HL2 AI Going Crazy, awesome screenie


Nov 10, 2003
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Heh, gotta say this was fun as hell to watch.


  • ai_test0008.jpg
    83.1 KB · Views: 578
It's a weapon. If you look at the model in the HLMV it calls it the 'belly cannon'. I'm guessing it was supposed to be the equivilent of the strider's main cannon, but none of the gunship fights in HL2 needed it.
If you made this map..... upload it please.

If not, how did you do this?
The blue weapon does get used, but only when the enemy is right below the gunship. It's a pretty neat weapon, glad they kept it on the gunships.
heh, i was just trying to figure out AI lol, its the SDK_Vehicles map, and i binded "[" to npc_create npc_civilian and "]" to npc_create npc_combine_s both with RPG equiped, then did a give npc_combinegunship and quite a few give npc_strider

it was fun to watch, but the only problem i am having is... i need a complete description of the AI nodes, as i don't think i quite understand them, if someone is willing to give me a quikie on this, i would make a full on SP map like this for *hits and giggles to watch with scanners targeting for the strider's main gun etc...

Need explanation & suggested placements pretty pretty please on hints & info nodes
Wow thats insane would love to make a movie of that.