Hey... I hate zombies... cry...

For me tHe scariest Zombie-encouter is the Radioactive tunnel later in the game after the NOVA-PROSPEKT level. When they are under water and suddenly pop up...All alone, no one arround and all I can hear is this f*cked up sound. (allways remainds me off these liricks, anybody any idea wich song it is?)

Yeah, that part scared me the most in the entire game I think. Or made me jump, anyway. I just ran through the toxic as quick as I could away from it, and then more were getting up! Christ I was panicky.
I would have to say I was pretty scared seeing the fast zombie the first time leaping across the roofs, then see it racing across the dark ground towards me, i was like, "WHAT....THE ****.....IS THAT!". After they just became a bit jumpy for me, leaping out when not expecting it.
Also, even the normal zombies were far less common, less dangerous(never swarmed you, never used random objects as throwing weapons, headcrab didn't detach when you kill them with something other than a headshot or explosives), and overall less scary than their HL2 successor.

And for me, the scariest part in HL2 is in Ravenholm, the stretch of gameplay that starts from fighting the fast zombies on the roof of the apartment building to meeting up with Father Grigori again right before escaping the zombie-infested square. "Wrong side of town" couldn't be a more appropriate name.

Despite nearly memorizing all enemy locations in that part, I still hesitate to play it.
You get yourself a shotgun and use the traps well and you got nothing to be scared of. Just think of the zombies as noobs and your FPS Doug. BOOM HEADSHOT! one more noob zombie down. That was nowhere near as scary as doom 3 but the fast zombie call did surprise me a bit and the first time i ever saw one i kinda gave a wow surprised kinda thing that you get from those screamers people send you. But after you see them just think of them as rampaging little brats that need to be taught a lesson. You are the master of the game do not let it master you.
thats exatly how i like to feel while playing a game... I am god! embrace your destiny! BOOM HEADSHOT! Ravenholm is actually one of my favorit parts of the game.
This guy may get more out of Half Life 2 than most - Ravenholm will be that much more intense for him. I jumped when the first fast zombie came at me. Hell, I got goose bumps when I heard them yelling in the distance way before I even got to them. The two scariest parts of the game were in the empty laundromat where there's a 'secret' room in the back. One side has a cache of ammo and the other. Well, I went to that one first because I heard the buzzing sound and found the ammo. Yay! I turned around and stared right in the face of a poison zombie just lurking behind me. Dropped my mouse I did. The other was when you meet Alyx in Black Mesa and you're on the way out to the yard. I went down the tunnel that would later lead to Ravenholm and her words actually made me freeze with chills for a second.

"...we don't go there anymore."


The part that made me jump the highest in the game was in water hazard the second time I played through the game. It was at the part where you need to raise a ramp to jump a fence and you have to push a clothes dryer into this basket. I went to grab a cinder block inside some concrete tubing and a zombie that I missed the first time around pops out from unde this crate... ahhhhhh m^&*$% F#$^%$!!! DIE DIE DIE!!!!!

That was pretty much the only time a zombie got the jump on me but i loved Ravenholm
Man, Ravenholm was quite experience. Now, I'm not going to say that the first encounter with the Fasties and pretty much all of ravenholm was the scariest moment for me (the scariest moment is, and always will be, the first time I encountered the Icky in HL1), but CHRIST I hated the music. Creeped me right the f*ck out. And being snuck up on.
New way to make things un-horrific in Ravenholm, now I play it all the time with Frank Sinatra singing Blue skies in the background, sometimes it matches right up with father gregori talking and it's hilarious.:rolling:
The part that made me jump the highest in the game was in water hazard the second time I played through the game. It was at the part where you need to raise a ramp to jump a fence and you have to push a clothes dryer into this basket. I went to grab a cinder block inside some concrete tubing and a zombie that I missed the first time around pops out from unde this crate... ahhhhhh m^&*$% F#$^%$!!! DIE DIE DIE!!!!!

That was pretty much the only time a zombie got the jump on me but i loved Ravenholm

Heh, I didn't know about the zombie there until my third or fourth run through I think. Everytime I had been there, happily raising the ramp and whatnot, I could always hear a faint chittering noise. This small noise did actually make me quite nervous actually, so I'd try to do the 'puzzle' as quick as I could. I presumed there was a headcrab somewhere, so during one of my play throughs I went wandering round the area abit more and then WHOOSH! The crate in the water smashes and the zombie appears right in front of my face. I had the Magnum, though, so it was dispatched half way through its scream. I didn't even react properly, I just panicked and pulled the trigger. Propelled the headcrab across half the area.

The zombies in general make me pretty wary about a place. They can't do much to you, its just... eh, I dunno. Theres another part in Water Hazard where theres a bit of a ruined tunnel and a crane with some supplies on. I've heard the chittering there once when I crashed accidently and couldn't move. I never actually have stopped to look around properly. :|
you mean when your climbing on the planks to get to the top of the barn? If so, then agreed on the spooky factor.
This guy may get more out of Half Life 2 than most - Ravenholm will be that much more intense for him. I jumped when the first fast zombie came at me. Hell, I got goose bumps when I heard them yelling in the distance way before I even got to them. The two scariest parts of the game were in the empty laundromat where there's a 'secret' room in the back. One side has a cache of ammo and the other. Well, I went to that one first because I heard the buzzing sound and found the ammo. Yay! I turned around and stared right in the face of a poison zombie just lurking behind me. Dropped my mouse I did. The other was when you meet Alyx in Black Mesa and you're on the way out to the yard. I went down the tunnel that would later lead to Ravenholm and her words actually made me freeze with chills for a second.

"...we don't go there anymore."



i was like... " we dont?... well lets go then! come on lets go play!... commmm ooooonn!!!! I wanna go play!!!.... please... come on lets go play... fine have it your way... "
I'm more intimidated by the poison zombies, because I know they're gonna take a lot of my precious and arare (in Ravenholm) ammo to take down if there isn't an explodey barrel nearby.
Another creepy place is when your helping Barney + getting the grenades out of the building (to get rid of the snipers), you go in the basement to find this guy dieing, then -


It wasn't scary, but it was really creepy, because you are trapped in this tiny little "room" with all these Zombies + Fast Zombies coming at you..

OMGF, IM A PUSSY! HOORAY! IM A SCAREDY LITTLE KID! YAYAYAYAY! ME AND MY CONSOLE USED sv_unlockedchapters 7 after i killed ze first zombie ^^ oh, and i never did play half life 1.. yeah.. i know.. i suck... im hoping i can get through the tunnel at the beginning of sandtraps without exploding.. and when i was under the bridge.. i sent 20 rockets at one of the huts.. went in... OH SHIZ 2 HEADCRABS OH SHIZSSS!!!
Crab: czeeeeeeetch
-crawl crawl-
ME turns around, having no idea whats happening, takes out smg-
Me: :0
Crab: RAWR!
Me: DIE!
-bang bang bang-
Me: muahaha..
Then, before i went under the bridge -the green door- i saw the crabs and pcrabs under the house, went up the hill, shot one, it crawled down the embankment, i shot it some more, suddenly 2 poison crabs come out of nowhere, crawling around, trying to find me, BANG BANG.. dead.. and.. how can the combine just sit in a lil hut with headcrabs? its weird.
you mean when your climbing on the planks to get to the top of the barn? If so, then agreed on the spooky factor.

The only barn I know of in Water Hazard is the big red one, Station 12 or whatever it was called. I didn't find that creepy really, but when the headcrab dropped down through the hatch above that made me jump.
Thats one of my favorite chapters in the game! playing that part of Hl2, doom, RE4, etc... I love horror games after I played RE4... i find horror games to be far more fun and entertaining then horror movies... in many way they are usually completely the same IE: crappy story, scary yet sad enemies or monsters, dark rooms, and creepy music... however the movies do not provide control over the character(s) in it... in the game, if some one ( or something ) scares the living shit out of you by randomly jumping out at you from around the corner growing and swats you in the head... simply pull out automatic rifle, smg, shotgun or what ever your preference is and apply a little bit of pressure to the trigger and wail away on their un-forsakeing ( dont even know wha thtat means but it sounds good ) head ... when over, pound a little more lead into their lifeless body and scream " WHAT NOW BITCH!? THAT'LL TEACH YOU TO SNEEK UP ON ME! " find another one and repeat... that's what i do...

its kinda funny cuz in the games im not really scared of whats going on in the game cuz im so focused into it... one time i was running around in " the creep place" (Ravenholm) and my friend snuk up on me and pop his gum... almost made me piss my pants! but then when i got back into the game i turned the corner to find a zombie swing at me and he as like " argggorsalhds;a;h;hias" ( or what ever sound they make ) and my friend jumped out of his seat next to me and i was all like bitch die! and i fired a very satisfying shotty shell in to his face... or where their face would be if they had one...

I didn not find doom as scary as half-life. It was a little eerie, and creepy at parts, but even though I can get through ravenholm without taking damage now, i'm still more scared of it than I was the FIRST time I payed doom.

ok, for this guy, let me just say this. The fast zombies aren't as scary if you fallow these steps.

1). Let it swipe you, and wait for it to make it's "RAWR!" noise, then shoot it in the... err... headcrab. It's hella funny if you time it right. Should be like this.
Shotgun- BOOM!
dodgy physics- Splat...

2). remember, it's only a zombie, it's unbeleivably stupid, and it can't do too much to you without poisons, and when you combine poisons with fasties, I call em' smarties :)

3). ... well... lets face it... the thing's just goofy lookin... laugh at it... not like a fake laugh... just think of the funnyest thing that comes to your mind about it's appearance. I like to think of them like those Psyco Monkey things from the Mummy Returns, in the woods... they are so much like em' in so many ways... they scream like hell, they jump all over the place, and they are kinda funny to listen to. I like to get one chasing me, and go behind a door, and close it in the things face (right before the part where you get in the cart) and listen to the sounds it makes. It's the same exact clip of when it sees you, just slowed down, and its kinda creepy... but funny none the less.

4). DO NOT DUCK! This makes them seem larger than you, and more of a threat, and they will scare the **** out of you. If you duck they can also freak out, to where they don't see you, and they walk around like old ladies :LOL:

hope that helps a bit ^^

:bonce: Is there any way to mod the game so ALL zombies are skinned to look like something easy to kill and funny, and headcrabs are FLUFFY BUNNIES! god i really need to kill a bunny right now.
dude i totally know how you feel

im one of those people that get ALOT out of this game...especially with the lights off and the volume up :LOL:

i played raven (and a bit more) a few days ago from about 3am to 5am
...then woke up at 8am
the next day i wasnt sleepy but i was totally screwed up

my favorite part of the game so far is when you 1st see the fast zombies jumping from the buildings and screaming

im totally emersed , and now fighting the combine is a bit of a relief


"The beast! there it is..."
"What... behind the rabbit?"
"It IS the rabbit..."
"You silly little... loon. You led us all the way, and won't go any further because you're afraid of a rabbit?"
"YEAH! I almost soiled my trousers I was so scarred!"
"Go on Lance, Chop it's head off!"
"Righto sir!"

Monty Python, good call. :LOL:

Acepilot, eventually you'll start realising that headcrabs are in the most obvious places that they'll only 'scare' you if you walk in backwards looking at the floor. The amount of places in the game where I gussed a place was containing a headcrab of some variety was huge. If anything, the only headcrabs and zombies you have to be worried out is the poision kinds.

It's good to know that the game is actually giving off a strong sense of fear, though. The Half-Life games have been the only ones I've ever actually stopped in places and had to continue some other time or something. The Zombies do make me think twice in some places, however feeble they may be. Weird.
What you really should've done is played Monty Python and Tom Lehrer over Itunes or something while you were playing. It's hard to be scared with "The Vagina Song" and "National Brotherhood Week" blaring in your ears.
Shotgun and crowbar...

Shoot for the head w the shotgun and play baseball w the crabs... once you get the hang of it its quite fun...

I started to have fun at the end where Grigory sends the basket and the fast zombies are coming up the pipes... would see if i could pop em before they got thier footing and jumped at me. and before that w the ones jumping... trying to nab em in the air w the shotgun... fun stuff.
The big poison zombies... fire a cylinder or an exploding barrel at em and stay outta sight till u cant hear em moving no more... worked for me when i didnt miss.

In short... Ravenholm is a fun place to visit if your a sadistic zombie killer :) .... Not imune to those occasional "OMFG" mouse is now looking in some obscure direction.

The worst place in my opinion is where your waiting for the elevator in the dark... ARG... ME HATES COMBIES....
please understand me when I say

Ravenholm is not scary. Its fun, but scary it ain't.

Regular zombies are slow. If you even take more than 1 swipe from a regular zombie you are probably not very good or managed to run into a corner in a stupid manner. Fast zombies only do 5 damage per melee attack. 5! Thats nothing! At 100/100 it would take 40 melees to kill you. Poison Zombies are uncommon and their only real threat is black crabs. Both of these are slow and only a threat if you keep yourself unawares.
To me the scariest game ever is either Doom 3, Silent Hill 3 or the Ravenholm part of HL2. I think SH6 would rock ass if it included enemies at least similar to Half Life's zombies because they scared teh shizzle into me, but so do Insane Cancers if you end up in a small room with them by surprise, or Double heads if they jump at you, even Slurpers are quite scary.

Fast zombies are the scariest zombies when first encountered but they're really not scary after you've been through Ravenholm and back, and to anyone who has skipped Ravenholm and refuses to play it ever, you suck at HL2!
My god, has hl2.net turned into a club for pansies!


You want to get scared little kiddies...play 'The Cradle' level of Thief:Deadly Shadows!

Ravenholm ain't scary, sure you'll jump, but it aint scary
You will get a scare or two outta fast zombies but nothing big after that.
OMGF, IM A PUSSY! HOORAY! IM A SCAREDY LITTLE KID! YAYAYAYAY! ME AND MY CONSOLE USED sv_unlockedchapters 7 after i killed ze first zombie ^^ oh, and i never did play half life 1.. yeah.. i know.. i suck...

I'm a huge wuss when it comes to horror games, but even I played through Ravenholm twice. At the very least you could have put on godmode and notarget. You are missing a lot by not playing HL1 PLAY IT NOW!!!
...Why is this topic still going? People, okay, I am getting better, I just did lowlife in Episode 1 and am up to Exit 17, so can someone please close this topic? rawr?
please understand me when I say

Ravenholm is not scary. Its fun, but scary it ain't.

Regular zombies are slow. If you even take more than 1 swipe from a regular zombie you are probably not very good or managed to run into a corner in a stupid manner. Fast zombies only do 5 damage per melee attack. 5! Thats nothing! At 100/100 it would take 40 melees to kill you. Poison Zombies are uncommon and their only real threat is black crabs. Both of these are slow and only a threat if you keep yourself unawares.

heh...it wasnt the amount of damage i was taking that was scary lol

Nooooooo, you people are thiknig I think its HARD, I dont. I just think its creepy.. and zombies + house + me in house = freak out.
Hey, hey, hey, you started your wussiness topic! :)