

Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score

I'm here since 1 week and I think it's time for me to introduce myself.

My name is Antoine, but you can call me Tony.
I'm from Canada and I live in the province of Quebec (province is egual to state for American). The Quebec is a french province and I usually speak french but I'm learning english at school so you may find that my spelling is not so well. I'm only 15 years old but I play a lot of games... especially Battlefield 1942 and all its mods, Doom 3 and all the VALVe's games. And, hmmmm.... I'm waiting for Half-life 2 since a long time now (I think I'm not the only one) and it's for that reason that I've subscribed to halflife2.net.

Well that's it, thank you and have a good day
Welcome to the forums AntiAnto :cheers:
Your english is very good, how long have you been learning?

Hope you enjoy your time here Tony :)
Welcome AntiAnto :cheers:
Nothing wrong with your english. I'm struggling a bit myself, since I'm from Norway and haven't had an english course in about 6 years.

Hope you feel at home on these forums. "... it's safer here ..."
Welcome aboard, Tony! :D

Your english is perfect, nothing to worry about.
Welcome to th.... wait a seond! I'm not gonna welcome you! you beat us in the hockey! BASTARDs!
Chris_D said:
Welcome to the forums AntiAnto :cheers:
Your english is very good, how long have you been learning?

Hope you enjoy your time here Tony :)

Well thank you, I've been learning english since 3 years... I think.
Thank you again.
MaxiKana said:
Welcome to th.... wait a seond! I'm not gonna welcome you! you beat us in the hockey! BASTARDs!

Hahahahah, well you played a good game.
Hey Tony, welcome to the forums. Hope you have fun here!

I'm hungry, I think I'm gonna eat an ice cream sandwich with chocolate ants on it. Oh btw, yippee you're there...
heya fellow Canuck :)
this is a great site, hopefully u enjoy it as much as we do :)