HL1 in source?


Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
I remember reading somewhere a vague statement by Gabe in an interview that went something like this:

PERSON: Would modders be allowed to recreate HL1 using HL2 technology?

GABE: We've already gotten that under control.

Am I making this up or did I really read it somewhere? Can anyone shed some light on this?
Yeah, they said that.. part of the conversion was stolen along with the HL2 build, it's pretty nifty. I'm hoping they include HL1 port as an extra in the special edition bundle
That is basically what was said, he was asked ans said if was being taken care of, whether thru a mod team or themselves doing it is unclear but it is apparently being done.

Your not dreaming Glo-Boy.

*edit* damn it shuzer beat me too it!
I just did that thing where you like, put your fist out in the air and retract it in next to your rib cage. then I was like YESSSSS!
Not meaning to be rude or anything, but if that happens I will cream my pants.
Chris_D said:
Not meaning to be rude or anything, but if that happens I will cream my pants.
I'm currently in the process of creaming my pants right now....OoOoOoooOoohhhh!H!hhH!Hh1
You guys are way behind I creamed my pants 3 years ago. Still haven't changed em...
What, you mean you guys don't just constantly go and... uh, nothing. Nothing to see here, move along people.

Seriously, I would pay money (but don't take that as a hint Gabe) just to have HL Remastered. High detail HL with all the AI and interactive scripts it needed. Physics. New-and-improved zombies. Intelligent Barneys. Particles. Hopefully the removal of Lambda. 3D skyboxes. Possibly even vehicular physics for the trains.

Oh yeah.

/me goes and does something private and unmentionable
back when hl2 leaked, there was a file that, IN THEORY, included CS and HL1 on the source engine. I really have no idea how it looks though.
Damn that's going to be fun! I'd definately buy it too. Along with a new pair of boxers/pants.
Jmechy said:
back when hl2 leaked, there was a file that, IN THEORY, included CS and HL1 on the source engine. I really have no idea how it looks though.

Let me explain what it is. It is Half-Life 1, CS, TFC (I couldn't get it to work), and DOD (Not sure if this worked either), all on the Source engine. So basically, everything is the same as in HL2, including ragdoll physics, water effects, and all. Everything (textures, models.. etc.) looks the same though.
eraser said:
Let me explain what it is. It is Half-Life 1, CS, TFC (I couldn't get it to work), and DOD (Not sure if this worked either), all on the Source engine. So basically, everything is the same as in HL2, including ragdoll physics, water effects, and all. Everything (textures, models.. etc.) looks the same though.

perhaps this is what valve has had up their sleeve all along with being quiet a bout the multiplayer aspect of Half life..... its already been mentioned b4 that CS2 has been in developement as well as DOD2 and TFC2 for quite some time.. meaning with source... but if its all backwards compatible....guess what that means? carbon copy for gameplay... just improved visuals and physics......just think about it... the CS2 team would only have to worry about the texturing, mapping, and modeling, the actual engine coding etc would be a minor issue. i bet thats exactly what theyre doing to speed things up....


hmm well that one dude(sorry, didn't look at your name) says that it's just the physics and ragdoll and crap, but same models and textures as before. i don't like that idea, BUT if there were a HL1 in source, with all the graphical goodness, well...


/me Joygasms
Anthraxxx said:
I'm currently in the process of creaming my pants right now....OoOoOoooOoohhhh!H!hhH!Hh1


/me creams pants.
PXM5000 said:
Will the sound be remastered as well?

my friend had it, I played it, as I said before the HL1 ported to source was just that, HL1 in source (the models had ragdolls applied,most objects had realistic physics, shooting someone with the crossbow made them stick in the wall, explosion gfx from HL2, and soundscapes aka doppler effect on bullets from far away) its a ton of fun, but there are no new models/sounds/animations etc, its not remastered in any way, it was as simple as if someone slapped the HL1 content into an HL2 mod folder.

CS also was with it, however CS only had one working stage, one or 2 working models, messed up animations(there was no DOD, or TFC I dont know where you heard that from, if they are out there a user must have done them, since ANON only released the LEAK, then The HL1/CS pack), and overall didnt work.

however wether it was done by VALVE or by the Theif Anon, is left to be determined.
It does seem as though they have tried to make the engine backwards compatible. Which is not only pretty impressive, but also a pretty smart move. Imagine all of those teams that have been working on mods for about five years (e.g. Hostile Intent) that have only just been released. All that time on coding and modelling isn't wasted as their game will be out of date within the year, instead they could port it over and imrpove the visuals.

I hope they've done that because that really would be cool.
Chris_D said:
It does seem as though they have tried to make the engine backwards compatible. Which is not only pretty impressive, but also a pretty smart move. Imagine all of those teams that have been working on mods for about five years (e.g. Hostile Intent) that have only just been released. All that time on coding and modelling isn't wasted as their game will be out of date within the year, instead they could port it over and imrpove the visuals.

I hope they've done that because that really would be cool.
yes Gabe has stated multiple times in interviews, that they wanted to support the mod community first (as one of their main priorities) and Backwards compatibility was a must. (on numerous occasions Gabe has stated porting content to source was very easy, and he gave them porting HL1 to source as an example)

its amazing how they can do that, I mean Valve can deliver Backwards compatibilty on an entirely new engine (source), while UT2k4 cant when its the same damn engine as U2k3.
yeah, but they have also said before that source isn't LITERALLY backwards compatible. many things need to be changed, including maps needing to be recompiled (i think), models recompiled, code tweaked, etc.
wait.......whats this?......this feeling?........no....no!.....it cant be!!!

Im excited about HL2 again!!!!
If they were to remake HL1, will they include dramatic scenes of Eli and his wife. Larger maps with multiple ways of achieving goals (It would be impressive in Office Complex and We've Got Hostiles), updated models, sounds, physics and textures as well as a larger variety of generic NPC's.

I can imagine speeding away from a Garg in a BM Jeep in that parking area (Only you can have a larger chase scene)
Mr. Redundant said:
my friend had it, I played it, as I said before the HL1 ported to source was just that, HL1 in source (the models had ragdolls applied,most objects had realistic physics, shooting someone with the crossbow made them stick in the wall, explosion gfx from HL2, and soundscapes aka doppler effect on bullets from far away) its a ton of fun, but there are no new models/sounds/animations etc, its not remastered in any way, it was as simple as if someone slapped the HL1 content into an HL2 mod folder.

CS also was with it, however CS only had one working stage, one or 2 working models, messed up animations(there was no DOD, or TFC I dont know where you heard that from, if they are out there a user must have done them, since ANON only released the LEAK, then The HL1/CS pack), and overall didnt work.

however wether it was done by VALVE or by the Theif Anon, is left to be determined.

I don't believe that for a second mainly due to the fact that you can't just stick a model from hl1 in to hl2 and expect it to magically acquire ragdoll physics. It takes a whole load of extra coding in the model, and from what you said above about it not including any new models, it just couldnt possibly work. A load of made up nonsense to be frankly honest.
That and it's stolen crap... of course it's not gonna be finished... ****, I'm so tired of this shit being brought up in all these threads.
um...dont flame me if i'm wrong, I haven't even used the HL2 beta.

But i have heard that literally copying HL1 files into a specific HL2 directory will automatically allow very limited enhancements like ragdoll physics.

Again, I dont know if this is true, i think i just read it somewhere.
epsil0n said:
its already been mentioned b4 that CS2 has been in developement as well as DOD2 and TFC2 for quite some time..

for the love of ..

There is no such thing as TFC2.

Quick Team Fortress lesson.

"Back in the day", there was once a game made by iD that went by the name of Quake. Some of you younger gamers have probably never even heard of it. Perhaps you think they just started with Quake 3 .. lol .. anyway.

There was this group of people who hacked Quake to create their own game - or a modification if you will ... That’s where the term comes from ... Mods from Quake (and a few from Duke Nukem, but anyway). But, iD did not want people to mod their game, so they tried many times to stop them, unsuccessfully.

This group of people created a mod named Team Fortress that had 9 classes to choose from with two teams in what would become more or less the standard for CTF games. The funny part is that, from that mod .. came other mods for that mod ... Such as Mega TF and Custom TF (both of which I loved).

Some time before Halflife came out, Valve scooped up the TF team because it was the most played multiplayer game on the market (at the time, there ... wasn't really anything ... lol) and I'm sure it drove iD's Quake sales through the roof. Anyway, after some time ... news about this "Halflife" game were starting to be spread, along with the acquisition of the TF team to Valve. We were then told by Valve that there would be a new version of TF called TF2 that would become a mod for Halflife.

This was big news all over the TF community and drove many of us crazy for Halflife. I can tell you for a fact, that’s the only reason I bought Halflife. Because TF2 would come out for it. Looking back, I'm not sorry I got it, but just disappointed I suppose. Anyway, Halflife is released and we're still being told that yes, TF2 will come out "soon" ... so everyone snags up Halflife. Lots of time passes and Valve can tell the TF community is becoming restless. So - what do they do? They release TFC.

Have you ever stopped to think what the "C" in TFC meant? It means Classic. TFC is a port (well, more of a adaptation .. doesnt play much like TF) from the Quake mod Team Fortress.

It was created to tide us over till TF2 came out - that was all, its really that simple. Perhaps the TF team attempted to create TF2 but it just came out looking like TF with better graphics, so they decided to name it TFC and start over - I don’t know.

All I do know for a fact - is that TFC is, nor was, an original idea. Its a remake of an existing mod. Therefore, there will never be a "TFC 2" - because there cant be. You cant have another remake of a game that already has a remake. If anything we'd see a TF2C.

I know its trivial, I know that no one probably cares, just kinda chaps my hide that people think TFC was an original game and that the TF2 I've been waiting for since Quake is actually a sequel to the Team Fortress Crap (sorry, but it is compaired to the original.) that exists today.

And to top that off - Valve even released Death Match Classic. Guess what that is kiddies? Thats Quake Death Match with Quake weapons. Valve did not create that either. It's a remake (with iDs permission) of what Valve stated themselves they really liked to play.

Recap ...

Team Fortress - Quake mod
Team Fortress Classic - Half Life recreation of Team Fortress
Team Fortress 2 - Sequel to Team Fortress
Team Fortress Classic 2 - Does not exist, nor will it ever.
Death Match Classic - Half Life recration of Quakes' Death Match

Hope at least 1 or 2 people read that. :hmph:

oh, and I guess the reason I still am kinda upset about it all is because I guess I still feel cheated in some small way ... I doubt anyone else but those in the position the other people who bought HL for TF2 could understand.
yes, well .. like I said .. its trivial ...

I just hate that people think TFC was an original idea and created by Valve (hell, it was created by the same team that created TF).
Bicka said:
I don't believe that for a second mainly due to the fact that you can't just stick a model from hl1 in to hl2 and expect it to magically acquire ragdoll physics. It takes a whole load of extra coding in the model, and from what you said above about it not including any new models, it just couldnt possibly work. A load of made up nonsense to be frankly honest.
to each his own, but I have no reason to lie.
the models were HL1 models, and they did have ragdoll effects, I forgot to mention the water was replaced by HL2 water too.

perhaps the ragdolls were done on just the old models... dunno, Im sure they went through some process of enabling ragdolls on them, I doubt simply putting the model into HL2 would apply ragdoll... but the ragdolls were not as sophisticated as HL2s (for the record), so who knows. oh also when you shot something, it left bullet decals where it was hit (coooolest part), like zombies and soldiers etc.. looked real spiffy

if you dont believe me you could probably still find pics of HL1 in source somewheres on the net if you look.
What, you mean you guys don't just constantly go and... uh, nothing. Nothing to see here, move along people.

Seriously, I would pay money (but don't take that as a hint Gabe) just to have HL Remastered. High detail HL with all the AI and interactive scripts it needed. Physics. New-and-improved zombies. Intelligent Barneys. Particles. Hopefully the removal of Lambda. 3D skyboxes. Possibly even vehicular physics for the trains.

Though will they keep the steaming pile of underpants that was the alien homeworld Xen? If so, let's hope they make it a bit more fun to play.

