Help Jonneh Find This Wallpaper



Hello all, I found this desktop screenshot from a site but I can't find the wallpaper. What's worse is that I could have sworn I've seen this wallpaper available somewhere before but I didn't DL it for some dumb reason, could it be it was on this site? lol can't check now because the main site is down, but if anyone out there can post a link to this background I'd really appreciate it :D
yeah.. it looks sweet, the mac look, really sweet, love the big icons @ the bottom, unfortionatly I have win98 se, no xp :'(

unless its a windowblinds skind, if so, gimme also
its for windows xp and has big cool photoshop 7.0 icon
if you're looking for the mac docking bar, there's a few utils that do that.

desktop x
Y'z Dock (my fav, and free)

if you're looking for a total mac conversion, desktopx definitely has you covered. they've got just about everything to turn your beautiful pc into a crap slinging shat box. but thats what i think.

MACify yourself

and another awesome desktop tweak here
You guys helped me out now I'll help you out :)

Yz Dock is ok, but that is Object Dock from Stardock (don't worry, its free) and you can get that right here

Those big icons that appear in object dock such as the photoshop icon and IE icon are .png files and you can download literally hundreds of them from WinCustomize to add them as shortcuts in your Object Dock.

The calendar is a neat little prog called Rainlender that you can get right here

I don't know what XP Visual Style that is, but it doesn't look to great in my opinion :)