Hey... I hate zombies... cry...

;( Can anyone help me get up the nerve to do Chapter 6, "We dont go to Ravenholm.." I am afwaid of zombies.. just the thought of FAST zombies makes me want to sleep away from my window... in my closet... on the top shelf.. with a nightlight... :imu:

the only thing i fear is The Poison Headcrab and The *Ravenholm* MOD for HL2
PULL OUT THE ROCKET LAUNCHER AND SHOW THEM WHATS UP! Then spray them down with that one larger automatic weapon. Then put the toping on the cake with the crossbow.
You could turn the resolution down in the game so it sucks and they dont seem as real. :)
SPL.. I dont get the rocket launcher, nor the crossbow in ravenholm.. You get those on highway 17.. are you loco? That is, unless you cheat.
the first time i played ravenholm i wasnt scared but when i played it the second time it was scary, then the third time i did it, also on a harder difficulty it wasnt scary:E ... strange???
the first time i played ravenholm i wasnt scared but when i played it the second time it was scary, then the third time i did it, also on a harder difficulty it wasnt scary:E ... strange???

Yeah, but you can pass Ravenholm mostly using a crowbar (zombies and headcrabs), the grav gun and the shotgun for fast zombies only.
It's fun blasting fast zombies outta the air.
i like to touch my self at night... my god... did i just say that out loud?
Uh, why did you say that out loud. Let's get back to the bit where we all argue why every single normal zombie is wearing a lab coat, even those in Ravenholm (and those in City17 Ruined buildings, etc.)
They don't wear Labcoats. They wear the shirts underneath the blue citizen overalls.
No I have a better one. Lets argue why all the zombies have the same face when you shoot the head crab off.
If you get scared by hl2, go ****ing kill yourself

god damn pussy
No I have a better one. Lets argue why all the zombies have the same face when you shoot the head crab off.
Mmmm, lets see. Headcrabs, once coupled will start to grow a new face (the one we see once you shoot the headcrab off) while they consume the old face. Now the need the new face otherwise they would fall off when they finished off the old face, but the can't recreate the new face properly because they can't see it (since they are sitting on top of it) so all headcrabs have a communal memory of the first human they encountered so thats what the new face should look like!
I'm not sure why they bothered to eat the old face in the first place if they were just going to replace it with another but these are creatures from another dimension so who know what they are thinking?!?!
Okay, people, I might try ravenholm AGAIN, since I already finished Ep. 1without getting freaked out... atleast, I only got freaked out when a -spoiler.. kinda..-
Zombine startked sacking me, and suddenly..
OH SHIZ! HES GOT A NADE!! And I freak out and run away. lol.
Oh, and people, all zombies look the same since rthe headcrabs are only accustomed to one form which they mutate the host into. women who get pwnd look the same, since their -lol- breasts get abolished... cause female headcrabs stay in the nests.. lol..
-note- I just made that all up right now.
Sexist Headcrabs. That explains everything.