help... HELP.. WTF HELP

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valve said that a dx6 card would run hl2 fine... well i have fx5200 (witch not one seems to like here) and it said in an artical on the ati site (yes ive been looking at radeons) im guna upgrade yo a 6800 ultra soon... but that ati artical said id only get 15 fps on my card... wtf? if this is true then valves sys req are bull

PS this is the 2nd day in a row that ive had hl2 release dreams and im getting sick of it... im allways pissed off when i wake up
Uh...K... Well to try and answer your question... No one knows what any cards performance will be in HL2 since it ain't out yet, only then will we know.

edit: Its Manta, not mantana and it's Scorpion and not squirpion.
yeah but i dont want to be choping threw hl2 at 10 fps a second... i mean farcry sucked the juce up with its lighting in thows dark bunkers...

ne ways i thouhgt the game was playable... havent they allreaddy tested it?
Uh, is your mother tongue English or?
Mate, the FX5200 is a horribly underpowered card. Sorry, but it's the truth.
never really learned english that good but... i learn russian a bit

Я принял русского наилучшим образом

edit... badger the fx5200 runs evreything ive thrown at it.... its just hl2 will only get 15 fps... will thare be open GL mode? that might ring it up a bit... i get 40 fps in D3D on cs but i get over a hundred in open gl
VALVe has said no OpenGL, we'll see though. Personally, I wouldn't believe that you'd get 15 FPS. Maybe you would if you tried to use the PS 2.0 shaders, but HL2 simply ID's your card and, well, doesn't try to make it use them. Trust me it won't run at 15 FPS. I know a certain Voodoo5 (yes, from 2000) that ran trainingroom at least at 150 FPS, although admittedly without any shaders.
I know it runs everything you've thrown at it. But try playing Deus Ex: Invisable War, or Halo... they'll chew it up at high rez and detail, infact, Invisable War is unplayable.
yes DX:IW is unplayable and i allreaddy compleated it in 800x600... the super shadows where what chewed it up... DX1 was a master piece... DX2 simply ruined it
what kind of frames and goodies will i beable to get outa hl2 with a 6800 ultra
ok then.... well ne ways im shakeing my momma like hell trying to squeeze any loose change outa her heheheheheh i just hope the 6800 ultra lives over its makers name
XenoSpirit said:
valve said that a dx6 card would run hl2 fine... well i have fx5200 (witch not one seems to like here) and it said in an artical on the ati site (yes ive been looking at radeons) im guna upgrade yo a 6800 ultra soon... but that ati artical said id only get 15 fps on my card... wtf? if this is true then valves sys req are bull

PS this is the 2nd day in a row that ive had hl2 release dreams and im getting sick of it... im allways pissed off when i wake up

WHY ARE YOU GETTING ADVISE FROM ATI? ****ing hell...lets put it in baby would'nt go into a Ford car dealers to get info on a Vauxhall car.

Either its just me can't read or you really need a few lessons in these [ , . ]

But none the less you say that you'll only get a 15fps increase from a 5200 to a 6800ultra lmao...dude my GF4TI4600 is better than a 5200 and i know i wont be getting a 15fps increase on any game when i get a 6800ultra.
You're not gonna get 15fps outta the 5200.

a) It's ATi's objective to make people buy new cards, preferably thier own.
b) You might get 15 if you trying running it with ps/vs2.0, but hl2 will default you and your settings to osmehting like ps 1.3/1.4, and it'll look fine, and it'll run fine. you don't really have to worry as much as you are about it.
ummm mate. that 5200 you have is a peice of shit. i owned and got rid of it as quickly as i possibly could. the thing just plane flat out sux. go get yourself a new card. i bought the 9800 pro. the 5200 will not play hl2 any good. you will have to turn everything off and play it at its most basic level. sorry, but its the truth.
SidewinderX143 said:
You're not gonna get 15fps outta the 5200.

a) It's ATi's objective to make people buy new cards, preferably thier own.
b) You might get 15 if you trying running it with ps/vs2.0, but hl2 will default you and your settings to osmehting like ps 1.3/1.4, and it'll look fine, and it'll run fine. you don't really have to worry as much as you are about it.

