Heres WHY SOME people have 56K!!!!!

Assassin X

Nov 10, 2004
Reaction score
It seems some people are to darn stupid to understand anything and YES i made another post.

Studies shows the same things recently:

1 out of every 15 gamers is a low income family and cant afford anything but staying with the 56k modem. This was on Yahoo news and there has been other studies about this. Just like the study that 1/3 console gamers still use N64, SNES or SEGA.

WOW its 2005. So does that mean were rich?

And i guess in 2020 were all gonna have flying cars and holograms and robots? EVERY SINGLE PERSON?

Some people think because "I just got <insert internet service> why cant they?" that means that the struggling family in the projects got money at the same time. lol.

Like i say to you people that dont get it....

[CLICK]...." little many idiots"
i agree with u and i hated 56k upgraded to dsl but some ppl dont have hihg speed in there area or cant afford it

Or theres just lack of a better service available..
I hated 56k and it drove me bonkers and we had DSL and all the best (Cleveland, OH) forever but we didnt get DSL until like a few years ago.

I know ill get yelled at for saying this but the people that dont get it are probably teens that have been spoiled and dont know what "going without" is. And if you werent spoiled then you have a messed up view of the way the world works. :(
i wouldnt say spoiled prob. parents need it but i use it the most at my house im 16
Another reason is that the US is nowhere near 100% broadband accessibility. Many areas in the midwest and in rural areas have no wiring for broadband connections, and the only alternative to dial-up is satellite connectivity, which is obscenely expensive.
also a bad connection isnt entirely the reason for high pings. i have DSL with an insanly crappy computer and my pings are usually around 250-300.
ur ping will not change much if u upgrade ur comp. mabye change like 75
Another reason is that the US is nowhere near 100% broadband accessibility. Many areas in the midwest and in rural areas have no wiring for broadband connections, and the only alternative to dial-up is satellite connectivity, which is obscenely expensive.

Exactly. Living Oklahoma, (pity me) I know a lot of people who have to go without broadband just because they live in out in the boondocks.

Although my college has one of the fastest connections in the state. I get a ping of less than fifty regularly.
If you are in the projects don't ya think you may have bigger and more important issues and maybe you should not be gaming. Learn a trade and get out of the slums then pick up a hobby such as gaming. There is no excuse for being broke. I grew up poor and my parents are still poor but I made my own way. I didn't do it by sitting around playing games I went to school and worked at night. I also wasn't trying to be something I am not.. which is what 56k'rs are doing. You are not gamers you are posers. Get a real connect.
Another reason is that the US is nowhere near 100% broadband accessibility. Many areas in the midwest and in rural areas have no wiring for broadband connections, and the only alternative to dial-up is satellite connectivity, which is obscenely expensive.
Yippy I don't have to say it.

You are not gamers you are posers. Get a real connect.
You get it over where I am, and my parents will pay for it. If you can't then stfu. 56kers can be gamers. Online gamers to.
Sc, RON, COD, Sc, Wc3, HL2DM, CS:S, Cs, DoD, Empire Earth, BF1942, D2, NOX, TFC, HLDM, SOF, NS, TS, TC, Quake 3, NS:Co, ROCW:ET, Warzone 2100, Cs:CZ, Guild Wars(E3), Guild Wars (WPE).
Im a poser alright then. I play(ed) all these games online. Those are just the online ones. Guess what, I don't do shitty either. I do pretty good. Do people complain. No they don't onsept people like you which isn't that many.

I can't convince my parents to get a new house 2 miles from here. I can't do that. Highspeed isn't around here. I'd be happy to get it. So stop complaing about us, and take action and try and get it to more places. Cuz guess what, im happy with a 56k. If I can do well, and have fun I'm happy. If your upset you do something. If you can get the damn cable company(Or improve sbc's area limit) to get its lines out 2 miles over here. Then I'll be happy to get high speed and thats one less 56ker.

Seriously dude, stfu.
Get a job and pay for it yourself, thats what i had to do..i was on 28.8k

Obviously im talking to the people who have it their area
JrdnGrn said:
Get a job and pay for it yourself, thats what i had to do..i was on 28.8k

Obviously im talking to the people who have it their area

I see so people who are stuck in a dead end job with no forseable way out other than a life of crime should go and deliver papers for £3.48 an hour just to get broadband and play online instread of paying there rent and feeding there family.

Obviously you should think before you post.
Seems my other post went unnoticed - If you grew up "poor" and "made it your own way" truely and honeslty then you wouldnt be so quick to belittle those who are too young to achieve a better standard of living, or those who weren't as lucky as you. I'm the first in my entire family to go to university - I'm moneyless as it costs to get educated - but i still wouldnt elevate myself above those who cant go to uni or anything. I certainly dont make anal retentive comments such as:
Edge said:
There is no excuse for being broke.
How about my student debt of £12,000? I am getting this through trying to better my life by studying for a masters degree in physics and space science.
Edge said:
I grew up poor and my parents are still poor but I made my own way. I didn't do it by sitting around playing games I went to school and worked at night.
I think everyone goes to school dont they? I certainly worked. But everyone gets some time off - I know I do, I slog my guts out all week for the weekend when I'm lucky to get a whole day where I can put my books to one side and relax. If I had a 56k, am I not entitled to this luxuary?
agreed 100%
I`m on 56k and that doesn`t mean I want it. Who does anyway?
I`m just not paying 70 bucks /mo for 384k adsl...
You are not gamers you are posers. Get a real connect.

EDGE........ speechless...... ive never seen someone so stupid in my life.

Posers??? LOL. I didnt know gamer could be "posers". You think just because anyone one of you that puts down 56kers got a better connection that makes you better then them?
has problems here not the 56ker.

I got one for you since your better and there just cheap and lazy and whatever.

YOU PAY FOR THERE CONNECTION. GO head. Your just so high and mighty. Talk the talk and walk the walk. If not then shut up and let them play because in the gaming world gamers come in EVERY FORM whether it be from RACE to GENDER to there CONNECTION. If you dont like it your the real POSER and you yourself are the true person that has the problem here not the 56ker.
Edge said:
I also wasn't trying to be something I am not.. which is what 56k'rs are doing. You are not gamers you are posers. Get a real connect.

That is a stupid comment...
So, since you 12yo counterstriker (no offence everyone ;) ) have a better connection you think you are a better gamer than everyone else?
Have you ever thought that 1mbps broadband connections do not cost 20$/mo everywhere? I don`t know how much you pay for your multimegabit connection and I don`t really care, what I only know is that some ppl have to pay more for a cheap-ass (in terms of service and speed) adsl connection than you do for a megabit one... In fact, I pay for my 56k more than you do for your broadband
I just got like a Basic DSL myself. They offered me a Double Bandwith thing but we cant afford it. But hell my ping is like 30 so i could care!

But non the less we still barley make ends meet. Ill never be able to have an Online Game that you have to pay for. I tried Star Wars Galaxies for 3 months and my company i was at went bankrupt and my parents paid for the last month of the game and it messed up everything with the bills!

Even for the people that have something better then 56k its still tight but they scrap so there kids or older can have something better.

Eventually everyone will have 56k but im sure it wont be for at least 10-15 years. Like it or not thats life.
What really makes me laugh is the fact these people are making it out like its "polite to get broadband" to keep everyone happy. So if Edge has ADSL to keep other gamers happy, why does he leave his parents poor? What a warped view of the world! lol
I noticed that but didnt want to sound mean. lol.

But you got it wrong Pickers, they not REAL parents their POSERS too. They, like 56kers, are poor because their lazy too. Isnt that right Edge?

I mean that is your logic? :|
Edge said:
If you are in the projects don't ya think you may have bigger and more important issues and maybe you should not be gaming. Learn a trade and get out of the slums then pick up a hobby such as gaming. There is no excuse for being broke. I grew up poor and my parents are still poor but I made my own way. I didn't do it by sitting around playing games I went to school and worked at night. I also wasn't trying to be something I am not.. which is what 56k'rs are doing. You are not gamers you are posers. Get a real connect.
lost touch with reality i see? it'a all black and white like that for you? so, instead of helping out your poor parents, you come here and run your mouth about your ego. i'm sure your parents chose to be poor rather than acknowledge having a smug inconsiderate brat like you. good call, now take some of that cash you have and go buy yourself a freakin' clue.

sorry if that post seemed black and white. but that is the way it is in your world isn't it? glad you could provide yourself as a great source of inspiration for the rest of us. HA!

on topic, we could write an endless list of reasons why peeps still use a 56k and not all are related to financial matters.
RaptornasB said:
I see so people who are stuck in a dead end job with no forseable way out other than a life of crime should go and deliver papers for £3.48 an hour just to get broadband and play online instread of paying there rent and feeding there family.

Obviously you should think before you post.

No excuse for being stuck in a "dead end job." You want to play victim, then that's YOUR business. I'm in University so I can learn the "skills to pay the bills." I also work part-time and that is what pays for my broadband. Yes, it sucks paying all that $$$ for my connection, but I enjoy it.

If you are so unhappy or feel helpless about your life, then CHANGE IT.
DSL must be way cheaper than using a 56k if you are online much. But then again i live in sweden and here internet is pretty cheap (10mbit Unlimited download= $18\month). I dont know how the prices are in the U.S.
That people can't understand that there just isn't cable coverage everywhere is the stupidest thing I ever heard.

- It doesn't matter where you live, there's always someone who can't get it.
- It's not a matter of price/cost in most cases, it's usually about location.
I don't believe money is always the issue when people still have 56k, I'd say at least half of the time it's location, as some people have already pointed out.

