Here's hating PC Gamer UK

Right, I really really don't care what anyone says, but I personally am inclined, nay, happy to believe that there is a link 'twixt Houndeyes and Hunters.
Not because "Oh wow they have three legs, it must be true" as everyone who disagrees with this idea criticises. Their movements are similar; the Hunters make odd noises like Houndeyes with an old modem crammed into their cute little voice boxes; their body shapes are similar, right up to stumpy, faceless fronts.
I'm not saying they ARE the same, just that I can sympathise with the idea.
On the other hand, I am perfectly open to the outright probability that I am 100% wrong. And if I am, I really couldn't give a flying f*ck.
You just know that there'll be lots of smug, self-satisfied pillocks with "I told you so"set as a hotkey (Ctrl+Shift+Twat) ready to pounce upon their shoddy high-horses.
In the immortal words of Carl Barat: F*ck 'em.

Oh, but as for striders coming from bullsquids? Yeah good luck with that theory D:
PC Zone > PCGamer.
Nah. PCG's not perfect by any means, but it's better than PCZ, which is the PC gaming mag equivalent to The Sun, most of the time.
I'm not sure what paper PCG woul;d equate to though. Maybe the Independent or something - it is somewhat better than many, but not as good as it thinks it is.
i wouldn't go so far as to use the word hate...maybe "here's to looking in a bemused fashion at pcg"
Alas, if only that were the case. But this here is the internet, bwoy - no half-measures; no bipartisan consideration; no middle ground; just sheer, all-consuming adoration or searing, unfettered hatred and nothing in between.
PC Zone > PCGamer.

You sir, know exactly what you are talking about.

Who cares if they made an invalid assumption. I think you find that no magazine is perfect, and that ALL magazines come up with ridiculous opinions. Just because PC Gamer made a mistake in assuming that they were all from the same family, they are a crap magazine?

Urr how about no...

Have you even read your PC Gamers? The Alyx gun article, complete bull****. Aylx expansion, debunked by Laidlaw. Stalkers running around like fast zombies, when did VALVe confirm this? At least PC Zone don't make stuff up, speculating is fine, but these guys are CONFIRMING these things when they clearly cannot play a gmae and pay attention to the story at the same time. And they think Halo is good D:

You sir, know exactly what you are talking about.

Have you even read your PC Gamers? The Alyx gun article, complete bull****. Aylx expansion, debunked by Laidlaw. Stalkers running around like fast zombies, when did VALVe confirm this? At least PC Zone don't make stuff up, speculating is fine, but these guys are CONFIRMING these things when they clearly cannot play a gmae and pay attention to the story at the same time. And they think Halo is good D:


Yes I did read those articles and yes they are bullshit, but apart from that, i dont see any problems with PC Gamer so slate them all you like because i am still reading them

Over-over-over-over-over-over-over-over-over-overreaction TBH.
Yes I did read those articles and yes they are bullshit, but apart from that, i dont see any problems with PC Gamer so slate them all you like because i am still reading them


Good point. But they really need to learn2HL2. I cannot beleive I just said that. Having played on their server, I can also say they suck at TF:C. Nerdz4life?:D