Hidden 'Vortiguant' speech?


Jul 4, 2003
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Someone posted it earlier, it was a list of all the things that hidden alien said in that sewer pipe, anyone have that list of what he said, or know the thread it was posted in?
The complete speeches are in the "source sounds" gcf file, in (i think) /root/vo/vortigaunt/.
You need GCFscape to unpack them.

Well worth a listen. There's some crazy stuff in there.
the vortigaunt that pimps up the riverboat says a lot too if you repeatedly press use on him..
I was looking for the speech too. Its supposedly in an airboat level in a tunnel. Couldn't find it yesterday. Where is it?
it's the vortigaunt that jazzes up the airboat with the combine machine gun just keep pressing use on the guy he will talk forever. pretty cool stuff..
jimbones said:
it's the vortigaunt that jazzes up the airboat with the combine machine gun just keep pressing use on the guy he will talk forever. pretty cool stuff..

Not that one. Its in a secret area. Its in a tunnel or something.
where do i get the .gcf viewing program from? is it free?
Okay I found the Vort. When do fight that helicopter in the airboat level. When you destory it, you open the big gate. Go straight forward and you'll see 2 graes for tunnels. One is closed, one is semi-open. Use your airboat (jump on it) to get the semi-open. There is that hazardous liquid, use noclip or god to get through it. To your left at the end is a vort camping out, roasting head humpers!