If you've got enough money for a computer that is able to play Half-Life 2, even if it is on low settings, you can probably afford Broadband Internet.

Personally, I think I would rather have Internet over TV Cable or Satellite. I can download any TV shows I want to watch, and I can get CBC out of the air for when NHL hockey comes back. Also for large sporting events I would just go to a friend's place or something.

But thankfully I am not forced to live with one or the other, I have both.
Baal said:
If you've got enough money for a computer that is able to play Half-Life 2, even if it is on low settings, you can probably afford Broadband Internet.

A valid post in most respects, bar this. Broadband is a subscription, buying a game is a one off payment (usually no more than 1 or two months of BBand). same applies to computer upgrades.
If you do not have the money to play, do not play. No one said gaming is free.
think everyone goes to school dont they? I certainly worked. But everyone gets some time off - I know I do, I slog my guts out all week for the weekend when I'm lucky to get a whole day where I can put my books to one side ..

1 day aweek to play a game is bad ...
if i was you i wouldent play any games if you only get 1 day...gee
ok i skiped most stuff but...

who cares if you have dial up?? multiplay some old game designed for it then.

just because 1 out of 15 people or whatever have dial up (and probably 1 out of 10000 of those people are gamers heh) doesn't mean the other 99.9% should be subjected to cut down peice of crap multiplayer games cause your to poor or live on the ocean floor.


and if this is totally off from anything in this thread sorry, i don't really care, other people complaing about that though
serously guys....broadband isnt that much more expensive a month...dial up around me is 15 dollars a month...cable is 30 dollars a month....serioulsy..(for those who have access)...dont go to mcdonalds for 3 days that month and buy urself a nice connection....i know u can think of ways to save 15 bucks a month...your not that poor..(i.e. you own a computer)...besides....i think their are too many ppl playing mmorpg's on 56k and they are paying MONTHLY fees for them...doesnt..make...sense
pickers said:
So if Edge has ADSL to keep other gamers happy, why does he leave his parents poor? What a warped view of the world! lol

Actually both my parents have broadband too. Even they understand 56k is unacceptable.

As far as my parents being broke and me doing nothing.. it is outside the scope of this thread but I will respond. They are adults and have lived their lives. They are where they are because of the decisions they made in their lives. I don't believe in free handouts just as they didn't with me. If they did give me everything I wanted I would have nothing to strive for.. or I could just play victim like more of you... you really haven't made to many valid points just alot of excuses. You are broke you should be more creative than that.. think of some good stuff and leave the excuses alone it is pathetic.

Oh and I don't have DSL I have cable and it is 49.99 a month for 5Meg Down and 512K Up.
so all you are saying that people whit 56k conections are stupids that dont deserve play videogames?
Assassin X said:

I got one for you since your better and there just cheap and lazy and whatever.

YOU PAY FOR THERE CONNECTION. GO head. Your just so high and mighty. Talk the talk and walk the walk. If not then shut up and let them play because in the gaming world gamers come in EVERY FORM whether it be from RACE to GENDER to there CONNECTION. If you dont like it your the real POSER and you yourself are the true person that has the problem here not the 56ker.

I will take that Pepsi challenge to shut up at least one of you posers. Give me somewhere to send the money.
<RJMC> said:
so all you are saying that people whit 56k conections are stupids that dont deserve play videogames?

Has nothing to do with intelligence. However you did spell South America wrong :)
Assassin X said:
You are not gamers you are posers. Get a real connect.

EDGE........ speechless...... ive never seen someone so stupid in my life.

Posers??? LOL. I didnt know gamer could be "posers". You think just because anyone one of you that puts down 56kers got a better connection that makes you better then them?
has problems here not the 56ker.

I never said I was better than anyone. I said 56k'rs are posers and they are trying to be something they are not. You can't skimp for shitty broadband and half assed equipment and call yourself a gamer. Just as console users are not really gamers. You desperately want to be like a real gamer but you are just a poser.
Edge said:
Has nothing to do with intelligence. However you did spell South America wrong :)

so whats the part "56k users are no real gamers"

since when the gamers must hav fast internet connection to be gamers?

I dont call myself a "hardcore" gamer but sure I play more games that you,and I hav a 56k conection
another fine example of someone who makes broad generalizations in a post and instead of admitting it, they fumble around with feeble protests for their defence. maybe one day they'll let you play grown-up :)
the_FNG said:
another fine example of someone who makes broad generalizations in a post and instead of admitting it, they fumble around with feeble protests for their defence. maybe one day they'll let you play grown-up :)

If you are referring to me I am not certain what you mean. I don't see any broad generalizations I see a bunch of jealous posers trying to defend their pathetic ways. I have nothing to defend since it is my opinion :)
:sniper: :sniper: