help Amy lol

Wow. That girl has some insane legal troubles..


It is just a big scam like the Save Toby Foundation.
Wow, that really ****ing sucks, but she's lucky the RIAA didn't sue her for more, though it is her fault for downloading the songs. C'mon, if she paid $1 for each song, that settlement they forced her to pay could buy her more songs. Most of the fault goes to her for using P2P programs and downloading a bit too much.

If I could donate to her, I'd probably only give her 50$ because she did get royally screwed by the lady crashing the car and being a bitch and drama queen about it, but I still see it as her fault for getting sued by the RIAA.
She downloaded 2,000 songs, wtf was she expecting? Damn n00bs.
I wish people would be more subtle when downloading copyrighted stuff.

She was on a college network, where they were testing a new form of connection, surely she must of realised that it would be heavily monitored?
Shodan said:
I wish people would be more subtle when downloading copyrighted stuff.

She was on a college network, where they were testing a new form of connection, surely she must of realised that it would be heavily monitored?

Or at least be a selfish bugger and download but not share :p
Too bad she *d out half her case number. Otherwise I'd believe her.
Ugh, the second case disgusted me more. The fact that it wasn't her fault... but she still got sued by the woman who's fault it was? Nice, really ****ing nice. I hate the lawsuit culture we have to day. "Marital distress"? More like a new damned house.

Yeah, to be honest the law is the law. She'd probably be fine normally, but 2000 .mp3s is a little excessive.
well...i suppose its time for her to go start workin the street corner huh? :upstare:
anyway whatever...i don't believe her just because theres thousands of these types of scams.
why anyone would give her anything is beyond me. she steals(in my eyes) and then wants people to give her money. I hope she has to work for every cent and maybe she'll get a clue
there are thousens of people using file sharing programs.....why did they only make a mess out of her? And not all of the people doing this? Including me?
Ravioli said:
there are thousens of people using file sharing programs.....why did they only make a mess out of her? And not all of the people doing this? Including me?
Because they caught her.
2000 songs!

Thats a LOT of albums...No wonder they pulled here on it! I mean if you're goin to do piracy, at least be discrete...

For stupidity she should have to pay (although $750 for each song seemed excessive too)
I think that she should file a Title 11 bankruptcy. Sure, it'll screw whatever credit she may have, but it will also screw the RIAAssholes out of whatever amount of money that they want to rape her for...

It's Title 11, right? or was it something like Title 9 or Title 7.... anyhow.... it's a bankruptcy of sorts...
Anthraxxx said:
I think that she should file a Title 11 bankruptcy. Sure, it'll screw whatever credit she may have, but it will also screw the RIAAssholes out of whatever amount of money that they want to rape her for...

It's Title 11, right? or was it something like Title 9 or Title 7.... anyhow.... it's a bankruptcy of sorts...
Chapter 11.
DarkStar said:
I'd hit it.
Damn, beat me to it.
Anyway, it's interesting that she has her picture on that site. I bet if she was ugly/fat, no one would donate anything. Good thing for her she's cute.
Such a scam. The stupid anti-riaa background gives it away. Over-doing it.

I wouldn't donate even if it were real.

Also, I am angry with the thread starter for posting this, spreading it to even more people to get scammed out of their money by donating.
It's not the downloading, it's the sharing.

Download 2000 songs, whoop-de-doo. Share them - now you're in trouble.

It destroys p2p, I know. But there will always be seeders, just not super fast ones like in the good old days at the turn of the century. This is the golden age of the internet, folks. Enjoy it, because it could well be your kids get the watered down filtered supervised castrated version. Or they could get something 20 times as cool. You never know.
So she is getting sued for $250,000 already from the accident? What the hell is 4k to that?

Bitch ain't getting my money.
the 4k is the RIAA settlement, rather than try to take your case to the Supreme Court (you have to either be really ****ing stupid or rich to try this)

The old lady (accident one) is just looking for a new 4-sided "battery operated boyfriend", and a new house. Of course, it being her fault doesn't stop her.
Sober said:
The old lady (accident one) is just looking for a new 4-sided "battery operated boyfriend", and a new house. Of course, it being her fault doesn't stop her.

I gave her $ was wrong with my hand?! I just wasted ****ing 20 dollars.
Shoot me. I was on the Paypal page..I said,'m not stupid *types in 20, hits next*
"WTF? Shit..accidents I guess..gotta hit the close button.....*Submit" DAMNIT!"
Sober said:
the 4k is the RIAA settlement, rather than try to take your case to the Supreme Court (you have to either be really ****ing stupid or rich to try this)

The old lady (accident one) is just looking for a new 4-sided "battery operated boyfriend", and a new house. Of course, it being her fault doesn't stop her.

The old lady will get what she deserves in the end.
In the end, they're all getting beaten by the lawyer-stick. Which means everyone loses, except me.

-Angry Lawyer
Unless your anger breaks all barriers and you flip out during a crucial turn in Mario Kart. Then you lose.
FYI, a great alternative to downloading music... get Rhapsody and stream it! I'm pretty sure its only 10 bucks a month. I had it a for a little while and its great... only downside is that you have to pay extra to burn to a CD, but I usually end up buying CDs I like.
Wow, 2000 songs, I've ripped 90% of my music and I only have about 600

She steals from musicians and is a bad driver, she isn't even hawt! NO MONEY FOR YOU! COME BACK ONE YEAR!
Just use iTunes. It's cheap, it's legal, and you're assured that what you ask for is what you get, instead of getting some mislabelled junk.

Legal = win.

-Angry Lawyer