Here he goes again....(wacko jacko)

Yeah I just heard about this. What a loser. He should be locked up.
Yeah he should be locked up because some greedy arse probably wants some of his money. Whatever.
Any one stupid enough to let there kid sleep over at MJ's house deserves to have their children molested. But, he should be locked up in a humane effort to keep him away from his own kids.
i dont hate him or like him, he's just wierd. The kind of "stay away from me!" wierd.
Originally posted by king John I
jackson is wierd.
Fourthed! My sister just saw a picture of her and she screamed bloody murder!:cheese:
Kind of a neat situation though.
If he is guilty, the kid can expect a large amount of money.
If he isnt guilty, the kid will probably be settled for a large amount of money.

Hell, if it was me I wouldnt even have cared he DID have sex with me :E

Though I dont see how it can be done unwillingly though. Just look at his face. You dont even have to hit him between the legs to break anything.
whats wrong with his face??? why is he so ****ed up??? you can buy plastic surgery for that you know.
Originally posted by ray_MAN
HE already had plastic surgery. He used to be black.
"US of A. The only country where a black man can grow up to be a white woman." :cheese:
what the hell is he? he lokks like somekind of demonic goblin thing...

i'll just call him smeagle.
There's 1 major anatomic part that she's well at least the 13 year old boy knows that I guess

jackson is the uglyist think ijn the WORLD!!!

ARGGHHHH he's horrible!!!!
Originally posted by dawdler

Hell, if it was me I wouldnt even have cared he DID have sex with me :E

Heh...."I saw Jackson's wang and all I got was this lousy 14.5 Million dollars"

I want a shirt that says that.
If the penis doesn't fit, you must acquit. :laugh:
Originally posted by dawdler
"US of A. The only country where a black man can grow up to be a white woman." :cheese:

LOL. I have always thought that he's sort of modelled himself after Diana Ross (albeit a tad paler).

With the money side of things, the jury is out on the molestation charges for me. People with that kind of money are easy targets for scams. However I do believe that MJ is a very troubled individual, and it is a sad indictment of our times that his eccentric behaviour has been allowed to proceed unchecked for some considerable time.
How many kids have sued Jackson for probably sexual harassment now? 52?
geeze guys, stop picking on Michael.. its not his fault if a kid complains that his wee-wee hurts and Michael being the caring, loving man he is, decides to take a look and see whats wrong.. /end pedophile-ish/molester-ish defense :upstare:
You know, none of any of you can prove he did anything, even the first time.
Anyone watch Ripley's Believe it or not, last night?

Some guy has spent over $50,000 in plastic surgery to look like MJ, the thing is he doesn't look like MJ. He even wears MJ clothes all the time, his house is decorated in that child molestation type of vibe. This guy deserves a bullet in the head.

Oh, guilty.

seriously, the police searched Neverland ranch for like 30 hours, THEN served the arrest warrent. After he got away last time, They would have made darn certain they had plenty of evidence to convict him this time. Perhaps a video or something....
Tredo, you're still at the age where you can say he molested you, GO GO GO!
Well, it looks like hes been released then, after the $3 mill!!!!!!! bail
Originally posted by A2597

seriously, the police searched Neverland ranch for like 30 hours, THEN served the arrest warrent. After he got away last time, They would have made darn certain they had plenty of evidence to convict him this time. Perhaps a video or something....

He never got away, because he was never charged the first time. Jackson offered to settle out of court against his accusers, who weren't pursuing a criminal case, only a civil one for 'damages'. Frankly I would of thought that if Jackson had molested their son the people who pressed that first case would of wanted to see him behind bars in order to stop him from committing further 'crimes'. The fact that they didn't pursue a criminal case made it reek of a 'shakedown'.

It will be interesting to see how this one goes.
I personally think he's not a paedophile, not on the evidence we have so far just a messed up guy who lost his childhood to fame, and is well, strange :P
I read in the times that the parents of the child would not agree to an out of court settlement
Well that makes this case a tad more interesting.
He's obsessed with children because he didn't have a childhood or he might just be a peda. I get the feeling he's not guilty.
Interesting what people think and what is more fact. The charge is criminal, not civil. It isn't about money. The "kid" isn't suing him (yet). The government is charging him, which means jailtime, not $cash$. He was only sued once on molestation, and it settled out of court, which is how most companies and people handle things because it costs more to go to court and suffer through the publicity. Settling really has nothing to do with guilt. It is actually what most money-grubbers want...a quick settlement no court case. The parents of the previous civil suit REFUSED to let their son testify in a criminal case. They were ONLY interested in money, nothing else. That is why California changed the law that said the courts can force a minor to testify. Which, as unfortunate as it is, is right. If you can face/confront your accuser in a courtroom then you should never be charged/sued to begin with.

That being said, Jackson is a very disturbed person. The damage he has done to his face is grotesque. Sadly, a coworker, who would eventually become a phychiatrist, said in 1986 that Jackson publicly exhibited all the classical attributes of a pedophile.