Help stop Vivendi's stalemate!

What the case IS though is that I don't want to wait six months because making me wait is a way to coerce another company. This isn't about "OMG Valve is the Messiah" or something. this is about I the consumer don't want to be used, and further I don't want to wait that damn long to be playing HL2 just because of legal litigation.
If you think there going to listen..your in a big dream my friend. Corprate entities do NOT listen to ANYBODY. (even themselves in this case.) It's pointless to send them anything about the HL2/VUG matter. Even if a million people sent them e-mails claming that "I'm going to get HL2 of steam your morons!"; they still won't listen....they only way they see the world is money. So if anybody else wants to do this..your just wasting your time.
From the email:
Let me make it perfectly clear that I would much rather have the actual box with a physical disc than a downloaded version from Steam

Not me, getting it through Steam only....... Don't care about the box and all
dream431ca said:
If you think there going to listen..your in a big dream my friend. Corprate entities do NOT listen to ANYBODY. (even themselves in this case.) It's pointless to send them anything about the HL2/VUG matter. Even if a million people sent them e-mails claming that "I'm going to get HL2 of steam your morons!"; they still won't listen....they only way they see the world is money. So if anybody else wants to do this..your just wasting your time.

It could be even worse - buying through steam is what VU could fear. Personally I think that Vivendi will try to get their hands on Steam and the profits generated by this, so if you tell them
"do what I want or I buy via steam" then it is exactly what this whole lawsuit could be about: Sharing steam profit.

Please do not get me wrong - do whatever you like - but if you write to Vivendi: do it in style (!), use nice an patient wording :)
and send it to the CEO or whoever is in charge. Sending it to some PR responsible is pointless. Take the CEO. Often you can derive his / her e-mail adress by name + company. Or use a fax. That might work (did it two times, worked out). But don't count on it.
dream431ca said:
If you think there going to listen..your in a big dream my friend. Corprate entities do NOT listen to ANYBODY. (even themselves in this case.) It's pointless to send them anything about the HL2/VUG matter. Even if a million people sent them e-mails claming that "I'm going to get HL2 of steam your morons!"; they still won't listen....they only way they see the world is money. So if anybody else wants to do this..your just wasting your time.

EXACTLY, the only thing they see is MONEY. Hence, a boycot or mass purchase on Steam = LESS INCOME. Man, think before you type.
Look, it is true VUG hasn't done anything yet and I don't know who is the "Bad Guy". But *if* VUG intentionally delays the game to gain some legal tactical advantage, I don't see why I should give them any of my money since I can get almost the same thing from Valve directly.

As for how much difference one person can make, I am sure VUG doesn't care if only a couple of hundred people change their mind on how to buy (say $10,000 worth of sales or so). But an email campaign of, say, a couple of thousand people isn't really that hard to pull off. That would mean $100,000 worth of sales, just from the email writers alone much less their friends who might get talked into it. It adds up pretty quick.

Look, I pre-ordered a product and yes I understand there was no garuentee of delivery time. So, unavoidable delays I uderstand and don't complain about. But look at it this way, at work I am involved in serveral projects to develope software with outside vendors. While of course we have schedules that sometimes slip, if I were to EVER find out a vendor was sitting on a finished project (even if they were ahead of schedule!!!) for the purpose of gaining some legal edge over another vendor that would be the last time I ever did business with that vendor! Any other decision would be bad business.
dream431ca said:
If you think there going to listen..your in a big dream my friend. Corprate entities do NOT listen to ANYBODY. (even themselves in this case.) It's pointless to send them anything about the HL2/VUG matter. Even if a million people sent them e-mails claming that "I'm going to get HL2 of steam your morons!"; they still won't listen....they only way they see the world is money. So if anybody else wants to do this..your just wasting your time.

Of course all corporations care about is money, that why we use the leverage of Steam against them. Then they don't get money if they don't play nice with us. Let me spell this out real clear for you. We don't give money to VU if they screw with us. If enough people tell them that then they will want to follow the money and make a better decision because it is all about the money. As per my previous post though corprate enitities DO listen to people if enough of them band together and make themselves heard. Why? Because we may be people but we also represent revenue that why. I have affected change as part of a group before, it does work I've helped do it.
somebody should start a petition site and then link it all over vivendi's forums.

that should give them a scare.
If you want to go ahead with a petition, that's fine - I'll sign it.

But I promise you that physical, written letters will give them more pause for thought because they require far more consideration than signing a petition or sending an email.

A letter says that I care about this issue enough to take the time to think about it and write one out for you. It carries far more weight than an email that you can fire off with very little thought or signing a petition that requires even less.

If you TRULY DO CARE about this issue, then do what I'm going to do - write a well reasoned letter.
those who want to write letters, write letters. those who want to write e-mails, write e-mails. those who want to cuss about the whole mess, cuss about the whole mess.

but for those who want to do nothing, reconsider.

there's a lot that can be done. doing nothing will change nothing unless u want nothing changed.
lucidrains said:
those who want to write letters, write letters. those who want to write e-mails, write e-mails. those who want to cuss about the whole mess, cuss about the whole mess.

but for those who want to do nothing, reconsider.

there's a lot that can be done. doing nothing will change nothing unless u want nothing changed.

Amen, brother! LOL :cheers: