HL1 or HL2, which is better?

Which one do you think is gonna be better

  • Half Life 2 you psycho are you crazy

    Votes: 18 18.8%
  • with better graphics and ai probaly just about HL 2

    Votes: 4 4.2%
  • Hl 1 because its superb nothing could beat it

    Votes: 3 3.1%
  • How the hell would i know the game ent out yet

    Votes: 71 74.0%

  • Total voters


Oct 5, 2003
Reaction score
hl 1 0r hl2 which is better?

Now hear me out. Which one do you think is gonna be better half life 1 or half life 2. Sure the second has better graphics and a.i but do you think it will supass the legendary half life 1. e.g Timesplitters 1 was amazing i played it for hours and hours then timesplitters 2 came out with loads of extras and better graphics but i just found it to be not as good. So what do you think.
i think hl2 will be better by far. Physics emphasize realism, and havok is an awesome engine to do this. Hl2 is pretty much gonna have everything hl1 had but highly improved.
JonTheCanuck said:
i think hl2 will be better by far. Physics emphasize realism, and havok is an awesome engine to do this. Hl2 is pretty much gonna have everything hl1 had but highly improved.
The things you summed up were all implemented in UT2003, but it didn't make a better game than UT imo. I'm pretty sure though HL2 won't be a let down as UT2003 was for me. Just pointing out better graphics and physics always mean it'll be a better game..
well neurrino this post is for all those who didnt post in that and for anyone who wants to post again.
I'd go with the last option, this poll really should be made a few weeks after the game is actually out.
Aye, I agree with Abom, it is impossible to tell wich game will be better.
Unless you have played the beta that is...But of course you haven't BlackWolfdrk and JonTheCanuck have you?
Honestly, I don't think HL1's appeal is very timeless. It was a revolution in storytelling (strongly scripted sequences, seemless level transition, deep sense of immersion, meaningful puzzles, carefully told story, etc) that will probably come to a climax in Doom3 and give way to something further developed: HL2 (if not, then some other game will do it). Deeper character interaction, deeper world interaction, more adaptable, immersive AI, more developed story, tone and theme through Valve's concept of 'scenes' and other techniques promise to make Hl2 quite a bit more artistically advanced than HL1.
Don't forget that HL2 will also be more fun on it's basest level than HL1- physics, AI, larger, richer environments, etc.
I can't say anything for certain but if Valve's ambitions and abilities are anything like what we saw from HL1 it's safe to say HL2 will be significantly better.
Styloid said:
Honestly, I don't think HL1's appeal is very timeless. It was a revolution in storytelling (strongly scripted sequences, seemless level transition, deep sense of immersion, meaningful puzzles, carefully told story, etc) that will probably come to a climax in Doom3 and give way to something further developed: HL2 (if not, then some other game will do it). Deeper character interaction, deeper world interaction, more adaptable, immersive AI, more developed story, tone and theme through Valve's concept of 'scenes' and other techniques promise to make Hl2 quite a bit more artistically advanced than HL1.
Don't forget that HL2 will also be more fun on it's basest level than HL1- physics, AI, larger, richer environments, etc.
I can't say anything for certain but if Valve's ambitions and abilities are anything like what we saw from HL1 it's safe to say HL2 will be significantly better.

All of that is relative.....
Which on will "be" better?
Sounds like you don't think HL1 is out :P
lol I was alerted to this thread in irc, quite a silly question.

I'm glad to see the majority of our community showed common sense and voted for the last option.
Which is better, Pie or HL2?

Pie has a lot of things going for it, like taste and nutritional value, but HL2 has the better graphics and physics. In the end I think HL2 will win, because pie is so very hard to get into your cd drive. But I will still like pie, even though HL2 will be better.
For the record, Timesplitters 2 was a lot better than TS1. Well, I think so. Me and most of the gaming public ;-)
And I liked UT2003. Oh well.

HL2 vs HL1? Who knows.
which do you think is gonna be better, Return of the King, or The Hobbit?

you cant compare 1 thing thats been out for years and one thing noone has ANY idea about. just thought id emphasise the 'usefulness' of this poll.
This thread is lame, how the hell do we know which one is better?
Well, in the guy's defense, he's not asking which one IS better, he simply asks which one you think will be better. It's a valid question to pose........ mostly.
Vanthem said:
Well, in the guy's defense, he's not asking which one IS better, he simply asks which one you think will be better. It's a valid question to pose........ mostly.

That not what he asked in the Title.. :monkee:
No, just several times everywhere else. Smartarse. :p (better, Pitt?)
It's like reading those Nickelodeon or Cartoon Network forums...y'know?

Which is better that episode of Barney we saw last week or the brand new Rugrats coming up next year? :naughty:
BlackWolfdrk said:
Now hear me out. Which one do you think is gonna be better half life 1 or half life 2. Sure the second has better graphics and a.i but do you think it will supass the legendary half life 1. e.g Timesplitters 1 was amazing i played it for hours and hours then timesplitters 2 came out with loads of extras and better graphics but i just found it to be not as good. So what do you think.

HL1 all the way. HL2 is just another Halo clone.
chewysplace said:
HL1 all the way. HL2 is just another Halo clone.
Ehhm....are you being sarcastic, or do you actually mean it? *confused*
i mean it. compare Halo and HL2. or ever Halo2 and HL2. halo had a bunch of stuff that HL2 is just now copying. example: vehicles, no scripting for NPCs in combat, etc.
its a clone.
chewysplace said:
i mean it. compare Halo and HL2. or ever Halo2 and HL2. halo had a bunch of stuff that HL2 is just now copying. example: vehicles, no scripting for NPCs in combat, etc.
its a clone.
Hookay, and the fact that HL2 has been in development for the last 5 years, long before Halo came out, means nothing to you?
chewysplace said:
i mean it. compare Halo and HL2. or ever Halo2 and HL2. halo had a bunch of stuff that HL2 is just now copying. example: vehicles, no scripting for NPCs in combat, etc.
its a clone.

loads of games are having that now, its the way forward. compare the plot of hl2 and halo, and the overall look and the weapons, and you can see its different.
Fused: yeah dont mean anything to me. halo had it first, cause halo was in production BEFORE HL2 was. and it still had it. so its just a rip-off.

crushenator: the idea is "who came out with it first?" Halo. hands down. NOT HL2.
chewysplace said:
Fused: yeah dont mean anything to me. halo had it first, cause halo was in production BEFORE HL2 was. and it still had it. so its just a rip-off.
It was? Oh, I didn't know that =)
I still don't believe it is a rip-off, and I still think that Valve thought of this before the peeps that made Halo.
And if it is a rip-off, is it not a good one? It makes HL2 a better game, which is a good thing, non?
well as they say "proofs in teh pudding" Halo had it first. and who comes out with it almost 2 years later. HL2.
and no, rip-off doesnt make it a good game. rip-offs is what almost killed the gaming industry. too many clones no one cares about what they play. its all the same.
its like the matrix was using bullet time while max payne was developing it, and everyone said matrix invented it [ dont flame its just what i read somewhere] . but it doesnt make max payne any worse of a game. hey just look at the matrix's actual game compared to max.
chewysplace said:
and who comes out with it almost 2 years later. HL2.
So, they started designing Halo for 7 years ago? WTFuxors?
Remember that Valve started designing HL2 long before they announced it.
umm if you forgot, Halo 1 came out about 2 years ago. so it was 2 years in the making before HL2.

yeah nuff said.