HL2 AI not as good as Halo1/2

HL2 ai is heavily scripted and trigger based, dont worry ;)
Hmm... we can comments the game base on the E3 trailer...

come on, you gonna show ppl and of course you expects feedback from someone..

I just like halo AI, wonder why you guys say it is stupid...

Hmm.. well, i do notice that in HL2, there are black crows everywhere.. wonder can i shoot the bird, and can the bird re-act, like attack me?

Originally posted by Warbie
Although I was blown away by the e3 vid - the sections theat involved fighting the combine dudes looked rubbish.
Not sure which is more suprising - how bad these parts looked or how come noone else has mentioned it. It typified everything that is usally bad about pc shooters - getting shot without reacting, standing still and upright in a gunfight :/ - and generally looking like cheap CS bots.

All you headcrabs really need to read through the Info From Valve Only thread before posting stuff everywhere. I received an email from Gabe N. that I posted, regarding the AI in the videos, it was TONED DOWN TO NOTHING for the video. Why people think that HL1 could have such good AI stuff, and that HL2 would have AI which *devolved* after 5 years of work, I just don't know - maybe our education system is getting even worse.
Originally posted by Kincaid
I found it [AI in Halo] to be poor as well. You go....

But man those little guys, what they yell is hilarious.

I'm enjoying Halo just for finding all the Marathon easter eggs in it - one of which is when the Marines or the funny little aliens yell "They're Everywhere!!!" which is from the game Marathon. Also the missile packages for the rocket launcher - says SPNKR on the side, which was the name of the missile launcher in Marathon. The Marathon logo shows up a lot during the game too, pretty cool.
Originally posted by chuawenching
Well really? But halo 2 preview is more convincing...

the bad guy jump on top of the jeep, and try to drag you out of the jeep...

well i don't think HL2 can do that.. coz i never see it in the trailer...

I think black and white AI are even better.. i don't think HL2 is suitable game to train AI.. haha!


the man has a point
Yeah baby! I think halo 2 AI are superb! I hope games now will have this type of quality..

i had no idea on half life 2, just i don't see it in the trailer..
Originally posted by HeNdRiX
dude, during the E3 demos and all others, the AI was toned down so they could show off the rest of the game without having to worry about someone shooting at them. Also, if you notice, the amount of health taken away from any shot was decreased significantly to almost nothing.

why would they want to do that? at E3 he mentioned that the AI wasnt scripted to impress peoples, so why tone it down? why would they want to tone it down? their out to push the finaly product. toning down the AI would only hurt them more.
Chewysplace, read the post that you quoted, the answers to all your questions are in Hendrix's post.
Oh they scard the demo will take more time.. hmm.. ok!

So does game trailers normally scripted? Is this a strategy that i should follow in future?

the halo AI sucks lol All they do is just hide behind objects and wait to attack untill your about 5 feet infront of them.Those hard guys do it especially, not those little annoying things that are aways running away from you.:cheers:
What I find worrying about the Halo AI is that the Covenant all seem to be partly deaf, you can run up behind all of them and smack 'em one with the butt of your rifle without them looking round, and sometimes you can stand and just shoot them to death at long range with your pistol and they just stand still...
The best ai for any game to date imo are vietcong, and ghost recon. Now those 2 games have VERY good ai, not only will they flank you, but pin you down with fire while they advance and get in range for nade attacks etc. Anyone who has played these games knows what I mean. I have high hopes hl2s ai will be equally good.
Originally posted by fez
i have Halo and have to say that the AI is crap. overall i think the game is crap, it gets vary tedious and repetitive after only the first few levels. all u seem to do is fight the same enemies over and over again but in larger groups before u are introduced to maybe 1 new enemy. im prolly not even a quarter of the way thru the game and have uninstalled it, its really that bad

Keep in mind the combat revolves around fighting an alien military. So generally you would fight the same enemy over and over again. I think that's what I liked about it, it felt so realistic when it came to that. Rather than you suddenly face off with an Elite who has a grenade launcher w/ and attached fuel pipe to double as a flame thrower, and he's for some reason stronger than everyone else. I hate bosses, too. I like fighting them for the challenge, but they're so unrealistic. Especially MGS2.

But Halo 2 should redeem Halo for it's sins, if you can call them that. I hear lots of great things about the AI, as I said earlier. There will also be new vehicles for both sides, creating for vehicular enemies, and some news species are in the Covenant boiling pot. This time you face off with all of their forces. Since humans can pilot more vehicles than the Ghost, including the Warthog, it should be quite dynamic. We sould see some dynamic fighting going, without you even stepping into it.But where's the fun in that?

Originally posted by chuawenching
I look at the trailer, i notice that the AI in Half Life 2 not as good as Halo 1 or 2.

Halo 1 the AI, really know how to avoid no matter what and they can differentiate a lot of things...

But in Half Life 2 trailer, they see the bad guys, they hide behind something and shoot, but when the enemy is near you, they won't run away no matter what!

Any comments?

Chua Wen Ching :p

LMFAO, that is the dumbest thing ever, 1st of all Halo is one of the wordt games ever, and the AI is pretty retarded, I played Halo, and I was pretty disappointed, not only the AI are pretty dumb, the whole game is lame, graphics are lame, gameplay is ok bah this is not even worth my time.
The HL2 beta had AI 100x better.
So you mean you like MGS2 or don't

i like mgs2 ai too? but their AI looks funny.. and cute.. haha!

