Hi to Everyone!


Mar 27, 2010
Reaction score
Hi! My name is Arda! I love Source games and I played all of those. Maybe you know I have known a little English! Maybe, maybe... But my gamer spirit has never dies !!!!! :flame:

I was kidding :D ! But I love Half Life series.



bonus: :thumbs::thumbs::farmer::afro::monkee::bounce::bounce:
I admire your courage for bypassing the newbie section.
I already like you because of your name. Welcome to the forum.
he has 0 posts, do rookies get minimal privileges now??
Your post was a pleasure to read.

But his post never really existed... wait- WAHHHHHH

oh, and hi. Don't breath the air. They took something out of it. To let you remember EVERYTHING. OH GOD I DON'T WANT TO REMEMBER THAT, GET OUT GETOUGETOUT.
Hello TheRage & welcome to the forums!

Don't listen to anyone here except for me. :P

Have any of our newbie posters broken 100 yet? Kind of redundant saying hello if you never return :/
Have any of our newbie posters broken 100 yet? Kind of redundant saying hello if you never return :/

It's better than noobs joining just to enter contests.

Noobs have no obligation to make threads in this section, let alone join the forums, so their hearts are in the right place at least.
Your post was a pleasure to read.


What, a "welcome" in a noobie thread with no "It's safer here?"
God, I have to do EVERYTHING. It's like a birthday thread without a year-counting Death.
What, a "welcome" in a noobie thread with no "It's safer here?"

As an extra footnote from the Halflife2.net City17 office. The following welcome message is prohibited for use by Halflife2.net citizens and can only be relayed via a Halflife2.net staff enforcer.
Welcome to Halflife2.net. It's safer here.
Good day to you citizens.
Rules is rules.

this = the

EDIT Damn, can't post images here.
they don't work in this section, so don't waste your time
Those image tags make me lol.

:img img:

Have any of our newbie posters broken 100 yet? Kind of redundant saying hello if you never return :/

The most active newbies are the ones who don't bother making intro threads. T6000 is the only one I know of who made a newbie thread and has over 100 posts in the <2 months hes been here.

Also, Hello to TheRage. You better rage a lot or I'm going to not like you.

Also also, two things about your sig. It can only be 4 lines according to forum rules, and I put people with red font sigs on my ignore list. *waves at huntingbear*
t6000 is the coolest new member ever. he likes old raven, he likes the expansion packs. I wish he was a girl.

So he could break your heart and steal your games?
The most active newbies are the ones who don't bother making intro threads. T6000 is the only one I know of who made a newbie thread and has over 100 posts in the <2 months hes been here.

Also, Hello to TheRage. You better rage a lot or I'm going to not like you.

Also also, two things about your sig. It can only be 4 lines according to forum rules, and I put people with red font sigs on my ignore list. *waves at huntingbear*

I'm using red fonts because I'm THERAGE.

It's kind of a cause maybe.
Ah yes. Bold fonts make me strong!

Aww. This is Goood!
Yes. Strong. If you try hard enough, maybe it'll come free.