HIGH ping


May 21, 2004
Reaction score
;(I'm quite frustrated, angry, disappointed, and just about fed up with this. Every CS: S server I join, I get a high ping. Anywhere between 300 and 1000. I have Comcast High-Speed Internet, which is cable/broadband. I've tried almost everything to fix my ping, but no such luck has arrived.
I've shutdown my firewall, made sure no programs are running in the background, and even lowered my video options. Nothing makes it any better. :angry:

Please! Someone help me out here. :angry:

I've also ran speed tests. The results are superb. What is the problem!?
Did you try adjust your rate? in the console. I'd think a broadbander would be around 10,000 or 20,000.
Personally I'm a 56ker and I run best at 5,000.
I've downloaded all of that. Still no luck. What do I do now?!
Something is definitely holding me back. I don't know what. Maybe something is set wrong. Because I should be having a much lower ping than this.
Try setting it extremely low like 0!! or 1!! or -50000000!!!
Now, don't..that would be stupid..
hmmm have u ever thought that your service provider has dling caps on their master server? i know some companies have started this to deal with online gaming/ massive dl's.


Mike :cheese: