grenade launcher under the MP5 in the original Halflife.
It could also be there as a placeholder until they finish up another model that actually shows the underslung grenade launcher.

I hope they add in something :cool: At least it's a 20mm though, now it doesn't bother me so much that they are coming out of nowhere :thumbs:
"The scienstis are relying on technology to survive", would that answer your question? Why would you *not* have a GL mounted on the gun, and if it isn't there in the E3 video it will be in the game.
Brian Damage said:
Damn. 20mm is teensy!

You wouldn't say that if one hit you on the head at high speed, before detonating and wallpapering the immediate vicinity with your cranial mass.
PiMuRho said:
You wouldn't say that if one hit you on the head at high speed, before detonating and wallpapering the immediate vicinity with your cranial mass.

Amen, brother, amen.
Why not just stick it to the OICW instead? It would be cool to see some more future in Half-Life 2, like the XM8.

And then the weapons should be modable. So like the first OICW you get is just the rifle, and then you have to collect the scopes and stuff.

That would be very cool.
I doubt Gordon would be able to pull something like that off in 3 days, FISKER, ...
marksmanHL2 :) said:
The OICW is in HL2 last time I checked. Look at the older footage. :)

I think that he meant that you don't need a GL on the MP7 PDW in HL2 if the OICW already has one.

So many acronyms...
FISKER_Q said:
Why not just stick it to the OICW instead? It would be cool to see some more future in Half-Life 2, like the XM8..
Hell yes. I'm not a gun lover but damn that thing looks awesome.


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Mr-Fusion said:
Hell yes. I'm not a gun lover by damn that thing looks awesome.

I dunno, it reminds me of a super-soaker. Too many fillets, not enough chamfers.
Mechagodzilla said:
I dunno, it reminds me of a super-soaker. Too many fillets, not enough chamfers.

No but the cool thing is that it could be modded from anything from a PDW to a sharpshooter model.

It can also have grenade launchers, bigger magazine rounds for support type weapon, sights for sniping and etc.

Also you would be able to throw the weapon down in the mud let take it up again and shoot right away.

The OICW is kinda the same, although it's more in the special forces area, it can't mod itself out in so many areas.

Oh and i did knew the OICW was in HL2, but you can also attach a 20mm to the OICW(If not attached by default), and i meant that why not just try to keep it real, but still futuristic.
That is pretty cool indeed.
I don't think it would work well in a game though. Why would you ever bother to change to another gun?

Also, the OICW in HL2 already has default grenade launcher too.
They show it in use in the pre-E3 2003 trailer.
:O Is there even one sub machine gun that can even be modified with a grenade launcher? It'd be cool if the added high impact shells to the OICW in Half Life 2
ailevation said:
:O Is there even one sub machine gun that can even be modified with a grenade launcher? It'd be cool if the added high impact shells to the OICW in Half Life 2

I think there's some compact Assault Rifles that support it.

And maybe it is probably also possible to mod a smg with a nade launcher, just not officially.
UKchaos said:
On a related note i noticed in 2004 video the player clearly selects the crossbow icon from the menu but switches to the mp7 intead.

Nopey Dopey... I watched the sequence frame by frame, and he chooses the Mp7, not the crossbow (that is supposed to switch to the mp7 :p )
Hey, looked through th eE3 04 vid. Freeman fires two grenades on at the ogly bug and the second on the Combine behind the barrels at the corner of the shed. When he fires the last grenade it doesn't come from the gun in the right side but from middle left side!
Is it just me, or has any one sean this too?? Looks odd, but it could maybe be lack in the reccording...?
figge said:
Nopey Dopey... I watched the sequence frame by frame, and he chooses the Mp7, not the crossbow (that is supposed to switch to the mp7 :p )

Acctully when he finishes the antlion with the shotgun he switches to the crossbow, and then back to the shotgun, and then to the MP7, they appear to be different guns because the ammo is uneffected on the second one to the first.

This leads me to believe the whole weapon system is still up in the air at the moment, I dont think they would leave it as it is, I mean the MP5 at least had a launcher modelled on to it in HL1, lol.
Lobster said:
This leads me to believe the whole weapon system is still up in the air at the moment, I dont think they would leave it as it is, I mean the MP5 at least had a launcher modelled on to it in HL1, lol.