^^^what he said :thumbs:
im tierd of the ati fanboys here thats #1 and #2 is i dint say i was getting a 15 fps increase from going 5200 to 8600 i said an ati artical said id only get 15 fps USEING 5200 now what res and settings can i put hl2 in on the 6800ULTRA
as was already said, the simple anwser is that no one knows....

try to be a bit more polite when people are trying to help you....
FYI there isn't a ps 1.3 or 1.4 :P just 1.0, 1.1, 2.0 and now the upcoming 3.0.
Instead of spending $500 (or whatevery currency you use) for a top of the line video card, why don't you save yourself some money and buy a mid-range card. Of all the video cards Nvidia and ATI sells, only 10% of sales are their flagship models. So if you bought a 9600Pro or a FX5700, you will be fine. An even better idea is wait and see how HL2 plays on your computer before you start spending hundreds of dollars on upgrades. Chances are you will be fine with your FX 5200.
The game's graphics will scale to your card, so the FPS will be pretty much the same no matter what card you have.... the graphics will just look better or worse depending on the card.
blahblahblah said:
What are you computer specs? And why did you buy a 5200 in the first place?
Could well mean that the rest of his comp becomes a bottleneck for the 6800 :/
i have 2.0ghz P4 prossessor, 2X 40GB high speed harddrives, 256megs of DDR ram, 52x max cd-rom, a ver out of date 1.4 meg 3.5" floppy, FX5200 and soon to be 6800... my PSU is only 110 watts i plan to get a 480+ watt for the 6800 ultra
You will have to up your RAM to at least 512 (if not 1 gig) first, because your RAM will be the bottleneck (and probably is right now). If you are so dead set on buying a new graphics card, atleast consider other options such as a Radeon 9800 Pro (for $220).

Man are you really going to spend $600 on upgrades just for the video card and PSU (Not to mention the $100 you are going to have to spend on RAM)? If you have that much money, can you send some my way? :imu:
Why would you even trust an ATI article showing off their competition's performance?

Also, like others have already said, you need atleast 512 megs of RAM.
With that kind of video card, your CPU will limit your framerate in most cases, so it would be a wiser investment to spend less and get maybe a 9800 pro at the most, otherwise it would be kind of a waste having all of that additional power but no way to get any real use out of it. Give your mom's checkbook some respect lol, unless she's super rich.
umop said:
Why would you even trust an ATI article showing off their competition's performance?
Because ATi is not a shifty, cheating company. Sure, one of their employees leaked the Doom3 alpha, but it's not like they artificially increased benchmarking scores in order to beat the competition, yet still failing to.
why would i have to up my ram and CPU just for a new card... the reson why i like Nvidia is cause of that sweet coloring and the the card wont crap out and i wont give this up
XenoSpirit said:
why would i have to up my ram and CPU just for a new card

Ever heard the saying "a chain is only as strong as its weakest link"? A computer is the same way. In your case, your RAM is automatically your weakest link. Having 256 Mb of RAM causes most games to use Virtual Memory which basically uses your harddrive as RAM. Virtual Memory is much slower than actually having more RAM in your computer. This slower memory slows down games because the game has to pull information off of the harddrive instead of accessing it quick from RAM.

So if you upgrade that, you take a look at your computer and find that your next weakest link is your CPU. If your CPU is too slow, your graphics card will sit around and do nothing most of the time (not the best way to use a $500 investment). The problem is that the CPU cannot process information fast enough to give it to the graphics card to render the graphics. You may not notice that problem now because most games will not stress the CPU hard enough to make that much of a difference. In 6months to a 1year though, it could be way different. Your graphics card could be willing to handle the games, but your CPU isn't.

I say that you will be more than happy with something like a 9800 Pro or some equivalent. That way you are not spending an insane amount of money, but you are still getting very good performance.

[Edit]: What is sweet coloring?
[Edit 2]: If you won't give this up, why are you asking us? If you already made your mind, fine. Have the mods lock this thread or we will let this thread die.
someone here tell me the requirements OUTHER THAN a 480 PSU
stigmata said:
Because ATi is not a shifty, cheating company. Sure, one of their employees leaked the Doom3 alpha, but it's not like they artificially increased benchmarking scores in order to beat the competition, yet still failing to.

Nice bias. My point was that companies will ALWAYS try to crush their competition. That is the way business works, it's common sense.