HL brought us boxes... will HL2 bring us barrels?

Icarus said:
Phase One= Produce Crates
Phase Two= ?????
Phase Three= Rule The World
Phase One= Produce Crates
Phase Two= Produce Barrels To Confuse The Masses
Phase Three= Rule The World
Phase Four= Go; "Mwuahahahahaha!"
AJ Rimmer said:
Well you know, barrels do exist. Mainly outdoors how ever...

Yes, and they all are flameable. :dozey:
Maui said:
They stole them for the wicked buggies :rolling:

I'm serious. Has nobody else noticed that NO cars except combine armoured cars have wheels? And I don't mean just tyres that have burnt off - there are NO WHEELS. On any car. wtf?
i can see it now...

thanks to HL2.net a mapper creates a crate & barrel map with the Manipulator being the only weapon available :p
seriously.. its probably gonna be one of the first things mapped for HL2 :stare:
glad to see that so few people understood the joke Icarus wrote.

phase 2 must forever remain a mystery...for further information, (if you don't know), rent the second season of South Park on DVD and look for the gnomes...
The end boss of HL2 will be a twenty-story tall barrel.

The innovation of HL3 will be barrels within crates.
Icarus said:
Phase One= Produce Crates
Phase Two= ?????
Phase Three= Rule The World

Hehe, I can just see the combine like:

Combine: "Sir, we have completed your order to produce 22,000 crates."

Boss: "Great!"

*uncomfortable silence*

Boss: "So... how've you been?"