HL+HL2 - Favorite Character.

sheckly and grigs

"hey sheckly!"




"forget it"
1. Alyx Vance
2. Eli Vance
3. Vortigaunts, especially Cecil (Tony Todd does a great job with the voice) in episode 2.
4. G-man
5. Barney Calhoun
Who's Cecil?

I think Cecil is that vortigaunt you meet who scares off the antlion about to killl Alyx when she's injured and the first one you see healing her.

Oh and also, my favorite has to be Alyx, i just don't understand how people could hate her.
Who's Cecil?

Also my favourite is the Master Chief.

I think Cecil is that vortigaunt you meet who scares off the antlion about to killl Alyx when she's injured and the first one you see healing her.

Oh and also, my favorite has to be Alyx, i just don't understand how people could hate her.

Cecil is the vortiguant GooseGoose dubbed during his videos of his commentary critques.

My favourite would have to be the G-man
The gunships. The Combine took a huge insect, modded it, and turned it into a flying war machine that doesn't even need to be attended to.

The Antlion guards are pretty awesome too. I'm very surprised the Combine don't use them as riding or labor animals. Theyr'e durable, you need to empty 4 magazines of the submachine gun to kill the beast, and they could still attack you after the soldier riding it is dead.
My favorite char hmmmm......i would say Lammar or however it's spelled....

Lammar SECRET FACT she eats watermelon im serious headcrabs are omnivores!


that's the best idea ever.....i can picture an elite charging with a salute to his men while rebels desperatly fight back! :D
I would have to say my favourite character is obvious as my user name. It's Gordon lol.
1. Alyx
2. Eli
3. Barney
4. Magnusson
5. Kliener

I quoted Magnusson once. I was answering a question in one of my classes and used the phrase "If I'm right, and I have no reason to doubt myself..."
Not sure If I posted in this, but I'll say it again.

Otis FTW

Best personnality, best firepower, best lines and best visual appearance ever (the bald one with short sleeves).
My OTHER fav char is the training sim in HL1 =D i know the Hollograms name, since its that of one of the main chars in the not so good game HL decay, Gina Collete :D i never played very far into decay but she is like the gordon counterpart!
Really liked the barney's in hl1. It was the first time someone really helped me in a fps. Always tried to protect them to the end. The strong npc's who are helping you in hl2 (alyx, barney, father gregory) can't die without mission failure and the recistence force are less powerfull and cool than the barney's.


1. Barney
2. Alyx
3. Magnusson (although he doens't make me think about hl1 he is pretty cool )
4. The Vortigaunts, but to bad they doesn't make the noice they made in hl1 'hoolica, hoolica''.
5. The gman (what is hl without the gman)?
Too true the guards/barney's were neat but in the end i ended up killing them for ammo after they were no longer useful ^_^

"Okay, Gordon!.... Be adequate!"

Nobody beats Gordon (represent Seattle, WA), but as far as favorite NPCs go I'd go with Father Grigori, Kleiner, and Griggs/Sheckley <<< awesome pair.
1) Magnusson by a mile. "What are waiting for, a HUG?"
2) Griggs+Sheckley (since we are treating them as one and they need each other to complete the hillarity) "I got 10." "We all got 10 there are hundreds of them."
3) Father Grigory. The traps, the laughs, the shotgun gift, the lines, everything about him is great.
4) Alyx. At least she appreciates Gordons greatness.
5) Dog. I need more Dog in EP3. The sucker even rippped the brain out of a strider.

Character development in this series is absolutely fantastic. I could easilty see many other characters being on other people's lists. Great job Valve.
i both gordon and barney

I think alex is a tool

she doesn't relize when she sends gordon out to do things that could get him killed!!
I like G-man, Barney, breen, and probably Dr. Rosenberg from Blue Shift. Rosenberg was pretty cool as hes like a smart scientist guy but not all out geeky like kliener lol.
i like gordon, barney, dr kleiner and father gregory the most.....magnusson was a genius addition to the HL-universe as well!..
Barney Calhoun. He brings the humor to the game. And the cool. And the good...er. I dunno. He's an awesome character. And I can't forget my best friend's comment, "If I was a girl I would think Barney Calhoun is hot." Heh, I agree, man. ;)

I remember when I had my friend convinced that I'm related to Barney. Wasn't too hard, 'cause he thinks that my dad looks "exactly like Barney Calhoun" (because he's "greasy and sweaty and has a beard"). I haven't told him that it was a dirty lie, though. I figure I'll bask in the pretend greatness for a while more.
Generic grunt No.24 was my favorite. When he said "Neutralize freeman!" was the best line in the game.
I really like Alyx as a character. She's definitely my favorite. But, my second favorite would have to be the G-man...he's very mysterious.
I was always a big fan of the regular Combine soldier. I like their uniforms, and I think they look pretty cool, sometimes even funny.
Yeah, I love how the different combine's eyes glow with either, blue, red, orange, or yellow.
I think Grigori is cool,with him sometimes starting to talk random and scare me that way.
That would be interesting if we saw him again, but I think that he eventually gets killed by the zombies in the graveyard at the end of the Ravenhold chapter when he holds the gate open for you.