HL2 A.I Vs. Halo 2 A.I.

The Mullinator said:
This thread would have some meaning if we could actually play both games, until then its all just speculation.

So. Freaking. True.
What else are we meant to do? :) - there's sod all to play at the mo.
ians you die now Marathon 2 was the greatest game to ever grace the Mac and was definetely the precursor to Halo. (dumb it down abd they are the same) Also, even Marathon 2 had friendlies that if you shot them theyd shoot you back or run away. It also had enemies that would switch weapons depending on their distance to you.
Don't squish the thread!

Does anybody know if any other games use the npc limited senses style of AI other than Halo? Half Life is too old for comparison, and Far Cry is a bit wonky. I think Far Cry does have npc senses, but they're so damn sensitive it's no different than omnicient enemies.

One size fits all: If HL2 AI < Halo AI, mod more advanced AI in!
good call Thing By the way, i made a thread that was supposed to be a database for all the liitle SP mods people were to make, but no one ever responded and it got torn down to the bottom of the pile.......made me sad.
FictiousWill said:
What's interesting about Halo AI is that each npc in Halo has their own individual memory and awareness of events going on around them. This individual AI for each character allows for some interesting gameplay, primarily shown off by 'tricking' the AI enemies. Halo enemies will follow sounds and movement, so it's entierly possible to distract them with noises, and kill npcs without their friends knowing. Combined with a decent dynamic combat library of moves, the Halo AI manages to appear intelligent by being more stupid. So when I smash an Elite on the back of his neck when he's running to investigate the grenade I through off in one direction, is the Elite being stupid for not noticing me sneak up behind him, or smart for reacting to noises and movement? The key to Halo's AI system is emergent behavior. By limiting what a npc knows by allowing them to only react to what they can currently see and hear, you have enemies that actually search out the player, work in teams (but not too much), and can be 'tricked' and are not omnicient. It's very cleverly done, and it works extremely well, and does not need many (if any) AI nodes placed on the map.

This is very interesting. I've sorta always known this but never really "realized" it and put it into words. Good job. I'd say this is technically an improvement in AI, even though it amounts to sorta dumbing it down. This is why the AI seems very realistic in Halo I guess.
I want to see a battle with Halo 2's AI and Half Life 2's AI, the enemies would have the same hitpoints, same weapons that do same damage and be human, same size. So it'd be a matter of better AI winning. :D
Well, I can't really comment on the AI, as both games are as yet unreleased, but I can say one thing...

lans said:
Elites will move more jackal-like (the cat, not the Covie) and Jackals will act birdlike.

Jackals are canines, not cats.
Brian Damage said:
Well, I can't really comment on the AI, as both games are as yet unreleased, but I can say one thing...

Jackals are canines, not cats.
..hmm, actually they are aliens in halo's case.