Heres WHY SOME people have 56K!!!!!


Everyone should own at least a 9.1 speaker system with a 70+ Inch HD Flat Screen TV and have a DVD Player and at least 100 DVDs in a NICE $10,000 Tv Center. And you must have at least 800 Satelite Channels including all the EXPENSIVE HBO type stuff.

With todays technology and todays average income youd have to be a loser and a bum not have all that stuff. I do.

If you read that and said im crazy then you agree that "there's no excuse for being poor" is stupid.
Oh BTW i should point out that statement i made is an actual one ive heard.
Edge said:
you really haven't made to many valid points just alot of excuses. You are broke you should be more creative than that.. think of some good stuff and leave the excuses alone it is pathetic.

What excuses? I thought the point I was making was that I was just as happy with life in general with 56k as I am now with broadband, and dont see why people should act superior because they have a fast connection. I remember a time when almost everyone was on 28 - 56k, and ppl like you used to get annoyed with people who had IDSN or ADSL. "Dont come on our servers with your 100 ping, and snipe me you LPB" etc. Live and let live is what I say.
Oh, and I wouldnt call "geographical location" and amount of spare cash poor excuses now would you?

And truely, I wasnt digging at your family, just your perception of "poor" people. A point that I think has been more than justified.
Edge said:
I will take that Pepsi challenge to shut up at least one of you posers. Give me somewhere to send the money.

Contrary to previous statement - edge DOES believe in handouts! :rolling: :rolling:
I think its unfair to be so harsh on 56k'ers, I think they are fine so long as they either:

A) Stay in local servers. You can't play properly with super-high pings in foreign servers, neither can the people who are fortunate enough to have superior connections while you are lagging the place up.


B) Play in 56k only servers. They do exist, at least they did in HL1 and CS. These are great, because nobody else in there will have a ping advantage over you, and nobody in there will be able to blame their lack of skill on your 'lag'.

About the point A, I think its best whenever possible for people to stay in the servers that are close to/within your state/country. Even if you have a high-speed connection. I see so many idiots that join Australian servers and complain about the lag, whilst making it unpleasant for the locals. The server browser displays pings for a reason people!

I suppose all the people here are smarter than that though, I just thought I'd mention it.
well not to forget you can get broadband for like 17 qid now, its capped but would you download a gig on 56k?
ZeeM said:
In fact, I pay for my 56k more than you do for your broadband

To right too. I only got broadband a week ago, because i didn't need it earlier. I only had to go onto broadband because it was cheaper, because i spent so long on dialup looking for a job. I was made redundant when my last company when bust.
ryudom said:
just because 1 out of 15 people or whatever have dial up (and probably 1 out of 10000 of those people are gamers heh) doesn't mean the other 99.9% should be subjected to cut down peice of crap multiplayer games cause your to poor or live on the ocean floor.

You must have just come from the ocean floor to have views like that.
I'm living at university accomadations. Technically the Intranet and broadband is free, its the food, security and the room that costs money.
Edge said:
Oh and I don't have DSL I have cable and it is 49.99 a month for 5Meg Down and 512K Up.

5Meg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Man you dont need 5 meg as a reason to get adsl. I've only got 1 and i get pings of 40/50.

My parents were very much like yours by the way. I'm very proud of them.
ZeeM said:
the prices are the same everywhere in the world.

Wrong, wrong, wrong. Until recently in the UK, BT used to rip everyone off until the govenment got involved and cut their prices.
Shady Milkman said:
i understand why some people have 56k (no bb in their area, they dont need bb, i.e. theyre not gamers)...i think every gamer should get bb if they play online.

i agree w/ edge...theres no real excuse for being poor. my family is poor, but i got an education (didnt hafta pay for it because i did good in school) and got a really nice job. im not the richest man in the world but i can afford nice things like broadband.

You've shot yourself in the foot. You say 56k if their not gamers then you so they should get bb if they play online.

What if they are gamers that love single player games and not online? Its like chosing strategy over rps, their all games, hence one that plays them are all gamers.
Assassin X said:
im disabled.

thats sad :(

Lets end this topic somewhere:

There are only 3 reason why someone is still with 56k
1. Very expensive in their area. (<-- in my case VERY expensive)

2. It`s relatively cheap but they can`t afford it

3. NO availability in their area

fathom said:
Wrong, wrong, wrong. Until recently in the UK, BT used to rip everyone off until the govenment got involved and cut their prices.

that was sarcasm fathom ;) Unfortunately that cannot be told easily over the internets

Here in Greece, OTE (that is, the main telephone company that owns the whole telephone network here although there is no monopoly anymore) still for 2 years rips off everyone charging them, as I said before, 60E/mo for bad quality 384kbps/128kbps aDSL. Now, if you were me, would you get that connection? Hell NO! :O
well, everyone who has 56ks and stuff, UNLUCKY! haha, id hate to be you
-=DarKnight=- said:
well, everyone who has 56ks and stuff, UNLUCKY! haha, id hate to be you

yeah, it sucks to be meh
but I can kick your ass on hl2dm anytime :E
:) id like to see ya try, shall we say...6 oclock? oh shit, no thats like peak time for u 56ks, dont want all that lag to effect our game, make it 9oclock instead, :D ill post server IP here at 8.45
-=DarKnight=- said:
:) id like to see ya try, shall we say...6 oclock? oh shit, no thats like peak time for u 56ks, dont want all that lag to effect our game, make it 9oclock instead, :D ill post server IP here at 8.45

wait, I must first find my 28.8k modem
Assassin X said:

Everyone should own at least a 9.1 speaker system with a 70+ Inch HD Flat Screen TV and have a DVD Player and at least 100 DVDs in a NICE $10,000 Tv Center. And you must have at least 800 Satelite Channels including all the EXPENSIVE HBO type stuff.

With todays technology and todays average income youd have to be a loser and a bum not have all that stuff. I do.

If you read that and said im crazy then you agree that "there's no excuse for being poor" is stupid.

I conceded! Let it die poser. :rolling:
um...if you're poor, WTF are you doing buying video games and paying 15-25 dollars a month for internet service?

I understand not being able to afford stuff, and spent my entire college days bumming things off of people and going through life on the cheap (ramen and salsa soup for lunch every day is about 4 dollars a week for a full stomach, by the way).

But here's the problem. There are a lot of people out there who DON'T have 350-700 pings in HL2DM...Those people, when exposed to someone who does have a crappy connection in a server, have to either 1.) experience the crappiness of that person's connection with them (because they jump around all over the place and make you waste your time) or 2.) leave the server and try to find one that isn't infested.

What I don't understand is why this has been such an issue with HL2DM, because it wasn't a big problem with CS:S, and in general, it isn't a problem in CS or DoD or the others...

Anyway, 56k'ers should be allowed to play, of course, and I'm glad they are, but please, if you're getting a 500+ ping, just quit for a while, because you are ruining the experience for everyone else on the server, AND playing at 500+ ping isn't any fun anyway.

By the way, 56k'ers, there are a lot of good, cheap DSL and Cable options starting to show up at prices similar to 56k.

example? DSL Lite will get you pretty good pings (just not super-fast downloads) for (at least in my hill-billy backwater Tennessee town), 3 dollars a month more than AOL dial-up.

yes, 26 dollars a month.

I get the feeling, though, that I'm talking to a bunch of pre-college kiddi3 733t hax0rs
heh, thanks for pointing out the obvious. I mean, did you really need to find a study to figure that out? Who wouldn't wanna get DSL or higher speed if they can afford it?

Benpatient: who knows how they obtained the game in the first place, maybe not everyone's buying the game themselves here.../me whistles
I conceded! Let it die poser.

Who said i posted that to show you? Your not the only one that think 56kers are evil. I know there are others.

Benpatient: who knows how they obtained the game in the first place, maybe not everyone's buying the game themselves here.../me whistles

Technicaly even someones not "buying" games and there getting them through other methods there still gaming and according to the definitio there a gamer. Like it or not.

I myself have no problem admitting ive gotten games that arent "payed" for. But the games that arent "payed" for are really old like Doom and Wolf 3d. Other then that i pay for all my games.


I do know a few people who still use some smaller modems like 14.4 and 33.6 and theres really no need for that.
Edge said:
People who cannot afford or do not have broadband available to them are not gamers. They are posers.

thats not a fair statement regardless how u look at it.
one can have a full time/part time job, go to school and still not have enough cash for a broadband connection.

if u pay monthly untility bills, telephone and insurance bills, perhaps u would understand...but i dunno.. doesn't seem like u have any of these responsibilities.
i got dial up, i do have the option to get cable but im just to lazy. too much stuff going on.
benpatient said:
By the way, 56k'ers, there are a lot of good, cheap DSL and Cable options starting to show up at prices similar to 56k.

example? DSL Lite will get you pretty good pings (just not super-fast downloads) for (at least in my hill-billy backwater Tennessee town), 3 dollars a month more than AOL dial-up.

yes, 26 dollars a month.

Hello? Last time I checked the earth`s map there were countries other than US too.
Try my situation:
I had cable last spring but my family had a new house built for us and we've since moved in. Brand new house needs brand new cable hookup and telephone pole apparently (there's one across the street but nobody seems to realize that) Unfortunately, the cable company wont put in a new line unless there are requests from more people in the same area. My house stand alone. Actually it shouldn't be standing alone; there's a half-built house next door to me that's been sitting there as is for half a year because the builders are dipsmacks. But yeah, no cable here, and DSL services are just now reaching my small town. Of course, my new house is about 300 yards outside city limits so I can't get that either. So I just got f***ed out of any kind of high speed besides satellite, which is crap from fps games anyway. There's my reason for still having 56k.
i think the person that has made the most sense out of this entire forum has been pickers. Personally i believe its all on if u can afford , and if u want it. For one if u cant afford high speed internet then why worry about it? who cares... use 56k. Be happy wit what u have and dont let anyone tell u other wise! The other idea is if u have the money to get it but u dont want to. ONCE AGAIN WHO CARES!? its your choice ... if u think paying 50$ a month for a service is impracticle , well then good for you. I did at one point.

TO sum this up... the internet has always been this massive decision in peoples lives... Is it a want ? or a need? take a walk around the block and really think about this. Is the world going to come to a end, if u dont have high-speed internet?


Mike :naughty:
People can't play because they have 56ks is a poor excuse, so, we all had 56ks are one point? does that mean we can't play? so, they lag, who cares?
Edit: Does someone lag affect yours, N O, you get your own lag from the server and from yourself and computer, the server lags, everyone else lags, and points it to the 56ks, if you blame it on the 56ks, you need that, other people's lag does not affect you, them being there, (say they had no lag) would cause the same amount of lag as you, so they are like everyone else, just slower for them

Can someone atleast post this where everyone will see it, just to much people complainning, when they do nothing
Dr. Freeman said:
if u pay monthly untility bills, telephone and insurance bills, perhaps u would understand...but i dunno.. doesn't seem like u have any of these responsibilities.

Actually I am a bitter old man who has made mistakes and is on a payment plan to right them :LOL:

But I make financial plans for broadband in my budget because I am a gamer and broadband is required.
Assassin X said:
Technicaly even someones not "buying" games and there getting them through other methods there still gaming and according to the definitio there a gamer. Like it or not.

I myself have no problem admitting ive gotten games that arent "payed" for. But the games that arent "payed" for are really old like Doom and Wolf 3d. Other then that i pay for all my games.
I didn't say that they're not gamers in my post, did I?

I was just saying that certain people who don't pay for their games, well for the primary reason is that they cannot afford buying them, and most likely they're still on dialup
For once im going to say the same thing as Edge.

We also make room in our Budget for Broadband. Not because...well ill mention it in a sec, but because its the only luxury I have and wanted. But the sacrifice is no Online Games that cast money and others things like rarely any Movies and Dinners out and stuff like that. But its worth it.

Here the "Not because" part...(and "no" im not fighting with you just stating the obvious again):

...broadband is required.

Where did you see that at? Where does it says Broadband is required to be a gamer? Maybe to you but last i heard you dont even need to have a connection to be a gamer. Unless your going to play online. And even then a 14.4 would make you gamer even though it sounds stupid.

Once again i dont see "Broadband is Reqruied" in the definition below:

gam·er Listen: [ gmr ]

One who plays a game, especially a role-playing or computer game.
Assassin X said:
Where did you see that at? Where does it says Broadband is required to be a gamer? Maybe to you but last i heard you dont even need to have a connection to be a gamer. Unless your going to play online. And even then a 14.4 would make you gamer even though it sounds stupid.

Once again i dont see "Broadband is Reqruied" in the definition below:

gam·er Listen: [ gmr ]

One who plays a game, especially a role-playing or computer game.
See that is where the disconnect happens. You are aware of the reason but won't accept it. I think broadband is required. Is this a true statement? Who knows it is my opinion. Just like I like reality shows over sci-fi. Chicks with average boobs and not huge. Like cheescake over chocolate. Winter over summer. Night over day. Anyone but Bush :) Broadband is required to be a gamer and anyone with 56k is a poser and since we are defining terms in this thread.

Poser : a person who habitually pretends to be something he is not.

No matter how whacked out it seems that is my opinion. Which is probably wrong but I can't see the light hehe.
Im in Canada, on Bell High-Speed, dunno how that compares to DSL, but in games like Halo, Battlefield, my ping is useally around 150-200, but my comp is crap, (1.9ghz, 256mb, Radeon 9200) but Ill be gettin a new one soon. AND WE ALL PLAYED GAMES ON A 56K MODEM AT ONE POINT! Heck! I remember playing CounterStrike and Team Fortress on it.......good times.

This thred is pointless, lock it now.
R30 said:
This thred is pointless, lock it now.

Thread perhaps?

I like how you demand it be locked now that you have added your two cents. Everyone has a right to respond. :burp:

116 replies occured before you graced us with your presence. The thread doesn't exist from your contribution so shhhhh.
I "Wish" everyone could have broadbrand so the 56k people could enjoy playing the games even more online. But i understand this is the real world and this stupid plant revolves around the might dollar and that not everyone can afford it.

Where as you say anyone that doesnt have broadband, regardless of their situation, is a poser.

Ive got a scenario for you:
Pretend you get married and your wife ends up having two sets of Triplets (For those of you who cant count....6 kids :-P ). Now everyone knows having 6 kids, 2 set of triplets non the less, will kill your budget. Whats more important now?

Now do you choose your broadband or your family?

-There are no better paying jobs out there, you looked.

Option A: You can choose your Broadband and still play your games with low pings and fast speeds and you can still buy games all the time but your family suffers.

Option B: YOu can choose your family and cut back from Broadband to 56k for a few years until things get setteled. Buying games occasionaly when spare money is avliable and enjoying the use of a console and the joys of playing with friends, but you still play online.
Thread perhaps?

I like how you demand it be locked now that you have added your two cents. Everyone has a right to respond.

116 replies occured before you graced us with your presence. The thread doesn't exist from your contribution so shhhhh.

Yeah i agree. I noticed that alot. People come in state there opinion then say it should be locked. Obviously its not been locked yet because theres nothing wrong with it.
I have had broadband here in the UK for 3 years. I was on 28.8k for 4 years before that but I did have 56k for like 5 months. Here in the UK nearly everyone can get broadband as it is nearly everywhere but you get a few areas and people who cannot afford it. I think there should be a way to make broadband only servers and 56k only servers in multiplayer.