HL : Source (Full Overhaul Modification)

jheaddon said:
Cheers TDE :)
Hehe sorry mate :)

Anyway, probably got a better chance of being seen more now, not being bogged down by threads to do with all the other Source games.
<RJMC> said:
I read something in a scan of the book raising the bar that is about Alyx and Eli vance

but is a spoiler IMO

it say that Eli is not the real Alyx father,the real Alyx father was a comander,Eli vance show him some prototypes of the manipulator,and it say that the comander told to Eli to take care of Alyx if he die(cuz they should be in that 7 hours wars against the combine,so he died and Eli take careof Alyx now,it say that one of the models of the hostage of CS:S had the face of the real Alyx father

but still I am not sure about that
You read it wrong, back when the game was in it's early stages Alyx was originally supposed to be the daughter of a resistance Commander Vance, later in development theyu decided to scrap commander Vance and go wit the story they have now. I'm not using spoiler tags because it has nothing to do with the final story.

Also it wouldnt make sense if Eli had a picture of himself, Alyx and Eli's wife if she wasn't her real daughter
Appreciate it :)

Hey TDE, is Parallax mapping heavy on the system? Looked it up earlier and when combined with bump mapping you can get some nice visuals.

But is it a heavy load on the system, not seen it used much.
PlayingMantis said:
That would be a cool easter egg. You are running through the lab, enter the wrong room and voila: There is little Alyx sitting (during a visit to her dad), perhaps even interacting with Dr. Kleiner or her dad.
OR she could be playing with the original, non-modified version of dog.
jheaddon said:
Appreciate it :)

Hey TDE, is Parallax mapping heavy on the system? Looked it up earlier and when combined with bump mapping you can get some nice visuals.

But is it a heavy load on the system, not seen it used much.
I think its pretty easy on the system. Though like everything, overusing it will bog things down.

Parallax mapping though, unlike normal maps shouldn't need to be used everywhere. In most surfaces you'd not notice it.

Best bet I imagine, is to gauge a texture, if its surface has the supposed depth of more than a few centimeters, and is close to where the player can go. I'd use a parallax map on it. Any less than that just normal maps. If its a texture thats used at a greater distance, and has a lot of movement in it (where the player can see it from a greater angle at any given time) then I'd use a heavy parallax map to give a further depth to it, along with a normal map. Saving having to use extra geometry but still getting the 3D appearance when moving around. In those cases I'd use it for deeper effects than I would close up. Arches n such. At that distance you'd probably get away with it more than you would close up. Letting you use much simpler geometry for buildings/rock without losing the realism.
Dill0n said:
OR she could be playing with the original, non-modified version of dog.

Dog was made after the resonance cascade to protect alyx so... no.
Here a few suggestions you may implement to make BM Source a better game i.m.o without compromising the original gamestructure:

-dynamic whether system. Things like rain or duststorms.

-animated skyboxes (with sunlight shining in real-time through particle clouds)

-and little shader effects like heat shimmering

I do not know if the Source engine is capable of pulling off these effects within a respectable frame rate range, but I can't help but wonder about how much more atmospheric the game should be with the aforementioned aspects implemented.

What do you guys think?
Most of those things would take a long time to implement, seeing as no one has the VMFs.

Textures should technically be not too hard to change because you can just replace them, though the GCF files could pose a slight problem.
Have you asked valve for the vmf's? You could maybe ask for 2 or 3 of them to prove you are serious, and then ask for the rest once they see that.

Just my two eurocents...
PlayingMantis said:
Here a few suggestions you may implement to make BM Source a better game i.m.o without compromising the original gamestructure:

-dynamic whether system. Things like rain or duststorms.

-animated skyboxes (with sunlight shining in real-time through particle clouds)

-and little shader effects like heat shimmering

I do not know if the Source engine is capable of pulling off these effects within a respectable frame rate range, but I can't help but wonder about how much more atmospheric the game should be with the aforementioned aspects implemented.

What do you guys think?

I got the CE a few days ago and tried HLS, so i can tell you that heat shimmering is already in.
I only saw it in the training room lvl where you have to walk through steam very cool distortion effect.
If you meant something else with shimmering then please ignore all above :cheese:
BRODIEMAN2k4 said:
You read it wrong, back when the game was in it's early stages Alyx was originally supposed to be the daughter of a resistance Commander Vance, later in development theyu decided to scrap commander Vance and go wit the story they have now. I'm not using spoiler tags because it has nothing to do with the final story.

Also it wouldnt make sense if Eli had a picture of himself, Alyx and Eli's wife if she wasn't her real daughter

yes you are right

I didnt read it completly cuz I thought it will be spoiler :p

sorry for my mistake
PlayingMantis said:
Here a few suggestions you may implement to make BM Source a better game i.m.o without compromising the original gamestructure:

-dynamic whether system. Things like rain or duststorms.

-animated skyboxes (with sunlight shining in real-time through particle clouds)

-and little shader effects like heat shimmering

I do not know if the Source engine is capable of pulling off these effects within a respectable frame rate range, but I can't help but wonder about how much more atmospheric the game should be with the aforementioned aspects implemented.

What do you guys think?

isnt valve already updating hl:source? I think they just released the un updated port to have something to add to the steam packs. anyway I mostly don't trust stuff like this. its mostly a big dissapointment if its done by modders, escpecially because you guys dont have the vision valve had when they begun on HL, wich can knock the feel of HL in the wrong direction with ease
Element Alpha said:
Have you asked valve for the vmf's? You could maybe ask for 2 or 3 of them to prove you are serious, and then ask for the rest once they see that.

Just my two eurocents...

I emailed Gabe a while ago, he shrugged me off. :bonce:
Much talk has been going on at our forums and if you look around you may just find a little easter egg for the time being until we make an official statement.
Hey guys,

I just found this topic, so sorry that I am really late. The idea sounds wonderful. I am sure with everyones skills neccessary you can get the job done and have a wonderful remake/mod on your hands. In fact, I was wondring if you guys needed a moderator, or something of that nature to help the forums to stay nice and tidey. I don't have alot of technical skills that are required with directly working with the core game mechanics, but I would jump at the chance to help make the website run free of problems.

I have basic knowledge of HTML, and whatever skills I require to learn, I will obleige. Thanks guys! And good luck! :D
I know this thread is old but

there is some advance in this mod?
They're always advancing. Whether they want to tell you about it or not: that's another thing entirely.
Hey, sorry just got back from xmas holiday in Florida!

The site is still a WIP and yes the media section is meant to be disabled, we won't be enabling it till we have our first news post, which will have lots of images and possibly a trailer?
Iced_Eagle said:
I emailed Gabe a while ago, he shrugged me off. :bonce:
Gabe is not the guy to e-mail. E-mail Rick Ellis. I forgot his e-mail address, though. :(
Has any progress been made? i'm to lazy to browse thru the thread :p
You should fix a typing error.
In the "updates", it reads "histarically"...that SHOULD be "hysterically"
Hey BM:S guys... seems like your forum has some serious troubles :( When will it be back online?
Yeh lots of progress has been made, we're into full development now, lots happening :) Hopefully first news post soon.

Thanks max :)

Not sure about the forums, our webhost has been hit pretty hard recently, might be changing soon though to a more reliable one!
Can't wait for the official anouncement and the first media! To say it in german words: Ich freu mich schon wie ein Schnitzel :E
We're supposed to have started working on it already?


<fires up Blender>