HL² sponsored by Nvidia?

EDIT: damn youd think there would be a delete button.
Theres no connections between Radeons XT's to Nvidia's apart from the name.
I'm thinking of marketing a card with a whole string of exciting sounding letters so everyone buys it. I think I'll brand it the zxxtk 99 million. I'll make a mint.
Naft said:
if you knew anything about hl2 gaming/gaming history you would have realized what I was saying and you also would have known that at that time nvidia didnt. Logic and just the smallest amount of foresight and background knowledge would have told you that your entire statement was a complete waste of time.

sorry if i sound bitter lol, im tired.

uhm, pretty sure nVidia had their line of XT cards before ATi had theirs
I remember "fanATIcs" complaining about nVidia copying their XT's... but I don't remember "nVidiots" complaining. Though, I could be mistaken.
OCybrManO said:
I remember "fanATIcs" complaining about nVidia copying their XT's... but I don't remember "nVidiots" complaining. Though, I could be mistaken.

Yeah, so could I, I really have no idea, so.. eh :angel:
Well seeing as doom3 and ut2003 both droped their ATI partnership in favor of NVidia after ATI leaked their material i would not be suprised if this was to happen with HL2 as well

I doubt it has happend yet but it is highly possible
nc17 said:
Well seeing as doom3 and ut2003 both droped their ATI partnership in favor of NVidia after ATI leaked their material i would not be suprised if this was to happen with HL2 as well

I doubt it has happend yet but it is highly possible


Radeon will need HL2 as much as HL2 needs radeon.

companies dont tend to screw around when they need eachother that badly.

and with the current mess that is HL2's release Valve needs all the friends it can get.

same with radeon considering the new Nvidia cards coming out.