Help Get Portal 2 Released Early - OVERCLOCK HAS BEGUN, Release Incoming!

If they had intended to release the game a few hours early, they should not have implied otherwise with things like "4/19/2011_7AM=4/15/2011_9AM" and "two hours to next Tuesday."

Valve time...
The idea itself was okay, I guess, if kind of silly. The execution was pretty pathetic. In fact, most of Valve's marketing and PR stunt attempts are pretty pathetic. It's always puzzled me how a company that's so good at making games (and has the coin to show for it) can't afford a half-way decent PR team...
Or they could do nothing at all? Conformists.
I still don't get what all of the complaining is about. Sure, it wasn't the best idea ever. Sure, we all would've loved to have been able to have played it on Friday. But I myself am just happy we can get it even a few hours early; this game has been on the top of my list since after I bought Fallout: New Vegas, so I still appreciate what Valve did.
So from looking at the thing, it seems that if Portal 2 wouldn't be released until the calculations were finished, the game would actually come out late, rather than early... even though there are thousands and thousands of people doing it.

Kind of shitty IMO... setting the requirements way higher than would realistically be possible.
I meant someone from Valve actually saying that Portal2 is coming out earlier .

So they hype all this up and then just say 'nope we implied a lot but we didn't actually mean it'?

That's going from great marketing to terrible marketing in a day, and I guarantee it would lose them a lot of fans.

And really, it's not just this I'm mad about. If this had been all they've done, I could care less. Companies make mistakes. But Valve has just made too many for me to just forget about. Between four years of half life silence(when they were going to be lauded as an episodic release to get them out FASTER!) taking a wonderfully quirky game and filling it with pointless MMO-esque shit AND a cash shop(which everyone seems to hate in korean MMOs but if it's in TF2? Oh it's wonderful and great.) Lots of Valve 'helping' indie developers by practically eating them and cashing in on it, and then calling it exposing developers.

Also love how the community made a freakin' application to help out. Ruin the point more, why dontcha. It's not going to get you anywhere.

p.s. I know this is just 'marketing' but that isn't why we all came here- or shouldn't be why we all came to this site to begin with. We came here because of how much Valve used to care about its customers, not just being some dirty marketing machine that shits out whatever they want and people defend them by calling it 'good marketing'. Good devs are not made by money, they're made by the fans.

Remember the Orange Box? Me neither.
So from looking at the thing, it seems that if Portal 2 wouldn't be released until the calculations were finished, the game would actually come out late, rather than early...

Yeah I don't understand this.

Everyone says that we've already shaved off hours from the release date, but how can that be? The original release was the 19th, which I assume means midnight in Valve time. That's less than 17 hours from now. But then the website says 18 hours and 20 minutes remaining. That's an hour and a half AFTER midnight the 19th valve time. What gives?

Edit: Oh, the original release date was 7AM PST. So that does make this 5.5 hours early. I thought it was midnight though, because my sister was talking about going to the midnight release at gamestop tonight... Perhaps the stores are selling it early but Valve won't unlock it until the real release time?
So they hype all this up and then just say 'nope we implied a lot but we didn't actually mean it'?

That's going from great marketing to terrible marketing in a day, and I guarantee it would lose them a lot of fans.

And really, it's not just this I'm mad about. If this had been all they've done, I could care less. Companies make mistakes. But Valve has just made too many for me to just forget about. Between four years of half life silence(when they were going to be lauded as an episodic release to get them out FASTER!) taking a wonderfully quirky game and filling it with pointless MMO-esque shit AND a cash shop(which everyone seems to hate in korean MMOs but if it's in TF2? Oh it's wonderful and great.) Lots of Valve 'helping' indie developers by practically eating them and cashing in on it, and then calling it exposing developers.

Also love how the community made a freakin' application to help out. Ruin the point more, why dontcha. It's not going to get you anywhere.

p.s. I know this is just 'marketing' but that isn't why we all came here- or shouldn't be why we all came to this site to begin with. We came here because of how much Valve used to care about its customers, not just being some dirty marketing machine that shits out whatever they want and people defend them by calling it 'good marketing'. Good devs are not made by money, they're made by the fans.

Remember the Orange Box? Me neither.

hey , I ain't defending Valve , I am also as pissed as you are . This "collect the pototo s**t" was never about Portal2 it was about the Potato Sack games themselves . Portal2 was very well placed to advertise those games , not the other way around . Valve messed up big time , no question about it .
hey , I ain't defending Valve , I am also as pissed as you are . This "collect the pototo s**t" was never about Portal2 it was about the Potato Sack games themselves . Portal2 was very well placed to advertise those games , not the other way around . Valve messed up big time , no question about it .

Only the first line was for you, the rest was just me being mad.

(Also, the potato thing is directly related to Portal 2 as you can see BY ALL OF THIS and also there is apparently a potato joke or something in Portal 2, don't quote me on that though.)
Nice little writeup here.

Valve’s idea seemed promising enough: Offer over a dozen indie games substantially discounted, give players a chance to participate in an event and outcome their actions could actually change. The problem was creating a game they couldn’t win.

I guess to put it in perspective, it's surely got to be less damaging than the half-life2/steam affair. Still, they do seem to have managed to annoy at least 50% of their fanbase massively, which is probably not the outcome they wanted...!
Also - seen this?


1. We designed the entire thing to be very, very durable. It was easy to get the materials since everyone’s been thinking it’s a simple icebreaker ship. Ha.

2. We have made sure to strip it of anything not necessary, so that we have plenty of space for it. It doesn’t have any backup supplies in the event the crew runs out of food, though. And there isn’t much food onboard in the first place.

