Hero of Aftermath confirmed ?


Aug 2, 2004
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Hi guys ! It's been awhile since i've been here. Can you quote me any sentence which proofs that we already know who will the hero be ? Thanks
Yes its Gordon, the guy who interviewed valve said so himself.
"I'm still going to stubbornly ignore PCG, as, at least when it comes to HL2, they've hardly been the most accurate of reporters, misinterpreting things a bunch of amateurs like us managed to grasp first time." -Edcrab

Please please please please. I want that bittersweet long wait for the next Gordon installment.
Because there's HL3 for Gordon's story, and now it's time to explore the City17 story through different viewpoints.
okay, seriously, what is up with the Anti- Adrian Shepherd sigs? :|
Dr. Freeman said:
okay, seriously, what is up with the Anti- Adrian Shepherd sigs? :|

I don't like Adrian Shepard. It shall be known. :smoking:
AJ Rimmer said:
What is up is we don't like Shepard.

why.. :(
he didn't rape u, did he?
or are u just jealous that given the chance, Adrian might become more popular than Gordon? :p

i like all things related to the HL universe, including Adrian Shepherd :)
Dr. Freeman said:
why.. :(
he didn't rape u, did he?
or are u just jealous that given the chance, Adrian might become more popular than Gordon? :p

i like all things related to the HL universe, including Adrian Shepherd :)

Race X sucked, and Adrian sucks too :bounce:

He tried to do those horrible dispicable things, but i hit him with my trusty crowbar.
Samon said:
Race X sucked, and Adrian sucks too :bounce:

He tried to do those horrible dispicable things, but i hit him with my trusty crowbar.
His nades were fkin annoying, I agree
Samon said:
Race X sucked, and Adrian sucks too :bounce:

He tried to do those horrible dispicable things, but i hit him with my trusty crowbar.

besides reasons such as "i hate him" or "he sucks" can u at least give a reason which is just a tad more logical to others?

wait.. he tried to do those horrible things? i don't get it.
he was sent to do something even he did not know until he got lost in a crash.

aight.. seems logical reasons don't matter here.
Its all Shepards fault. Him and his stupid grenades. Ennui, place the anti shepard statement in your sig, join the revolution :D
You guys are all talking about Adrian as if he is Valve's character. Remember, Gearbox made OP4, not Valve.
Captain M4d said:
You guys are all talking about Adrian as if he is Valve's character. Remember, Gearbox made OP4, not Valve.

Another reason to hate him, we all know this.

Anyway, back on topic.
Samon said:
Another reason to hate him, we all know this.

Anyway, back on topic.
I was just making another argument against any Adrian Sheppard theories and pointing out what appears to be not-so-obvious to some.
Captain M4d said:
I was just making another argument against any Adrian Sheppard theories and pointing out what appears to be not-so-obvious to some.

No hostility intended. *Shakes hand*
My theory is Gordon is put back into Stasis, while Gman lets Adrian out to clean up the mess that has been created due to the fall of Breen. Alyx somehow survives the blast, stumbles onto him, where they escape C17 and commence making babies.

Fast foward to HL3, Gordon discovers a much older, war torn Alyx with six or seven Spephard kids running around. "I thought you were gone, Gordon...I couldn't wait forever!"
wodsoa said:
My theory is Gordon is put back into Stasis, while Gman lets Adrian out to clean up the mess that has been created due to the fall of Breen. Alyx somehow survives the blast, stumbles onto him, where they escape C17 and commence making babies.

Fast foward to HL3, Gordon discovers a much older, war torn Alyx with six or seven Spephard kids running around. "I thought you were gone, Gordon...I couldn't wait forever!"
Then gordon headbutts Shepard and shoves his crowbar up somewhere the sun don't shine and decapitates the seven mini-adrians with the grav gun, gets G-man to turn Alyx young again and they go off for some fun on the bun.
AJ Rimmer said:
Then gordon headbutts Shepard and shoves his crowbar up somewhere the sun don't shine and decapitates the seven mini-adrians with the grav gun, gets G-man to turn Alyx young again and they go off for some fun on the bun.


And I just want to say, there's no reason to hate either Adrian or Gordon. They NEVER talk. They don't have personalities. You hate Adrian because everyone likes him simply because they prefer a military man to a scientist.

Now, it seems its been confirmed that Gordon will be the main character. I would've liked it better if it was a regular rebel POV. Oh well.
Adrian is awesome why do you hate him. Just cause you find Gordan an Idol in your Geeky lives. Shepards too cool for you :E

well lets count me in.... :sniper: this means war boys :thumbs:
So you Adrian guys are proposing that we get to know Alyx all over again? This expansion pack is about getting in depth with the relationship with Alyx, not starting it over again.
GearBox helped with Halo... and It also Helped with Opposing Force... I hate HALO!!! But I like Shephard!!! OMG WAT DO I DO!!!???
Wait, so somehow, Valve will totally erase our memories of Alyx?

Goodbye, fair Alyx, I barely knew yee ;(

Captain M4d said:
So you Adrian guys are proposing that we get to know Alyx all over again? This expansion pack is about getting in depth with the relationship with Alyx, not starting it over again.
IT DOESNT MATTER IF GEARBOX PWNS ADRIAN! Barney Calhoun was Gearbox-property too! It wont matter! Adrian will be back! Thats it! End of Story! Your pathetic Anti-Shepard resistance is gonna be pwned by marines!
Maybe we'll play as Calhoun ? Ever thought of that ? It's maybe called Aftermath , but we may still play as Barney or Shephard .

If not as Shephard , I hope OP2 will come after this then ...

And i haven't seen that you've guys would post me a link or a quote....somebodys making rumours here..... :devil:
I emailed Valve last night and got a reply saying that the information was not intentionally witheld, and it's supposed to be clear - you are playing as Gordon in the expansion.
Jack Thomas said:
IT DOESNT MATTER IF GEARBOX PWNS ADRIAN! Barney Calhoun was Gearbox-property too! It wont matter! Adrian will be back! Thats it! End of Story! Your pathetic Anti-Shepard resistance is gonna be pwned by marines!

I don't think so.
Solver said:
I emailed Valve last night and got a reply saying that the information was not intentionally witheld, and it's supposed to be clear - you are playing as Gordon in the expansion.

Yup...you link me to a quote that says that, and i will believe you. :dozey:

as for the PRO ADRIAN SHEPARD group. He pwns! but Gordon would kick his ass any day. I personally think Scientist over Military...but doesn't matter he is just anything guy.
Megalomaniac said:

Yup...you link me to a quote that says that, and i will believe you. :dozey:

as for the PRO ADRIAN SHEPARD group. He pwns! but Gordon would kick his ass any day. I personally think Scientist over Military...but doesn't matter he is just anything guy.

The guy who went to valve, asked vavle, and valve replied with "YU PLAY AS GORDON"

How much MORE must this be said :x