HIRING: A guy who can teach me surf-maps.


Jun 22, 2006
Reaction score
Because I go about five feet before I splat on the ground :p.
Yeah, I'm sure it's just something really basic that I'm missing, but I try different positions, mouse movements, etc, and I still die instantly.
I learn it myself within 5 minutes. I won't say I am good at it. At least I can surf from ramp to ramp. It's easy! ;)
Is this source or 1.6?
Didn't VALVe **** up surfing for source in an update?
Eh, either I guess, but I've been playing Source more recently.

I guess since I rejoined my old clan I'll be playing 1.6 more though..
I haven't played a surf map in about a year (seriously, last time I remember was with outpost and Qonfused last summer) but I might still have the knack :O
I play Surf maps all the time. Add me on xfire.

rofl this thread made me go play surfmaps, and i got in a server and started surfing and a guy who plays at Gamefrog where i work randomly appeared, and by chance, not xfire or the like - helluva coincidence
What's the age requirment for working at GameFrog, ennui?
I joined Qonfused on xfire while he was still connecting to the server (xfire was quick for once :/ ) and I got there earlier than he did so he was like OMG BRICK COINCIDENCE! :D
Ill help you

add : tumadre165 to your xfire. I was feeling like playing some surf maps anyway.

(not right now tho. gotta go to work in an hour. done at 9pm est)
What's the age requirment for working at GameFrog, ennui?

our youngest employee is sixteen.. he's the only one. evan and i are seventeen, and everyone else is in college i think.
Cool. I'm looking for a job, so I see if there's a local one (I don't think there is :\) and apply.
It takes some practice, but you get pretty good at it. You just got to know how to curve and stuff. Like if you need to jump higher you can just turn right towards that point at the end.
Just tell him already :D

You have to press only the side arrows and move the mouse to go in the direction you're facing (within limits of course). When you hop on the ramp and start falling to your left, press the right arrow on the keyboard and make sure you're looking straight (parallel to the ramp itself). Vice versa - if you're falling to your right, press left.