Hint at new WoW race?

Pft, Murlocs would never join Humans. They attack everything and everything. Pandarens are more likely than Murlocs.

I liked the idea of the two-headed ogre player-race, though :P
Haha, ridiculous.

My money's on Draenii but not much money because it's pretty uncertain.
Oh, no, both look so stupid.

I hope there will be the worgen race, because all the alliance races look uncool. I mean, how does a dwarf rogue stack up to an undead rogue?
"When his knees are higher than your waist, your teeth are level with his crotch."
As above.

Hmmm, Terry Pratchett.
No. Just no. Hell no.

Draenei ftw. And no Pandaren. They're a ****ing joke ffs!
In my opinion it will either be Draenei or an entirely new race we have not seen before in any previous games.

That new article though is damn interesting to me. I love looking into Warcraft lore and using it to determine what Blizzard has planned next. To me it seems that Blizzard is planning at least a couple instances and regions that take place in the deep oceans, perhaps in caves deep under water where we will find out more about and try to stop an invasion by an as yet unknown group of oceanic races.
I found it rather lame tbh, like I care about Murlocs. I wanna read chapter six from the lore, instead of a stupid filler.
I reckon Pandaren will appear, but as a neutral/NPC only race. But I bet you anything there'll be a quest where you have to fight with a Pandaren warrior through a load of enemies.

Personally I'm very interested to see exactly what effect the opening of the Dark Portal will have on Azeroth. I mean, something so ****ing huge will have enormous consequences; it'll be like in Northern Lights when the sky gets ripped open over the Arctic Circle. Will we suddenly be moving between two worlds? Will the economy, the Horde and Alliance move into the Outland or whatever it's called to occupy it? Will the Burning Legion come pouring through? The questions!
Sulkdodds said:
Haha, ridiculous.

My money's on Draenii but not much money because it's pretty uncertain.
You would be correct.

it WAS pandarean but the Chineese went crazy because there would be panda killin in a game.
Sulkdodds said:
I reckon Pandaren will appear, but as a neutral/NPC only race. But I bet you anything there'll be a quest where you have to fight with a Pandaren warrior through a load of enemies.

Personally I'm very interested to see exactly what effect the opening of the Dark Portal will have on Azeroth. I mean, something so ****ing huge will have enormous consequences; it'll be like in Northern Lights when the sky gets ripped open over the Arctic Circle. Will we suddenly be moving between two worlds? Will the economy, the Horde and Alliance move into the Outland or whatever it's called to occupy it? Will the Burning Legion come pouring through? The questions!

After hearing about the AQ gates opening on the server i play on last night i can tell you exactly what will happen:

"World Server is down."