Heh, HL2 losing mod teams right and left.


May 24, 2003
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For a past couple months, I seen mod teams switching over to UT2004 or Farcry engines, because they want to start modding. I guess I understand them completely, as much as I love Valve, they need to say SOMETHING about SDK, HL2 release and etc. Soon, as we all know by now, means absolutely nothing. It’s actually a bit sad, because HL2 seems to have all the tools mod teams will ever need.
I am worried that all good mods will switch over to Far Cry.
well, if they don't release the SDK at E3, they'll probably be in trouble. Here's hoping that they do.
I dont see how people can even be modding HL2 when it hasn't even been released...
I dont see all good mod teams moving over.. the simple fact is hl2 will shift more units than either of those games and will probably end up being the spiritual home like hl1 is now. But yeah would be nice to have some concrete news :)
Lethal8472 said:
I dont see how people can even be modding HL2 when it hasn't even been released...

..wow, the point of this thread is that people AREN'T modding HL2, and are jumping ship to other engines.
I expect the SDK to be released at e3 this year.. but yeah.. some promising mods are stepping over to other games like ut2k4 and far cry. valve should atleast set a release dat for the SDK sot hat the mods know when they can use it.. everything is to much in the dark right now.
Lethal8472 said:
I dont see how people can even be modding HL2 when it hasn't even been released...

planning, concept, design doc. making models and textures. you can do alot without the game being released yet
I mailed Gabe:

I read 2 sec's ago that several modding teams are switching from hl2 to other game (ut2004 or farcry).
Half-life(1) was a great game, and i loved it, both sp and mp... but it was the mods that made it what it are today... HUGE! (ie Counter-strike, Day of Defeat).
Without the mods Half-life whould have been a great game, but not as huge as today.

People need news, people need news BAD mr.Newell!
When will the SDK come? Half-life2 is loosing fans all over the world as we speak, there is no time to wait until E3 with news... Give us something... or the world will be destroyed by raging hl2 fans that got to little news...

Fredrik 'figge' Idestål , Sweden

Now i will await his answe :p
I still think that the best mods is still underground waiting for the SDK so they can show off some real stuff. Sure, unskinned WW2 renders can look nice... but we dont know about the best mods yet.
i think this dosent really matter, because the amount of mods for HL2 over the next few years will be amazing. i think in a couple months these teams might regret the decision to skip out on all that HL2 will have to offer. theyre giving up on what will most likely be a massive fanbase, and judging by the success of HL1, thats what mods need. they should have at least waited until after e3 to see if things get cleared up.
Man, i feel like an idiot. Sorry for wasting you time...just wasnt thinking straight.
Lethal8472 said:
Man, i feel like an idiot. Sorry for wasting you time...just wasnt thinking straight.

Sorry as well, I was a little harsh.. :cheers:
I'm heading up a mod team and we're waiting for the HL2 SDK. For what we want to do, Source still seems like the best engine for the job. It's going to take us at least a couple of years to make the mod anyway (we want very high quality work) so we can afford to wait a few more months and hammer out the concept and design even more.

However, I don't want to make models and textures before I know exactly what the engine is capable of in-game. That's just a personal opinion of mine. I just think it would be nice to get some ideas on how to integrate normal maps, shaders, etc. in models and such in realistic-looking ways.
Professional people don’t have time sitting around, waiting for a game to come out. Many people use mods to show off their skills to the industry, they need work badly, and with uncertain release date… well, you see my point.

Yes, I am not saying that HL2 won’t have great mods, but what if tomorrow we will lose some original mod team?
you only need 1 good mod, and thats when the original MP gets bored, wich wont happen that soon i think

*flush* :x

i hate threads like this
you can deffinately trust that when it is released there wil be more than enough teams working constantly on mods. its going to be too good a game not to, besides they will all want to work with the new engine which may i add is nothing short of revolutionary. :cheers:
Of the 30,000 mods in planning, only a few will actually get done, and even fewer will be worth playing. Long term support and ease/power of mod tools will be a bigger factor then getting out out a month or two early.
Only 1 good mod? Why?

People like different types of games. Counter-Strike, Day of Defeat, and Natural Selection are just a small sample. All 3 offer very different gameplay and game types, and I enjoy them all.
How about, you get Farcry, UT, and Hl2 and you will be all set and not miss any mods... i really dont care what engine they are on as long as they make a quality mod.
genocide604 said:
How about, you get Farcry, UT, and Hl2 and you will be all set and not miss any mods... i really dont care what engine they are on as long as they make a quality mod.

so your saying you would rather use an engine where it was totally in accurate and not realistic ?
LoL, this makes me laugh :D , I remember Doug saying, back in Dezember or February, the SDK will be released in a few weeks. LoL, you can count on Doug 's word.
Mods that are switching engines right now are most of the time not the most promising mods. They're just impatient, there's lots of stuff you can do without having the SDK yet. I don't believe they got all their models done and skinned, neither do I believe most mods even got a proper design doc.

That they just switch to the first engine that suits them, means they just hopped on the hype bandwagon last year and didn't even think about the specific stuff that the engine features. If they really planned on using the posibilites of Source, they wouldn't have switched so quickly. Most of these mods are CS and DoD clones that will die in a few months, we can miss them.

