Help!!! How To Put On My Damn Suit



I am in the first part of the game. I just got into the lab with Alex and Barney opened the door to my old suit, and I can't put it on. I have tried everything I can think of, but I CAN'T DO IT!!! HELP
There's a button on the panel to the left. After you press that, the glass will open up, at which point you can walk into the suit in order to put it on.
Did you use the impulse 101 command by anychance?
Did you walk into it? REPLY

jsc1286 said:
Did you walk into it?
I walker to it, next to it, jumped at it, crouched in front of it then walked to it...I can't figure it out!
Eeexxxcccuuussseee Mmmeeee!!!!! To All Of You!!!! I Ask A F***ing Question...and You Treat Me Like S***!!!!
Milkman said:
Did you use the impulse 101 command by anychance?
Answer this, Trout. If you did, you cant get the suit.

Otherwise, restart "red letter day" and try again.
Troutmad said:
Eeexxxcccuuussseee Mmmeeee!!!!! To All Of You!!!! I Ask A F***ing Question...and You Treat Me Like S***!!!!
Youre seriously overreacting, man. Nobody was comin down hard on you. In fact most people were trying to help, and yet, you think everybody was insulting. Whats up with that, trout? Thats no way to treat these people.
Whoa, chill out man. Just press the button next to the suit and the glass slides away and then walk into it.
Troutmad said:
Eeexxxcccuuussseee Mmmeeee!!!!! To All Of You!!!! I Ask A F***ing Question...and You Treat Me Like S***!!!!

In response to this, you should be treated like ****.
I don't remember pressing any button to get the suit, doesn't Barney do that for you?
diluted said:
I don't remember pressing any button to get the suit, doesn't Barney do that for you?
Yes. I've even tried to press the button earlier but it doesnt work. So I dont know what these guys are on about.
Cheats being on wont stop you. Only if you have the suit already.
Just go "New game" and start at red letter day. Simple as that
all u need to do is walk around and "use" the other npcs, they start talking and soon you will be able to put on the suit
tCh said:
all u need to do is walk around and "use" the other npcs, they start talking and soon you will be able to put on the suit

no you dont, the sequence is all automatic, just as soon as barney opens the suit chamber, you can walk into it and you'll have it.
Omg I bet he has the warez copy and thats the problem!11one+shift

Seriously though, as bliink said, hit new game and start a red letter day over, and if you used impulse 101 I think that gives you the suit, therefore you wouldn't be able to get it.
About said:
i think he needs a nap....and a ban?
Unless the message changed why is a ban necessary?

But I dont think a "lol 123" (which I assume means as easy as 123)
and " I thought this was obvious" Is worthy of that response.
Kommie said:
But I dont think a "lol 123" (which I assume means as easy as 123)
I'm pretty sure the 123 was just to get around the 6 char min post limit.

But hell, it was funny. And not really insulting to Trout considering he did try that.
and tommy, u should be banned.
troutman if u used sv_cheats 1 and impulse 101 then u already have the suit. if u didnt, then there is some problem or bug in your game. as bliink has said, just restart "red letter day" and DO NOT CHEAT. then you can get the suit (i dont think it matters whether or not u get it, since sequence goes on...)
by any chance are u in front of barney so he can't get in to push the open glass door button
i've pressed the button to get the suit. it worked fine when barney was bitching about the pet headcrab, and i just hopped in my good old orange jumper and ran over and charged up.
mmm you do need a nap, restart the game you arnt that far into it. i didnt have to open the glass i just walked into it =]
You have two options:
1) Press the button yourself after Barney gets attacked by Lamarr.
2) Wait a minute or two for Barney to get back and press the button.
Eunoch said:
i dont think it matters whether or not u get it, since sequence goes on...
I beg to differ, but it VERY much matters if you already have it (and using Impulse 101 OR having the blue gravity gun BOTH will ensure that you have the suit already. If you have the suit, then no matter who opens the doors to the case with the suit in it (Hey, I just realised that it's a SUIT CASE!! Get it?), you cannot put it on. And the sequence DEFINITELY does not go on if you don't put on the suit... Everyone just stands around and mutters various comments that are only entertaining until you have heard them 15 TIMES while trying to get the stupid suit on! :flame:

So yes, it matters if you used cheats, and already have it, and NO, you cannot continue (without loading another map/reloading this one) if you used cheats and already have it.
On a Side-Note, does anyone know how to REMOVE the suit from yourself, once you have it. This would solve the problem here, and let people with the blue gravity gun progress through the storyline naturally.