3. In the event you need to send it off all of a sudden, use the OR box with code ‘hb1?.

That’s all, C.J. Not much else I can tell you other than this won’t leave a blight on our record. Mesa is going to be sore when they see what we’ve done.
I don't understand the anger. What did Valve do to hurt you? It's a privately owned company that makes video games. They have made a video game that you like and want to play, yet somehow you are feeling butthurt about this. Why? Because it didn't come out when you wanted it to? Why does Valve owe you a video game on Friday? Where did they promise this to you? Are you angry because there is a mini-game of playing cheap video games going on that affects the release date of another video game by a few hours? If that is really the source of your anger, you need to go outside and look around for a bit, maybe turn on the news.
They could have very easily supported the indie developers while also not pissing everyone off. If they had intended to release the game a few hours early, they should not have implied otherwise with things like "4/19/2011_7AM=4/15/2011_9AM" and "two hours to next Tuesday."
That never implied anything - that code was found in the arsehole of nowhere. Hardly the place for Valve to announce a game would be moving forward a game launch. Everyone made that connection up and in their minds and convinced each other and disappointed each other. Blame yourselves, Valve never gave us any other dates...the only alteration to release date occurred upon G@H launching.
As stupid as this was, I don't know how anyone can call Valve (or this) a marketing failure. All of their Steam schemes raise awareness and interest in their games and the games of other companies, usually at no real direct cost to anyone. They ****ing ooze virality. Right now, even as everyone hates this dumb ploy, they are doing nothing but think and talking about Portal 2 and how they want it immediately.
I don't understand the anger. What did Valve do to hurt you? It's a privately owned company that makes video games. They have made a video game that you like and want to play, yet somehow you are feeling butthurt about this. Why? Because it didn't come out when you wanted it to?
No, because they strung us along with this elaborate puzzle and then dangled an early release in front of us, only for us to find out it was all useless.

If that is really the source of your anger, you need to go outside and look around for a bit, maybe turn on the news.
Are you telling us to get a life or something? That it's just a video game? Valve is the one that came up with this elaborate viral scheme, and we played along because it was fun. Are you telling all the people who invested their time into it to get lives, just because it ended up being worth nothing and we're angry about it?
Valve is the one that came up with this elaborate viral scheme, and we played along because it was fun.


Seriously, lighten up, it's a game. If this is the first time you have felt like you have wasted dozens (if not hundreds or thousands) of hours on a video game, then you are way ahead of a lot of people.
If it comes out by a reasonable time tonight, i'll be a happy camper.
I wish I could get unreasonably angry at things that don't really matter... but I'm just too busy these days.
Guys, you do realize that Valve will probably make amends for this in some way - like giving everyone a new TF2 hat or a Portal 2 co-op skin - and you'll all be sucking from the teet again.
Somehow I don't think the people who are mildly irritated by the climax of this ARG will see a new TF2 hat and think "oh my god valve i'm so sorry i ever doubted you".
The only way valve could rescue this is to release it tonight and pretend they were trolling...
Somehow I don't think the people who are mildly irritated by the climax of this ARG will see a new TF2 hat and think "oh my god valve i'm so sorry i ever doubted you".

Apparently you don't know how amazing a TF2 hat is.
Somehow I don't think the people who are mildly irritated by the climax of this ARG will see a new TF2 hat and think "oh my god valve i'm so sorry i ever doubted you".

Of course, I was being facetious. But there is no doubt that there will be a swift stroke of "Valve brilliance" in which everyone will fall in love with Valve again.
Hang in There

Of course, I was being facetious. But there is no doubt that there will be a swift stroke of "Valve brilliance" in which everyone will fall in love with Valve again.

Well, I'm sure people will quickly forget about the ARG mess when Valve quietly pulls Portal 2 from Steam and refuses to speak about it ever again. "Did we say there was going to be another Portal game? I'm sorry, but we're not ready to talk about that just yet. We'll go ahead and say that we may be ready to discuss it by the end of the year, but in actuality, we almost certainly won't even acknowledge it until at least the second half of this decade. Hang in there."
I can't believe that people actually believed that Valve were ever going to release Portal 2 days early. Retail still holds way to much power and the main street retailers and EA would never allow Valve to release the game earlier on Steam. Remember the fuss with Left4Dead 2 in the UK after a while EA complained that UK steam pre-orders would release days ahead of the retail launch and forced Valve to make any further UK steam pre-orders wait for the UK retail launch. The best we were ever going to get were a few hours which we got and frankly it's pathetic.
THE ONLY WAY VALVE WILL MAKE UP FOR THI--- oh wait portal 2's out, who cares
THE ONLY WAY VALVE WILL MAKE UP FOR THI--- oh wait portal 2's out, who cares

Indeed. We're less than a day away from all the bitching to cease ... for a bit. Gotta love gamers.
Not my quote, but I fully agree:

Some dude on reddit said:
People are getting disappointed that the fictional asshole of a robot that they are taking directions from isn't delivering on its promises.
I can't believe that people actually believed that Valve were ever going to release Portal 2 days early.

What? Nobody thought that? Nobody even knew of Portal then. We're talking about Portal 2 here.
11:00 - Reboot safety test protocol initiated...
11:00 - Relaxation chamber locks released...
11:00 - Involuntary hazard mitigation associates have assumed testing positions...
11:00 - Pre-release lethality assessment initiated...

well then
I Always forget about the post-release memory wipe that happens everytime a game comes out. It happens with literally every product released on Valve time.

I really hope this ticks down to at least midnight eastern but I feel like, since it's only at about 4 AM at the moment that it might not even make it close. I have no idea what these potatoes are doing right now though...
I think the entire point of this is to release a product not on Valve time :P
The potato countdown is going to take only two hours less than the other countdown to finish.