I know that the visit to Xen is essential to the progress of the story of HL1, but it was far less enthralling than the pitched battles and exploration and immersion we experienced in Black Mesa. Xen was just plain boring and headache inducing! :frown:
Zen creeped me out at first and then I was like, "I want to kill marines!".....*Gasp* wouldn't it be awsome in Half Life 2 and you were transported back to Zen and their were a couple Combine that were in the same situation as you, that they may help you and you fight off aliens until you are transported back into the real world and your Combine friends die fighting for you. *sniff* what an emotional moment
Silver.Fox said:
for the love of ..

There is no such thing as TFC2.

Quick Team Fortress lesson.

"Back in the day", there was once a game made by iD that went by the name of Quake. Some of you younger gamers have probably never even heard of it. Perhaps you think they just started with Quake 3 .. lol .. anyway.

There was this group of people who hacked Quake to create their own game - or a modification if you will ... That’s where the term comes from ... Mods from Quake (and a few from Duke Nukem, but anyway). But, iD did not want people to mod their game, so they tried many times to stop them, unsuccessfully.

This group of people created a mod named Team Fortress that had 9 classes to choose from with two teams in what would become more or less the standard for CTF games. The funny part is that, from that mod .. came other mods for that mod ... Such as Mega TF and Custom TF (both of which I loved).

Some time before Halflife came out, Valve scooped up the TF team because it was the most played multiplayer game on the market (at the time, there ... wasn't really anything ... lol) and I'm sure it drove iD's Quake sales through the roof. Anyway, after some time ... news about this "Halflife" game were starting to be spread, along with the acquisition of the TF team to Valve. We were then told by Valve that there would be a new version of TF called TF2 that would become a mod for Halflife.

This was big news all over the TF community and drove many of us crazy for Halflife. I can tell you for a fact, that’s the only reason I bought Halflife. Because TF2 would come out for it. Looking back, I'm not sorry I got it, but just disappointed I suppose. Anyway, Halflife is released and we're still being told that yes, TF2 will come out "soon" ... so everyone snags up Halflife. Lots of time passes and Valve can tell the TF community is becoming restless. So - what do they do? They release TFC.

Have you ever stopped to think what the "C" in TFC meant? It means Classic. TFC is a port (well, more of a adaptation .. doesnt play much like TF) from the Quake mod Team Fortress.

It was created to tide us over till TF2 came out - that was all, its really that simple. Perhaps the TF team attempted to create TF2 but it just came out looking like TF with better graphics, so they decided to name it TFC and start over - I don’t know.

All I do know for a fact - is that TFC is, nor was, an original idea. Its a remake of an existing mod. Therefore, there will never be a "TFC 2" - because there cant be. You cant have another remake of a game that already has a remake. If anything we'd see a TF2C.

I know its trivial, I know that no one probably cares, just kinda chaps my hide that people think TFC was an original game and that the TF2 I've been waiting for since Quake is actually a sequel to the Team Fortress Crap (sorry, but it is compaired to the original.) that exists today.

And to top that off - Valve even released Death Match Classic. Guess what that is kiddies? Thats Quake Death Match with Quake weapons. Valve did not create that either. It's a remake (with iDs permission) of what Valve stated themselves they really liked to play.

Recap ...

Team Fortress - Quake mod
Team Fortress Classic - Half Life recreation of Team Fortress
Team Fortress 2 - Sequel to Team Fortress
Team Fortress Classic 2 - Does not exist, nor will it ever.
Death Match Classic - Half Life recration of Quakes' Death Match

Hope at least 1 or 2 people read that. :hmph:

oh, and I guess the reason I still am kinda upset about it all is because I guess I still feel cheated in some small way ... I doubt anyone else but those in the position the other people who bought HL for TF2 could understand.
You're my hero <3

It's not directly backwards compatible, however you can recompile hl1 maps and update some of the entities to get them to work in HL2.


From: Chris Deeming [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, March 08, 2004 4:44 PM
To: Rick Ellis
Subject: Backward compatibility

Hey Rick, hope you're all ok.

