Hexing movie #4 !!!!

I cant wait for the movie of the battle outside with Barney. That will be the true test of the graphics capabilities for me at least. That scene is great.
I think the file name for the next one is HL2-FatherGregori.exe
I've tried other names with the same number of charachters but this one seems to be different.

Anyways, whenever I try to open up the madia section it says the game is unavailable :(
Originally posted by BWMASTER

Anyways, whenever I try to open up the madia section it says the game is unavailable :(

same here!
What will be the name of the next movie?
and is it normal for my Steam to be downloading HL2 Media STILL?


It's not normal, it's a bug.

The next movie will be called "Traptown"

Good news and bad news... If he's still telling the truth then whatever Steam is downloading is just some sort of bug. Good news is, whenever we manage to get it - the next video will be of the City 17 traps :D
This means we don't have it cause traptown is one of the longest vids, and it only took like 5 minutes to download.

Yes, that was established precisely 6 minutes before your post :p
roxXx: It's no good all of us e-mailing him and battering him for the 4th video. He's not going to tell you anything different. :eek:
yes i know but it would be cool to have him on my list :), if i cant have it i dont care just would bin nice! :)
Course you can have it, it's just a lot of people here a bit of news quoted by Gabe or Erik, then for no reason I can understand, go and ask them the same question.

[email protected]
hehe yes, but its still cool to have them on the list ;) thx m8,,,

lol any change i can get gabe his email 2 ? =)
NO, dont email the makers of the game with these silly questions, they are probably swamped trying to finish the game, let them finish it! :)
I just had a look at the gcache.gcf There is something new inside(I compared it with the last one)
But it also could just be garbage data from somewhere else.
So here is what i found in the file name table
... trackerscheme.res vgui2.dll vgui_english.txt trac then a tabulator and the ending 0

So i would like to know if this is just garbage in my file or if somebody else has this too

btw my steam just stoppen after downloading about 125 MB of HL2- Media
It's nothing to do with the media directly. It's something more technical and something that won't help us in our search for the 4th movie. I don't think we have it.
maybe hey just renamed the file so it isnt that clear
But i just wanted to know if this is only in my gcache.gcf or if somebody else has this too
As far as I can tell, the bink headers are in the cache file (starts with an MZ and later a message about DOS). I cut out this section of the file that I thought might be a new video and it ended up being 128 mb or so. It wouldn't play though :(
so you think there is really one more vid inthere hidden? cuz i find it odd that its 128mb or more of nothing. wtf the more i think abour it the more likly there is something in there...
They had to upgrade the vgui.dll, because that was the problem which caused OpFor and Ricochet not to launch. More interesting, is that I noticed that filesystem_steam.dll, mediabrowser.exe, and dbg.dll in the Half-Life 2 Media director were also updated just moments ago. I think that Erik's making changes to these files to fix the 'leak' in Steam's video cache.
but 100mb of fixing sounds small couldent of that been done in like 20 MB?
looks like we have to wait until next week for the 4th vid :(
i belive its there i dunno about u people i think its well hidden
I was right!

I knew the next video would be the one where gordon is using the traps and such...

Yeah... some people said it would be a different video or something... yeh...
symptom, contact me on MSN and we could put our brains together. You can explain to me about the BINK header stuff as well because I used a diferent method to hack the vids last time.

[email protected]
hurry up guys, we're all counting on you.

we're - meaning the world.
Chris_D: if anyone can do it, its you. Your the man good luck with it.
O.k... I've been looking through all the files, and I'm positive the fourth video is there.

Here's what I can tell so far:

1. The first three files were Bink executables, which means that they contained a Bink encoded video and the Bink "player" packaged in an executable. If you search through the hex you will clearly see the PE binary for the first three videos. There are NOT four.


2. Bink videos ALONE also contain header information (I think others pointed this out as well). What's interesting is that there is obviously FOUR Bink file headers and a crap load of data in the cache.

My theory is that the video is contained in the cache, but the "player" or "reader" or whatever is not or is "scrambled". I haven't figured that out yet.


-Mr. Bildo

//edit: for some reason I want to call "bink" "blink" :)
Perhaps the player code will be released when they want us to have the video. They did brag that it would be impossible to hack, so if they haven't released the data necessary to view the files then they could be right. I imagine we'll get a small update next week and then be able to play the video(s).
u guys still beleive in this "4th video"...

looks like u guys realy think ERIK was joking...but he stated like 3 different occasions were there certainly is absolutely no 4th vid in the cache... he also seemed pretty seriouse

well time will tell.....
well they never said anything when we had Docks on our comps. And loads of people didn't belive that we had Docks when this hexing stuff started off.