Hello Everyone


Mar 17, 2005
Reaction score
Hi everyone, I'm new to the forums here, but you can find me at the Garry's Mod forums at www.facepunchstudios.com/forums pretty good forums I might add. Oh well, but I just wanted to introduce myself to the forums and am happy to join them, too.
Welcome. Stay awhile. You'll like it here. ;)
Thanks guys, I'll be staying for awhile... or more! Definatly more!
Welcome to halflife2.net/forums... and yes, stay a while. :)
don't listen to them this place is a cult!

*gets dragged away by mods*
Welcome! I am the forum bot version 0.43a beta! If you have an issue, be sure to Private Message a moderator with your question.
No, It gives you teh madness WACKADOODLLEKS!!!! I drink the water fluently....get it?
ship, ive changed msn addy, can you pm me your name? lol

if you dont mind, i have msn back working. but like before i hardly go on it..
KoreBolteR said:
ship, ive changed msn addy, can you pm me your name? lol

if you dont mind, i have msn back working. but like before i hardly go on it..
Now there's a post better suited for a PM.
Welcome to the Democratic People's Republic of HL2.net!

also, beware of the not-so-secret police.
Okay, so welcome to the forums. We just have a few simple groundrules that you should probably be aware of.

1. You shall refer to everyone with more posts than you as "Your Grand High Inquisitor".
2. You shall never make eye contact. Ever.
3. When logging in, remember to cram a stack of playing cards into your rectum and then record the number of feet they go when you fart them out.
4. Your sig must be amusing, or you will pay the ultimate price.
5. If you don't use the search button then you will be forced to have shards of broken glass rammed into your eyes and your head shoved into a tub of Tabasco sauce.
6. My God, what is that stain on my shirt? Is that...jelly?
7. Jelly is forbidden.

Ranga, what's up with having a number in the middle of oyu sentence. I've noticed it a few times.
eatbugs said:
Ranga, what's up with having a number in the middle of oyu sentence. I've noticed it a few times.

It's the amount of times i've said it. Notice it goes UP.
Greatgat said:
Okay, so welcome to the forums. We just have a few simple groundrules that you should probably be aware of.

1. You shall refer to everyone with more posts than you as "Your Grand High Inquisitor".
2. You shall never make eye contact. Ever.
3. When logging in, remember to cram a stack of playing cards into your rectum and then record the number of feet they go when you fart them out.
4. Your sig must be amusing, or you will pay the ultimate price.
5. If you don't use the search button then you will be forced to have shards of broken glass rammed into your eyes and your head shoved into a tub of Tabasco sauce.
6. My God, what is that stain on my shirt? Is that...jelly?
7. Jelly is forbidden.

That's not fair...