Well the MP7/PDW model seen in HL2 does have a second muzzle modelled on it from some shots (unless it's just some glitchy/shadowed artwork we're all projecting our guesses onto). Same size barrel as the 9mm one above, which is even worse than the 20mm grenades others have proposed -- there'd be more explosive in some larger types of firecrackers.

From watching the clips again the grenades that come out are the same ones that were flung out of the OICW in the teaser trailer from last year though. I think the PDW model in the E32K4 clips is just a placeholder for the OICW model.
snark^ said:
Well the MP7/PDW model seen in HL2 does have a second muzzle modelled on it from some shots (unless it's just some glitchy/shadowed artwork we're all projecting our guesses onto). Same size barrel as the 9mm one above, which is even worse than the 20mm grenades others have proposed -- there'd be more explosive in some larger types of firecrackers.

From watching the clips again the grenades that come out are the same ones that were flung out of the OICW in the teaser trailer from last year though. I think the PDW model in the E32K4 clips is just a placeholder for the OICW model.

There are two weapons on the E3 2004 trailer that fire grenades.

First Gordon switches to the 'crossbow' in the HUD after killing some antlions with the shotgun, it shows an MP7 model and it launches a grenade which makes the antlion ragdoll beautifully. He then runs up the ramp, selects his shotgun and kills the combine soldier. Then an antlion runs up to him, so he switches to the MP7 model again (this time he selects the MP7 icon in the HUD) but this is a different one than he just used to kill the antlions with the grenade. The amount of rounds left is different (he puts the 'crossbow' away with 37 rounds and he draws the MP7 (the one with the right HUD icon) with 45 rounds left.
He then uses the MP7 to fire a grenade at the barrels with the combine.

So possibly the OICW did have a placeholder model from the MP7, and had a placeholder HUD icon (the crossbow) but the MP7 itself is also capable of firing a grenade.
PvtRyan said:
There are two weapons on the E3 2004 trailer that fire grenades.

First Gordon switches to the 'crossbow' in the HUD after killing some antlions with the shotgun, it shows an MP7 model and it launches a grenade which makes the antlion ragdoll beautifully. He then runs up the ramp, selects his shotgun and kills the combine soldier. Then an antlion runs up to him, so he switches to the MP7 model again (this time he selects the MP7 icon in the HUD) but this is a different one than he just used to kill the antlions with the grenade. The amount of rounds left is different (he puts the 'crossbow' away with 37 rounds and he draws the MP7 (the one with the right HUD icon) with 45 rounds left.
He then uses the MP7 to fire a grenade at the barrels with the combine.

So possibly the OICW did have a placeholder model from the MP7, and had a placeholder HUD icon (the crossbow) but the MP7 itself is also capable of firing a grenade.

But both weapons seem to be exactly the same in every way, same ammo ammount, same fire rate, nades etc, I reckon they just copy pasted the code to a second weapon and havnt finished it yet lol.
You guys need to read some more.

the XM8 is the lower part of the OICW. So it is in the game.....
heres a useless fact i found on a website.

Some of the early OICW configuration alternatives (late 1990s).
1 - combined 5.56mm rifle and 20mm launcher (present configuration);
2 - 20 mm launcher with detachable 4.6mm HK PDW submachine gun;
3 - 20mm launcher in the standalone configuration

Lobster said:
Acctully when he finishes the antlion with the shotgun he switches to the crossbow, and then back to the shotgun, and then to the MP7, they appear to be different guns because the ammo is uneffected on the second one to the first.

Actually, when he switchs back it says "45" on the ammo counter UNTIL he fires a grenade, then it goes back to 37. It's the old "Counters start off wrong till they change bug".
Guys... I think its a placement holder until they can add the launcher onto the OICW, the assault rifle. In the leak it's weird because in the model files it says that the mp7 grenade is called assault rifle grenade. I guess there is a bug because there would have to be three modes for the assault rifle. Normal attack, grenade launcher and zoom.
Feath said:
Actually, when he switchs back it says "45" on the ammo counter UNTIL he fires a grenade, then it goes back to 37. It's the old "Counters start off wrong till they change bug".

But when he is fighting the antlion on the wood dock he fires off a few rounds before fireing the grenade, and he fires down to 37 and then fires the grenade, (at least in the big vid) u can see the muzzle flash the sound etc, The counter bug from other scenes usally happens instantly.