HL: Source Overhaul Mod Media

Is there an estimated date for this yet?

The Dark Elf - Whats your avatar from? it kind of reminds me of The Grudge.
Alig said:
Is there an estimated date for this yet?

The Dark Elf - Whats your avatar from? it kind of reminds me of The Grudge.
It's Sadako, from the Ring Trilogy

watched Ju-On the Grudge again today.. atleast that one still creeps me out.. even though Ring doesn't no more :(:(:(
Strays too far from the original imo.
What I was hoping for was the original hl1 experience, except that it looks like hl2. in other words, models would look the same, but updated.
Mac, we will release our updated models and textures for use on the original HL maps.

But we're not doing just that, if you don't want to play our levels, feel free not to.
jheaddon said:
Mac, we will release our updated models and textures for use on the original HL maps.

But we're not doing just that, if you don't want to play our levels, feel free not to.
Yeah if they dont want to play yours where there's something newly made to find around every corner they can go play one with a few new textures and DX9 water...
jheaddon said:
The Xen concepts were something Dark Elf created, Xen may or may not turn out as they depict, remember they are just his visions of Xen, although they are very intriguing.

LOL, that explains why he got so pissy about the Giger comments then (the hack). Xen was always meant to look otherworldly and alien, and it succeeded. The problem with it was that because of it's uniqueness of appearance, it was very difficult for players to gauge distances (especially with the jumping elements), because of a lack of clear spatial identifiers.

I'd say just revamp the Xen levels as they were with more detailing and textures and teleport in a few human elements (a crashed helecopter, a desk, filing cabinets...whatever) into the levels, to help players orientate themselves more easily within the spaces, also I'm sure that in the forthcoming raising the bar book there will be plenty of examples of early concept art from the original game, perhaps they will provide some inspiration for how to tackle Xen.
The Dark Elf said:
Yeah if they dont want to play yours where there's something newly made to find around every corner they can go play one with a few new textures and DX9 water...

I dunno about that, you could still keep everything 'looking' the same and still have it be a fresh experience. The artwork shown here almost looks like a different game, barely recognizeable. I'd like to be able to recognize enemies/bosses in hl1:source yet have them look astonishingly better. If its gonna be alot different from the original, then it shouldn't be called hl:source.

CounterStrike Source for example, refreshing experience..even though its pretty much the same stuff.
Mac, it won't be keeping the HL:S tag for very long.

Also, i've already stated that we will be releasing models and other uprated content for those who still want the original HL map layout.

The map layout we will be creating will be i'd say 90% instantly recognisable with the original game, so you recognise black mesa reception, the test chamber, the dam et cetera. But we will be adding a slightly new experience to the game, not "ruining" it as some people make out.
jheaddon said:
Mac, it won't be keeping the HL:S tag for very long.

Also, i've already stated that we will be releasing models and other uprated content for those who still want the original HL map layout.

The map layout we will be creating will be i'd say 90% instantly recognisable with the original game, so you recognise black mesa reception, the test chamber, the dam et cetera. But we will be adding a slightly new experience to the game, not "ruining" it as some people make out.

alright, sounds good.
btw, I am not trying to put down yalls work at all, undoubtably it will be great, just offering my opinion.

keep up the good work.
Mac said:
alright, sounds good.
btw, I am not trying to put down yalls work at all, undoubtably it will be great, just offering my opinion.

keep up the good work.
The BM stuff as he says will be very recognisable.. yeah it'll look different, but you'll be able to say "oh i remember this place" in each part.. Something like say the first area your in during HL, after the train journey, it'll be the same, only expanded, more details, more scientists, a more real working environment type effect, engineers doing the rounds, more varied scientists, security, camera's, extra area's to give it that larger feel to it. And obviously cause of Source, better detailing.

As for Xen, if he goes with my style, yeah its gonna look different, and Xen in itself will be different to what it was before, but you will still recognise it for what it is. I'm sure you'll still see the odd long dead research team and other human elements dotted about, like before, hinting at missions that didn't go so well, or people escaping to Xen when things started to go wrong. I'm sure there will still be jumping puzzle's too, and the whole feeling that Xen is alive will be there, it'll still have that creepy element to it.

Things will be good, im sure of it :)
The Dark Elf said:
The BM stuff as he says will be very recognisable.. yeah it'll look different, but you'll be able to say "oh i remember this place" in each part.. Something like say the first area your in during HL, after the train journey, it'll be the same, only expanded, more details, more scientists, a more real working environment type effect, engineers doing the rounds, more varied scientists, security, camera's, extra area's to give it that larger feel to it. And obviously cause of Source, better detailing.

As for Xen, if he goes with my style, yeah its gonna look different, and Xen in itself will be different to what it was before, but you will still recognise it for what it is. I'm sure you'll still see the odd long dead research team and other human elements dotted about, like before, hinting at missions that didn't go so well, or people escaping to Xen when things started to go wrong. I'm sure there will still be jumping puzzle's too, and the whole feeling that Xen is alive will be there, it'll still have that creepy element to it.

Things will be good, im sure of it :)

man that sounds awesome, can't wait! :)
This is definitely gonna be fun to play :p i hope you guys dont let it die :p it should just be great to look at!...

dont worry about straying too much from the original, i reckon, because I think its about time for a "proper" remake. that can actually expand a bit on the game... make it something original and fun :)
jheaddon said:
Mac, it won't be keeping the HL:S tag for very long.

Also, i've already stated that we will be releasing models and other uprated content for those who still want the original HL map layout.

The map layout we will be creating will be i'd say 90% instantly recognisable with the original game, so you recognise black mesa reception, the test chamber, the dam et cetera. But we will be adding a slightly new experience to the game, not "ruining" it as some people make out.

thanks for replying to the email i sent u about Co-op mode.
i really hope u guys go ahead it this idea.. it would be fun playing this mod online with friends :)
Dr. Freeman said:
thanks for replying to the email i sent u about Co-op mode.
i really hope u guys go ahead it this idea.. it would be fun playing this mod online with friends :)
ahh so there is gonna be co-op mode (judging by your mood now) :)

cool! :D:D
Hehe yeh he mailed me, was a great idea, something i really missed from the original HL (Althought sven coop, wasn't quite the same though in some respects..)
jheaddon said:
Hehe yeh he mailed me, was a great idea, something i really missed from the original HL (Althought sven coop, wasn't quite the same though in some respects..)
I've never played sven coop. I'm sure you could do a good coop mode though.
Methias, any constructive criticism - feel free?

Otherwise, do piss off..
Attached is the first draft of the design document, if anyone wishes to make comments, give feedback, place concern feel free.

Like i said it is only the first draft, much will change i'm sure, as well as be added.
jheaddon said:
Methias, any constructive criticism - feel free?

Otherwise, do piss off..

Maybe I would be constructive, if that concept art wasn't so shockingly exact to H.R. Giger's work set forth in the Necronomicon...I'm sorry but it really is just a little too similar (the picture in the middle anyway).
--- Update ---

We have merged with the LeakFree team who we had literally, identical design documents, so is very logical as they are real cool, talented guys.

The new dedicated forum - Click Here

The mod is called Black Mesa : Source, there are plenty of ideas flying around so if you want your point to be heard feel free to post.

The new website is on it's way so we will be moving to their once it is complete.

Oh and got a quick logo i put up in 3 minutes, any feedback?

The concepts look great, very different :D

It may not look xenish...but who cares enough people complained about it....maybe a new change is the way to go :D

Although that looks more combine - ish to me....meh who cares, am sure mods gonna be great
this is going to be so sweet!! my only complaint isn't even about the mod itself..

I wish people would LOOK at the original Garg and other aspects of Xen before they crap on the concept art TDE has done..

I have said it before and I will say it again..

Black you say... hmm

went with orange (was originally dark blue) cause that's the official logo colour and if you have to think of a colour for HL it's orange all the way (baby)
official logo color for black mesa is black, thats why i suggested as such.

but orange is good too since it combines the black mesa logo with the hl2 official color i guess.