Still, like 300 registered (that means at least twice as much unregistered) mods for a game that isn't even released yet (hell, there isn't even a date yet!) isn't a bad sign at all.
genocide604 said:
How about, you get Farcry, UT, and Hl2 and you will be all set and not miss any mods... i really dont care what engine they are on as long as they make a quality mod.

i dont think so. i loved halflife's gaming-performance, other games just couldnt match with it. e.g. ut's ingame feeling is not as good as hl's, do you know what i mean?
its not only the engine what counts, its also the performance (imo).
Yes, we all know that mod-teams are a limited resource. :rolleyes:

Seriously, there will be plenty of folks chomping at the bit to put the Source engine through its paces when the time comes. Most mod teams are a fickle bunch anyway, and many of the ones moving away from the Source engine will most likely migrate back when something new and shiney appears.
I think its great that people are moving over to Farcry. The Sandbox editor is amazing and will ive mappers the freedom to do just about anything they want and not impose horrible restrictions like hammer. who wants to spend time hollowing stuff out when you can just place and manipulate your objects in realtime 3d space.
Since most mods suck or dont see the light of day.
I am not losing any sleep over it.
Koldfire said:
I think its great that people are moving over to Farcry. The Sandbox editor is amazing and will ive mappers the freedom to do just about anything they want and not impose horrible restrictions like hammer. who wants to spend time hollowing stuff out when you can just place and manipulate your objects in realtime 3d space.

That's great, as long as you set your mod on a tropical island.

Want to make your own structures? You can't....

Want to use your own textures? You can't....

Want to do something other than make Far Cry maps? You can't....

...because they're all waiting for CryTek to release the SDK that allows you to do this

Sound familiar?
Falcon(Nate) said:
I'm heading up a mod team and we're waiting for the HL2 SDK. For what we want to do, Source still seems like the best engine for the job. It's going to take us at least a couple of years to make the mod anyway (we want very high quality work) so we can afford to wait a few more months and hammer out the concept and design even more.

However, I don't want to make models and textures before I know exactly what the engine is capable of in-game. That's just a personal opinion of mine. I just think it would be nice to get some ideas on how to integrate normal maps, shaders, etc. in models and such in realistic-looking ways.

What type of mod are you tinking of making?
Mountain Man said:
Yes, we all know that mod-teams are a limited resource. :rolleyes:

Seriously, there will be plenty of folks chomping at the bit to put the Source engine through its paces when the time comes. Most mod teams are a fickle bunch anyway, and many of the ones moving away from the Source engine will most likely migrate back when something new and shiney appears.
It may be cynical, but it's true.
I'v seen some good art for HL2 mods but the concepts of gameplay and storyline often don't seem as good, in other words there not that original or inspireing (with one or two exceptions).

Even if every mod team pissed off to gobshite Far Cry or whatever game happens to be the current "best ever", it wouldn't matter. If the games good and the engine is too, the modders will come, regardless of when it's released.
Corupter said:
so your saying you would rather use an engine where it was totally in accurate and not realistic ?

It wouldn't be a quality mod if that were the case, now would it? He said "as long as they make a quality mod." And, to be fair, I think all three engines he mentioned have the capability to produce quality modifications, in capable hands.
once the game is released modders are going to realize what they have to work with. following that realization will come ejaculation. then they will start new mods.
Let them go to Far cry....

i realy couldnt care less becuase any serious mod will stick with Hl2.

all this is doing is seperating the weak from the strong.
PiMuRho said:
That's great, as long as you set your mod on a tropical island.

Want to make your own structures? You can't....

Want to use your own textures? You can't....

Want to do something other than make Far Cry maps? You can't....

...because they're all waiting for CryTek to release the SDK that allows you to do this

Sound familiar?
pimurho you pwnd that kid!
Crytek, X-Ray, D³, UT are all great engines.....if you want to make basic single player or multiplayer shooters but if your interested in making something more challenging like an adventure game, total conversion or Machinima film for example then the Source engine is probably the best bet given that the tech is geared to atmospheric immersion.
HL2 isn't out yet. Before HL2 was even announced, mod teams were picking other engines. When HL2 comes out, some people will start picking HL2. That'll be the case no matter when the game comes out. The fact that people are very publically switching from one unreleased engine to another already released one is meaningless. If HL2 wasn't announced until the day it was released, then those same teams that have "switched" would already have started work on other engines. So again, this seems to be a whole lot of smoke but no fire.
Doesn't really matter for me but I can understand that it matters alot to the modders here and there.
Regardless of which engine is used, the mod still has to be good.. Many mods don't have the best graphics because they are made as a hobby, not professionally. Mods succeed only because of gameplay.

You only have to look at CS and DOD to see that the best engine is not needed for a mod to be successful. Yeh, the new CS or DOD could very well switch over to FarCry, but why does it matter? It's the gameplay that will decide if you keep the mod on your box for more than 10 minutes, not which engine it's based on. Writing mods off because they don't use the Source engine is pretty pre-emptive, why not play the mod and decide if you like it based on gameplay, not on your loyalty to valve.
Well, it seems that folks are leaving the HL2 scene in droves. I stop in a once in while to get a snicker at the posts. What was it that Gabe said about the ATI/Nvidia issues, "Our Customers will be pissed". So dragging folks through expectations of a game not nearly finished on 9/30/03 and NOW they are still adding or subtracting things 7months later kinda says something. Now even the mods are switching over to games that are "finished". "Impatience", LOL I think everyone has shown enough patience.