Help Wanted- HL2: Lethal Median (Needs development team)


Oct 23, 2003
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Yo, I am trying to put together a team to create a sp/mp mod for half-life 2 entitled Lethal Median. It is inspired by both Japanese Anime and Black Isle's Fallout RPGs. Unfortunately, I'm a noob when it comes to modding, but I am a pretty capable level designer, and moreover a good visual artist, meaning I am great in the planning stages for concept art, and making levels look cool. Therefore, I am looking for a team of individuals, preferably with some experience (although noobs with skillz are ok too) who are willing to create a mod that will be full of action and coolness. If you are a character modeller/animator/skinner, level designer, texture artist, or just about anything and are interested in creating a mod based on the retro-futuristic world of Fallout and Anime, drop me a line and I will fill you in on my storyline ideas.

[email protected]

This would be a great way for a lot of inexperienced and experienced modders alike to get their hands on something exciting. Peace.
You need to talk more about the mod to spark some interest.

What are some particular goals of the mod? Anything unique planned?
Alrighty then. The scene for the mod will be an anime-like future, complete with anime style characters and vehicles (hopefully useable if I find someone who can program). The similarity to Fallout will be mainly in the weapons and other goodies... Like Power Armor. (I want a good balance of weapons, and maybe some modifiable ones) The main character will be sent on a quest from a military vault. You dont know anything except that you were born in this vault and the outside is a nasty place.

I would like to divide the story into chapters, as usual. You will complete certain goals that add to the story and then change locations between chapters. Locations will be Anime-inspired, but destroyed by Fallout.

Also much like fallout, you will progress toward a goal that in the end wont matter because you will be caught in the middle of a large conspiracy which focuses on you. The conspiracy involves past cloning experiments and your origins.

As for unique stuff. I'm hoping that will come from a variety of paths- some paths will lead to a run and gun type of scenario, others will lead to a more puzzle-oriented path, some will lead to a blended path, and there will be some mini-paths. I would also like to make it possible to ally yourself with certain post-apocalyptic organizations that have arisen.

I also hope to utilize the physics engine to its fullest extent.

I would like a variety of characters-- some mutated by fallout, numerous creatures, good and bad.

Its tough to say much more because this mod has zero content.

If there is something else you want to know, please email me -- I am not experienced at this so I don;t know what technical details ppl might want to know.