Hero of Aftermath confirmed ?

Megalomaniac said:
A link... :p

Gah i dont have the link but i saw it :(

M8 just wait until its confirmed by valve ;) (which it HAS been, but wait for a public announcement next week)
Jack Thomas said:
IT DOESNT MATTER IF GEARBOX PWNS ADRIAN! Barney Calhoun was Gearbox-property too! It wont matter! Adrian will be back! Thats it! End of Story! Your pathetic Anti-Shepard resistance is gonna be pwned by marines!
You're quite pathetic actually. If you actually read the article, you'd find that it was more rational for the main character to be Gordon.
Megalomaniac said:
But what about the G-Mans last comment? About someone buying Gordons contract...

He was merley saying he recieved some offers.
I am sending a threating letter to gearbox about how I will brutaly murder them all if they make OP4-2 or any exp with shephard. Anti-As, PM me if you wanna contribute to the letter.
But didnt he say something about an interesting one that he gave you no choice over?(The Illusion of Choice as he put it)
MarcoPollo said:
I am sending a threating letter to gearbox about how I will brutaly murder them all if they make OP4-2 or any exp with shephard. Anti-As, PM me if you wanna contribute to the letter.

Race X was an awful idea ;)
Race X are the "other" species that Gearbox added in OpFor. A lot of people hated them, but people like me found them fairly cool to play against, if archetypical (in the sense that for some they ruined the "unique", dark aspect of the races encountered beforehand. I suppose many-armed cylops-troops could be deemed cartoony).

And I still hope that Gordon's reappearance won't ruin the game's feel for me.
I don't think anyone but Vavle should have the right to add "other species"...I wonder how Vavle will play it out..
Megalomaniac said:
I don't think anyone but Vavle should have the right to add "other species"...I wonder how Vavle will play it out..

They have decided not too, Laidlaw said himself they wont be continued.
The race-x models at the time of opposing force were alot "cooler" than any thing valve managed to cook up.
But they were still a little cartoony.

I liked Race X, but I think they could have been made a lot more menacing.

-Angry Lawyer
I reckon that argument could've been, to a lesser extent, applied to Valve content. Race X may have been a little garish, but compared to their original concept art even alien slaves aren't as intimidating as they could've been.

Although once upon a time I found zombies and Vortigaunts in dark areas pretty sinister. Anyone else think OpFor's first half was way better than it's closing period? It felt so atmospheric and true to Half-Life...
The more alien groups the more interesting the plot is I say... I mean cmon, how original is ALIEN VS. HUMANS!!!!! yup thats it..
Edcrab said:
Anyone else think OpFor's first half was way better than it's closing period? It felt so atmospheric and true to Half-Life...
I dunno about that... it certainly had a different feel to HL itself in the later half, the obvious reason being that it all became about Race X and the Black Ops (the reasoning behind that was probably because Nihlianth had been defeated)... that said, some of the best sequences in OP4 were post Pit Worm (which was pretty lame), namely the whole Marines Vs Black Ops bits where you're fighting towards the Dam with your Marine buddies and then fighting in the desert areas. I wouldn't say they felt Half-Life like, but more importantly they felt "Opposing Force" like, i.e. they helped define Op4 as something a bit beyond the retread of HL that it could otherwise have been. Once you get into the muinitions factory and then onto the final boss, that's where I thought it wasn't so hot...
I think hl2 made the same mistake, the first half seemed like it was building up but the second half seemed rushed, half-life, mwahahaha I made a funny!! This is probly the reason for making aftermath, to get the story clear with Gordon.
I emailed Valve last night and got a reply saying that the information was not intentionally witheld, and it's supposed to be clear - you are playing as Gordon in the expansion.
Can you quote it.....
Sorry, I forgot, I emailed Valve, and they told me all about Half-life 3....
That wasn't a bash if you thought it was... but it isn't just good, to say you are, without something for proof :/
Race-X was good for a difference..... why can't you guys just come up with constructive criticism, then just say they suck, I, and I believe other people find it annoying.
Fliko - valid complaint. Email from Valve

Marc Laidlaw said:
Since the information was not intentionally withheld, I will comment on it.

The article says "you've done critical damage to the Citadel" and now "you and Alyx are leading the flight out of the city."

Gordon alone did critical damage to the Citadel, so "Gordon" = "You."

Thanks for your interest.

Marc Laidlaw
How about you as a guy who helped Gordon destroy the citadel :naughty: ?
Uh... what happened at the end of op4 anyway? cant remember... to long ago...
All right, enough with the Shepard and Anti-Sheperd already.

Get back on topic.

No-One's completely confirmed who the main character will be. Popular opinion at the moment is divided between Gordon, Sheperd, Barney and random people that we've never heard of before. (although at this point, according to inteveiws its leaning towards Gordon.)
I think we can be pretty confident that the hero is Gordon.
Although i wish it wasn't, seeing as how it defeats the GMan's nice a smooth pullout operation.
Jintor said:
Although i wish it wasn't, seeing as how it defeats the GMan's nice a smooth pullout operation.
Ya, why would he talk to you, but then just leave you there?

Unless you really are Alyx and Valve lied about it just to keep it a secret... Or maybe your Dog and have come to save Alyx?!
A *lot* of people were pretty pissed when the game slipped its original shipping date, as well as pretty pissed that it wasn't all they had hoped it would be after 6 years.

We waited 6 years. If it's true that Gordon will be the star of Aftermath, perhaps they've decided to give us more Gordon before the next long wait? :)

I hope not, I'd rather wait again, makes it all the sweeter :p
Wait a minute... someone says 'so-and-so said so, we're playing as gordon' and everyone believes him? What the hell? We haven't even been given the quote in question, let alone a source!
Ddan said:
A *lot* of people were pretty pissed when the game slipped its original shipping date, as well as pretty pissed that it wasn't all they had hoped it would be after 6 years.

We waited 6 years. If it's true that Gordon will be the star of Aftermath, perhaps they've decided to give us more Gordon before the next long wait? :)

I hope not, I'd rather wait again, makes it all the sweeter :p

Your on the biggest half life 2 fansite on the net. I think practically 95% of the peeps here werent pleased at the slips. But it couldnt be helped, and i'm pleased with what i got ;)
Samon said:
Your on the biggest half life 2 fansite on the net. I think practically 95% of the peeps here werent pleased at the slips. But it couldnt be helped, and i'm pleased with what i got ;)

I was happy with what i got :) i might even play it over again when i get my generation-next machine! im going to get a summer job next year and start saveing for the best computer monney can buy :) cant wait for l337 @s$ Xpack and Hl3 (hl3 is planed) :sniper: