Hello everybody

Hullu said:
Just found this site and forum, and I'm excited! the site seems very comprehensive...

I am an old fan of half life, and also a fan of half life 2. can't wait for aftermath!

i just ordered a behind the scenes book for half life 2 - i am dying to see the artwork. I love half life 2 for being such a beautiful piece of art! the action was good, too, but i get most of my kicks from the beauty of the game!

oh and Gordon is very hot. the best character to play in games ever.
I see they took your suitcase too, they can't get away with this much longer.
Sulkdodds said:
Haggis-cream. Haggis. Cream. No matter how hard I try I can't get the dirty and quite disgusting thoughts out of my mind.

lol...ewwww :x
ooh dr. Freeman!! marry me!

I am in fact Finnish, cream-haggis. You make me hungry.
Don't worry, I promise I'll never fulfil my cannibalistic dreams.
I'm really a very nice cannibal! I won't eat anyone unless they ask me to. Honest!
*shoots jerkasaur with tranquilizer gun*

oops. hehe.
oh shoot. I only eat people when they can still run.
i... i can.. still.. run....
ouch... pwned, darn...

*stupid tranquilizers...*
Don't be. I'm all talk and nothing else.

*pulls on a praying mantis-costume*
*shoots hullu with tranquilizer gun*

what does hullu mean anyway?
Hullu means crazy, certifiable, insane, mad, lunatic... whichever you like the best.
Hullu said:
Hullu means crazy, certifiable, insane, mad, lunatic... whichever you like the best.
I'll take everything.
You're a crazy, certifiable and insane mad lunatic.