Heckler & Koch MP7 Grenade Madness

PatPwnt said:
Guys... I think its a placement holder until they can add the launcher onto the OICW, the assault rifle. In the leak it's weird because in the model files it says that the mp7 grenade is called assault rifle grenade. I guess there is a bug because there would have to be three modes for the assault rifle. Normal attack, grenade launcher and zoom.

The leak also contained script files which included Primary Secondary and Speacial fire modes. (although there is a zoom throughout the game so pehaps it changes depending on what weapon ur carrying), but anyway, time will tell :)
Sprafa said:
You guys need to read some more.

the XM8 is the lower part of the OICW. So it is in the game.....

Not entirely true. The XM8 is based of the G36 design, and so is the rifle part of the OICW.
PvtRyan said:
Not entirely true. The XM8 is based of the G36 design, and so is the rifle part of the OICW.

If I didn't got your post wrong, you just re-stated what I had just said.


The XM8 will be almost similar to the "KE" (kinetic energy) part of the XM29 OICW system

Ok, it'll have some differecnes, but they'll be minimal. And the ppl asking for some future and the M8, please note -

the XM8 should enter full production circa 2005, if not earlier, several years before the XM29 OICW

Reading a little never harmed anyone.....
What I was trying to say that the firing system and functioning of the XM8 is similar to the HK G36. And the rifle part of the OICW is also based of the G36:

The rifle, or "kinetic energy" part of the XM-29 system, on the other hand, is a fairy conventional, short-barreled assault rifle, derived from the Heckler-Koch G36 assault rifle.

So technically, the XM8 is very similar to the rifle of the OICW, because they're based of the same system. But it's not like there's actually a XM8 under the OICW, because the XM8 is technically just a G36.....
Ah well useless discussion.
Wow. Posting leak material and a screenshot from it. Not smart idea.
moppe said:
Wow. Posting leak material and a screenshot from it. Not smart idea.

all for the greater good of the informed.
Well I hope the MP7's grenade launcher is just a placeholder for the OICW, or they at least add in the actual launcher (so they aren't firing out of thin air.) The entire reason I didn't want th MP7 to have a grenade launcher is because the OICW already has one, and the MP7 firing grenades is just humorous :P
i dont really care, about how big the ****ing barrel should be
well you should cos if the wrong type of grenade down it it'll blow up in your hands, which is bad. :)
coolest thing ever: the XM8 can have an effin 12 gauge shotgun modded onto it....
Notice how the MP7 in HL2 has two Barrels. One of them fires grenades while the other shoots bullets. This is also how the OICW functions in real life. Grenades come in 40mm size (M203 currently on M16 rifles) and 20MM size (currently built into OICW.) Grenades can be quite small. I wouldn't be surprised if the MP7 in HL2 has an OICW modified grenade launcher that the combine soldiers made so that it can be a handy, lightweight alternative to the bulky OICW while still packing nearly the same punch.
Fitting a 20mm grenade in a tube that small? thats like trying to inseminate a hamster.
I know. It's a game though. The grenade doesn't have to be able to fit in there. It might even be Valve's version of the gun with really small grenades. We'll have to see him reload it to be able to tell.
Moto-x_Pat said:
Notice how the MP7 in HL2 has two Barrels. One of them fires grenades while the other shoots bullets. This is also how the OICW functions in real life. Grenades come in 40mm size (M203 currently on M16 rifles) and 20MM size (currently built into OICW.) Grenades can be quite small. I wouldn't be surprised if the MP7 in HL2 has an OICW modified grenade launcher that the combine soldiers made so that it can be a handy, lightweight alternative to the bulky OICW while still packing nearly the same punch.

I think that it would have a much better view if you could see it from the front. the barrels can remind you of eachother from that perspective.

http://world.guns***/assault/as40-e.htm It's not like it's omfg big, but you would probably be able to say that if it was pointing at you.
i just hope that you actually have to reload your grenade launcher in this one... rather then being able to somehow fire 9 grenades in rapid succession.
that ruined HL mp.
you know thats a really sissy weapon... its only 4.somethin.
Moto-x_Pat said:
I know. It's a game though. The grenade doesn't have to be able to fit in there. It might even be Valve's version of the gun with really small grenades. We'll have to see him reload it to be able to tell.

I know it's just a game, and we're supposed to bend our beliefs because we're facing alien invasion from another dimension and so on... but having to fight them off with current-tech guns that bend the laws of physics (20mm grenades out of something the size of the PDW -- see the attached pix for a look at the 20mm rounds) well..., it just doesn't have the right kind of verisimilitude. Energy weapons I can buy, because at Black Mesa they had jumped to Xen to steal the tech. Squeezing nukular explosions out of 9mm sized grenades just isn't right.

To take Lobsters suggestion a bit further why doesn't it just fire contact-explosive hampsters instead? We're lurching towards the old rocket_crowbar mod territory here. If HL2 were to take this track it'd resemble Armed and Dangerous... though maybe that's not a bad thing -- the landshark gun and topsy-turvy grenades were fun. :D

The OICW is a huge gun, for saying it only fires a measly 20mm 'nade. One of the complaints about the OICW was that the grenade had too small a payload for all it's advanced use (other complaints included bulky size, weight, cost and limited application in combat). Even 40mm grenades from something like a 203 don't pack as much boom as a hand grenade. It's still being used as part of the ongoing Advanced Combat Rifle testing programmes IIRC, but effectively the OICW is dead: it's role to be replaced by the XM-25; which is effectively the grenade part of the OICW alone (dressed up to look like part of the XM8 family), and with flechette ammo to replace the anti-personnel part that the cut down G36 represented.

On to the attachments... one's a exploded view of the OICW showing the component parts; the second shows the sheer bulk of the thing. Try not to giggle at the 'perfect infantry weapon' blurb... well,... it was a nice idea, and eventually it might come to pass -- but not anytime within the next couple of decades probably.
looks cool though smawg.

The OICW is already modelled for a fpp isn't it?
i didn't like the mp5 in hl1, it should have had a 30 round magazine and a grenade launcher tha you had to reload. the realism is good, but i guess if it were like that it would be too boring, having to constantly reload and reload and reload. i guess i'm only talking from a counter-strike point of view.
I don't particulary care about the grenade thing. I'd prefer they'd do it Halo style (throwing with the other arm) but i'd rather an unrealistic grenade launcer in that gun then only being able to carry a flashlight with both hands and no gun like in Doom .

Still only a minor complaint that will have no impact on the verdict of the game (Same for Doom 3)
You can attach a nade launcher to a rifle, but for a smg there is none in real a life though. And nades from the rifle are shot from the ground not helding the gun in your hands irl :D
PiMuRho said:
You wouldn't say that if one hit you on the head at high speed, before detonating and wallpapering the immediate vicinity with your cranial mass.

/me holds up "The Record".

For the record, I wasn't implying that Teensy = Weedy. Simply referring to the size.