HL:Source Overhaul modification

So what's the progress report with this project then? Let's see where it's at.

It's time...
Yeh i wrote it as an option, so you can pick it from the menu when you click "New Game", or when you are told of it on entering the facility.

You can of course skip both, by not clicking the button and walking on past the HC entrance ingame.

Mess - Sorry just wrapping a few things up team wise, plus lots of uni work! :(
Attached is the first draft of the design document, if anyone wishes to make comments, give feedback, place concern feel free.

Like i said it is only the first draft, much will change i'm sure, as well as be added.
hello everyone. jheaddon i would like to help you.i am a modeler so i could get some weapons under way.contact me
New Houndeye concept.

The back is covered with ridges and in between the ridges blue hair sprouts out. This was established after examining the HL1 models in-game. There are alot more folds around the eyes and all over the body itself, to give a more reptilian, saggy feel. Also I noticed that Houndeyes only have one back leg, so that is what the concept shows.

Also note the 'blowhole' on the underbelly of the Houndeye. In HL1, they featured this hole. Just before attacking, they would lean down, pressing this to the floor. I'm guessing this is how they manifest their shockwave attack.

Mess - Cheers forgot to add that to the document!

Something like an mIRC cabal will have to do seeing as we cannot group together in person (unfortunately).

Yeh i know about them guys, we're sort of colaborating together at the minute, seeing as we both have the same goals set out!

Nice concept by the way!
--- Update ---

We have merged with the LeakFree team who we had literally, identical design documents, so is very logical as they are real cool, talented guys.

The new dedicated forum - Click Here

The mod is called Black Mesa : Source, there are plenty of ideas flying around so if you want your point to be heard feel free to post.

The new website is on it's way so we will be moving to their once it is complete.

Oh and got a quick logo i put up in 3 minutes, any feedback?

I am a multimedia designer and I would be happy to contribute with an upgraded 'corporate style' for the Black Mesa facility. Including a rehall of the logo :P
(I am working on it, so you can decide.)
Actually, you did the logo wrong :) it's mirrored and the Black Mesa logo does not have the extended circle. that's just in the HL2 logo.
Hehe yeah I was gonna use the extended bit of the circle to put something in it, like the 2 in HL2, but couldn't think of anything :D