There's been a little bit of discussion about versions of Half-Life 2 that were regrettably stolen. One bit of information has stated that the Source engine seems to be backwards compatible with content from the Half-Life engine. First of all, is this true? Was it a deliberate move by Valve? And what do you see as the main benefit for this compatibility - mod teams or the players of the game?

HalfLife2.Net Staff
Just imagine the Garg in source...

/me shivers in excitement and fear
no TFC2, correct... but maybe there can be a TF2C (in the very long run) :D
on a newer game engine than HL2 by a newer startup company :)
Silver.Fox said:
Team Fortress - Quake mod
Team Fortress Classic - Half Life recreation of Team Fortress
Team Fortress 2 - Sequel to Team Fortress
Team Fortress Classic 2 - Does not exist, nor will it ever.
Death Match Classic - Half Life recration of Quakes' Death Match

Hope at least 1 or 2 people read that. :hmph:

oh, and I guess the reason I still am kinda upset about it all is because I guess I still feel cheated in some small way ... I doubt anyone else but those in the position the other people who bought HL for TF2 could understand.

rofl.. someone's got their panties in a wad....

yea man.. im not a dumbass i know wtf TF is... im an inverted mouse player with a right mouse button for forward movement. you know what that means? oldskool. right mouse button forward from doom and inverted mouse from quake. id is my idol and ive been playing their shit since day one... i just dont really care about the simple lil details in a mod name. ****... someone call the fanboy police over here, haha.. i never liked team fortress anyway... not even when it was badass in Q3... the sh*t got OLD fast .. but hey thats me.

ne ways... calm down boy and juss chill.. hehe.. we all on the same team here..

Mr. Redundant said:
to each his own, but I have no reason to lie.
the models were HL1 models, and they did have ragdoll effects, I forgot to mention the water was replaced by HL2 water too.

perhaps the ragdolls were done on just the old models... dunno, Im sure they went through some process of enabling ragdolls on them, I doubt simply putting the model into HL2 would apply ragdoll... but the ragdolls were not as sophisticated as HL2s (for the record), so who knows. oh also when you shot something, it left bullet decals where it was hit (coooolest part), like zombies and soldiers etc.. looked real spiffy

if you dont believe me you could probably still find pics of HL1 in source somewheres on the net if you look.

I believe that adding ragdoll to a model would probably be a matter of simply using the HL2 model importer/editor to add weights and constraints to each bone of the model before saving it in the proprietary HL2 model format, yes?

In which case, if they have an importer for the HL1 model format, you could probably just run the original HL1 models through that, though you'd need to define constraints and weights for them. Perhaps this hadn't been done fully in the version mentioned that was with the beta, and that's why the ragdolling seemed "not as sophisticated".
Mr. Redundant

Is this half life source version, did your friend get it illegally of the stolen build or some other way. Not that I want to find it myself but if it was off the build I think that I would of heard of it sooner.
it was released by ANON about a week after the "leak" was err leaked. it was a seperate release, that included CS and HL1 in source (however CS was barely functional)
I can still remember the exact name of the file, however I frequent this forum and I know the rules, and Im not up for a ban.

and actually HL1 in source was a lot more fun than HL2, simply because it worked, and flowed, and wowed me with the neat effects. (was like playing a whole new game)
Have any of you re-installed OP4 lately? I tell you, those Steam guys are full of tricky shit you didn't think they could do. You might be wondering what this has to do with porting HL1 but I will tell you.

When you install OP4 first on your computer instead of downloading the content off of steam an interesting thing happens. It converts all of your OP4 stuff into steam content including the friggen shortcut on the desktop. I was amazed that out of nowhere **BLAM** converts the whole thing.

I realise that this isn't quite like converting a whole game to an updated engine but I have faith that it's possible. At the very least it's easy for modders to start over again. DOD2 should make call of duty look like a waste of time. For Multiplayer that is.

Then again who cares about modding when we still have nothing to mod. You don't build houses with imaginary wood. You can't really make mods without a game.
Of course you can build houses with imaginary wood.

It's just that after all your hard work, all you'll have is an imaginary house.