HL 2 allready in store ???

No it's preview boxes.
i.e. boxes the store or publisher make to promote the game. You can normally also take a box and get it preordered.
Ugh this is getting annoying. Man those preview boxes have been in my EB for months, it means nothing. That yellow sticker says something like "this is a preview, and cover information/illustration is subject to change". On that note there is also one for Doom 3 and Halo 2 at my EB, so they musty be out now too.

Sorry if I sound like a dick.
preview box, so people know the game will be there on the 30th
alright thanks. On a more positive not, assuming the 30th comes true, HL2 is out a month from today!
aahhh dam another stupid thread!

and this is only the beginning :(, what will it be for the next 4 years?
Ok you scared me. I wanted to jump out and run for the store.
Electronics Boutique, it's a huge chain of stores all over the US.
Sorry guys :)

I remember EB well, 10 years ago, or 11... I had bought my snes and Mortal kombat there, and they were having this starfox competition where first prize was a tshirt and a badge lol :D
Preview boxes on store shelves make it almost a certainty that the game will be released on time as opposed to being pushed back to late 2003 or early 2004. Preview boxes are rarely put out more than a month or two before a game's official release.
Originally posted by Mountain Man
Preview boxes on store shelves make it almost a certainty that the game will be released on time as opposed to being pushed back to late 2003 or early 2004. Preview boxes are rarely put out more than a month or two before a game's official release.

Thats not true here at all. Once a game has been announced and a few screens are out, they slap together a preview box and put er out. They had one out months and months for Zelda GC before it was out.
As I said, big deal, EB round here has those boxes up months and months in advance. Dont get me wrong Im being a skeptic on the Sept.30 release, Im just saying preview boxes dont mean jack.