Hella wtf?

May 15, 2003
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It's finally starting to dawn on me: I've spent almost my entire life at school, and that all ends on May 27rd.. And then I make a clean break and head to University in September.. but before all that I've got 2 momentus events:

1. My Exams - horrid bastard things but hell, I'll do my best :)

2. Magaluf. Just 10 mates and me on a lads holiday for a week in an area known as 'shagaluf' and 'slagaluf' - it's going to be superb fun :D

So far, I've had very little life experience, and it's starting to dawn on me what a sheltered life I've led, despite my odd childhood..

... watch out world - I'm coming :D

Anyone else (I know a lot of fellow brits are close to my situation, and hell some US peeps too ) starting to feel this way? I know one thing for sure, I'm going to make these times with my friends count :)
Watch out world? Watch out for yourself more like. ;)
Have fun and take care. :thumbs:
I look forward to the day I leave school.:D
Enjoy yourself! Don't get TOO lost when I find you and tie you up and place you nicely in my basement :)
It's not as big as that, but it seems so at the moment, and I'm greatly looking forwards to leaving high school tomorrow.. :D
ComradeBadger said:
2. Magaluf. Just 10 mates and me on a lads holiday for a week in an area known as 'shagaluf' and 'slagaluf' - it's going to be superb fun :D

sweet jesus
Expect to learn lots and lots at uni. Expect to get educated too. ;)
I am, 10 days left until high school is over for good!

...Then college after that :sniper:
I just hit the big two-oh and I'm actually feeling older, which I never really did on birthdays before. As I said to a friend of mine:
"I'm like a member of the living dead skidding towards the grave in the Grim Reaper's shopping trolley fashioned from skeletons."

And so I've got exams in less than a week. Exams that count towards my final degree. Exams that I was supposed to stay in and revise for, but here I am... Exams that I'm terrified of failing. Exams that I run a risk of failing.

And then there's next year and a dissertation which will most likely turn me into a pathological sceptic, believing in the reality of very little with a deep and unflailing depression at the pointlessness of it all (Existentialist philosophy and Samuel Beckett - ooooh the bleakness of it all).

And then... And then... The real world. <Shudders> I know I want to be a writer. I know that I don't want to end up in an office desk job that bores the bollocks off me and will inevitably end in a rather undesirable mental breakdown and a mid-life crisis powerful enough to fell empires.

It's just all down to whether I can make this happen for myself, and given my current levels of will-power and direction - as you can plainly see - it's all a bit worrying.
Never mind. I'll just console myself with the glaringly obvious fact that one day your grandchildren will be reading my books and weeping tears of purest joy.
You're going to feel institutionalized lol, high school was awesome, no responsibility or real work at all.
el Chi said:
I just hit the big two-oh and I'm actually feeling older, which I never really did on birthdays before. As I said to a friend of mine:
"I'm like a member of the living dead skidding towards the grave in the Grim Reaper's shopping trolley fashioned from skeletons."

And so I've got exams in less than a week. Exams that count towards my final degree. Exams that I was supposed to stay in and revise for, but here I am... Exams that I'm terrified of failing. Exams that I run a risk of failing.

And then there's next year and a dissertation which will most likely turn me into a pathological sceptic, believing in the reality of very little with a deep and unflailing depression at the pointlessness of it all (Existentialist philosophy and Samuel Beckett - ooooh the bleakness of it all).

And then... And then... The real world. <Shudders> I know I want to be a writer. I know that I don't want to end up in an office desk job that bores the bollocks off me and will inevitably end in a rather undesirable mental breakdown and a mid-life crisis powerful enough to fell empires.

It's just all down to whether I can make this happen for myself, and given my current levels of will-power and direction - as you can plainly see - it's all a bit worrying.
Never mind. I'll just console myself with the glaringly obvious fact that one day your grandchildren will be reading my books and weeping tears of purest joy.

Ouch that all sounds painfully familiar....Exams start Monday - the risk of failure has never been higher for me. And if I fail this year, I quit, it has been far too painful to consider going through again.

Secondary school to uni is a big step, but Uni to the rest of your life really is a blow to the gut.
ComradeBadger said:
Rawr :naughty:

I take it you know of it :E

12 of my girl 'friends' (now I realise that about 60% of them aren't really) at home went last summer (post sixth from). Now they are split into two groups, and very rarely talk to each other. And some of storys of what went on, sex wise, are horrid!
Meh, I would lead a sheltered life if I lived in Chaversham :p
el Chi said:
I just hit the big two-oh and I'm actually feeling older, which I never really did on birthdays before. As I said to a friend of mine:
"I'm like a member of the living dead skidding towards the grave in the Grim Reaper's shopping trolley fashioned from skeletons."

And so I've got exams in less than a week. Exams that count towards my final degree. Exams that I was supposed to stay in and revise for, but here I am... Exams that I'm terrified of failing. Exams that I run a risk of failing.

And then there's next year and a dissertation which will most likely turn me into a pathological sceptic, believing in the reality of very little with a deep and unflailing depression at the pointlessness of it all (Existentialist philosophy and Samuel Beckett - ooooh the bleakness of it all).

Yeah I just finished my dissertation about 3 weeks ago, and my finals are starting on Monday! I've learnt quite a lot, but today I've had an annoying mental block which prevented me from learning anything. Just hope I dont get any more blocks over the next 2 weeks.

Then it's the real world :O
Murray_H said:
12 of my girl 'friends' (now I realise that about 60% of them aren't really) at home went last summer (post sixth from). Now they are split into two groups, and very rarely talk to each other. And some of storys of what went on, sex wise, are horrid!
Yea but girls and lads are different on hols tbh :)

My girly mates were planning a holiday and it was bitchiness from the beginning :O
Embrace these times with open arms and try not to let go. You are about to enter absolutely, positively, without question the best and most enjoyable period of your life. I'd take the tests, the studying and the rest of the hard parts in a heartbeat if I could live those days again.

The goal should be to minimize things you could possibly regret later in life. Variety is the spice of life and living with regrets can be painful. Have fun.
Fishlore said:
The goal should be to minimize things you could possibly regret later in life. Variety is the spice of life and living with regrets can be painful. Have fun.

And there's me thinking the goal was to get ****ed on cheap beer ;)
Sir I'm happy to say that although at the moment stepping into the big wide world is well scary as I can well remember, it won't seem it in about 6 months, it's just getting better :D

I left college a year ago and been working full-time for 12 months. It does not seem like that long believe me, but I'm enjoying it and it's kinda exciting realising how far I've come in only a year, in a job working 9-6, Monday to Friday.
ComradeBadger said:
It's finally starting to dawn on me: I've spent almost my entire life at school, and that all ends on May 27rd.. And then I make a clean break and head to University in September.. but before all that I've got 2 momentus events:

1. My Exams - horrid bastard things but hell, I'll do my best :)

2. Magaluf. Just 10 mates and me on a lads holiday for a week in an area known as 'shagaluf' and 'slagaluf' - it's going to be superb fun :D

So far, I've had very little life experience, and it's starting to dawn on me what a sheltered life I've led, despite my odd childhood..

... watch out world - I'm coming :D

Anyone else (I know a lot of fellow brits are close to my situation, and hell some US peeps too ) starting to feel this way? I know one thing for sure, I'm going to make these times with my friends count :)

lol i cant belive its been a year since i graduated...i havent done jack shit with my life since then :LOL: Working on it though....
I'm looking forward to uni...ish. I don't regret taking a year out to just play hockey, I may be doing it again all next year (as my uni hasn't got back to me yet). You hear lots of people saying things like "you can't wait to leave now but in a few years you'll wish you were still at school". To a certain extent thats true, you'll soon realise how easy school was and wonder why you ever hated it, if you hated it that is.
oldagerocker said:
You'll love uni badger :)
You're not wrong - it's so much fun. Well, an all-round excellent experience.
ComradeBadger said:
It's finally starting to dawn on me: I've spent almost my entire life at school, and that all ends on May 27rd.. And then I make a clean break and head to University in September.. but before all that I've got 2 momentus events:

1. My Exams - horrid bastard things but hell, I'll do my best :)

2. Magaluf. Just 10 mates and me on a lads holiday for a week in an area known as 'shagaluf' and 'slagaluf' - it's going to be superb fun :D

So far, I've had very little life experience, and it's starting to dawn on me what a sheltered life I've led, despite my odd childhood..

... watch out world - I'm coming :D

Anyone else (I know a lot of fellow brits are close to my situation, and hell some US peeps too ) starting to feel this way? I know one thing for sure, I'm going to make these times with my friends count :)

in exactly the same position...i head off to york university in september and i did have a life about a year ago but life has been one big wholesome spell of SHIT recently so i look forward to it very much so

i just need to finish my 'final major project' and hope i pass my btec then i'm working for the summer, then i'm off for 3 years to get my penis out, swing it around a bit, shout loudly and be a general shit to society

oh i look forward
Have fun, although i can't believe your leaving me, i dont know what to say. Stuck with this ugly bunch now, its too soon :(