But they had some range.. but how far they can detect you... (the lights show you that).. that is something i don't like..

Games like resident evil, they don't do that.. so you hardly can know it.. which is more real!

Is ghost recon ai so special? hmm.. i feel it is the same? My own team mates are so stupid? I think raven shield is better than ghost recon!
Halo is the worst game.. you kidding me?

It is so hot in my country.. not sure how about others?
the best AI i've ever seen in a game was in SWAT 3.

you didn't even have to give orders they'd adapt to the situation. if a perp busted through a window they'd duck down and throw grenades, if a grenade flew into the room they'd clear out and get behind cover, if you were pinned down in a corner they'd lay down supressing fire so you could get clear.

who else has played it? that game is genius.
I meant I didn't like the rediculous bosses in MGS2, or the rediculous story. I doubt Olga(The first boss) could take over twenty tranquilizers, when all of the soldiers can't even take one or two. Bosses are un-realistic. I don't remember how the AI was in MGS2, the game made so sad I didn't care. I just wanted to beat it because I had payed $7.00
to rent it. Might as well get my money's worth out of this crap. And after having beaten it in a day I still didn't feel satisfied. I almost had nightmares about how horrible that game was.


i have to agree that Halo is utter tripe. it was reasonable up until The Flood levels, but then it just descended into console inspired running and gunning.

if Halo had remained a PC only game it would undoubtedly have been much better. as it stands Halo is a moronic exercise in attrition. it isn't even fun. heck, you get big bright arrow signs which tell you which way to go. how much more dumb do console gamers get?

what other games are hot in your country? maybe it's just a cultural thing.
AND THE DAMN GAME IS NOT EVEN OUT YET!!!!!!!!! damn some people are stupid ... ohhh look at this ... the Halo game which was completed in 1999 has better AI then the unifished HL2 video I saw 8 months ago, get a clue idiot.
Originally posted by Hallucinogen
AND THE DAMN GAME IS NOT EVEN OUT YET!!!!!!!!! damn some people are stupid ... ohhh look at this ... the Halo game which was completed in 1999 has better AI then the unifished HL2 video I saw 8 months ago, get a clue idiot.

It was actually completed alter than that. But you are right. From waht I've heard, the AI in the beta is scetchy some times. So you couldn't even base the final game off that if you wanted. I say we wait and see. And who can argue with me, its all you can do.:cool:
BAM! Sucka.

Hallucinogen, consider this. Half-Life was completed in 1998, a year before Halo, and it still managed to have better levels, better AI and better overall gameplay than something that had larger funding, a larger audience and a larger ego.

all things being equal, Halo was pretty shit back then and it's even shitter now that new stuff is around. and Halo 2 looks like going in the same direction. shall i tell you why? because they have to squeeze everything into a tiny little xbox. if they had the freedom of the PC they could really make a decent game.
Shame on you guys :P - Halo's a great game.

The SP is better on the XBox tho :) (pc's good for MP)

I hate to sound like a broken record - but what pc SP fps games do you think are good?? (bar Deus Ex, HL and System Shock 2 they're all crap :/)
Originally posted by Dedalus
Hallucinogen, consider this. Half-Life was completed in 1998, a year before Halo, and it still managed to have better levels, better AI and better overall gameplay than something that had larger funding, a larger audience and a larger ego.

all things being equal, Halo was pretty shit back then and it's even shitter now that new stuff is around. and Halo 2 looks like going in the same direction. shall i tell you why? because they have to squeeze everything into a tiny little xbox. if they had the freedom of the PC they could really make a decent game.

That is what I was saying, read my other post man;

"LMFAO, that is the dumbest thing ever, 1st of all Halo is one of the wordt games ever, and the AI is pretty retarded, I played Halo, and I was pretty disappointed, not only the AI are pretty dumb, the whole game is lame, graphics are lame, gameplay is ok bah this is not even worth my time.
The HL2 beta had AI 100x better."

Halo is just an overrated boring ass game from the 90's that has AI acting like some retarded zoo animals, if it was developed for PC only it would be nice, but this game is a PC failure.
The AI will be amazing, as Gabe says. I love the fact that they will follow you by whatever means necessary (Gabe says even flying :D).

Anyways, it's pretty pointless to say the AI is bad judging from a E3 video and a sh*ty stolen copy. YOU DO KNOW THAT THE COPY WAS NOT RELEASED BY VALVE RIGHT, THUS NOT A BETA? ;)
Well what i know is this.

Halo is a well rated game here.. used in almost all events i ever seen example Teched 2003 and even more... hehe!

Warcraft 3 here are hot.. i heard many ppl from UK.. they say that game sux..

I also wonder why?

Hard to explain here.. maybe different ppl in a different world like different things...

Yeah i play swat.. hmm.. i never know that the AI are good... maybe it is too long!

Metal Gear Solid 2 bad guy is stupid.. but if you play hard.. they are extremely clever...
Well i judge a game normally by a trailer...

i had no idea and never even tested the game at all...

So normaly trailer than makes me convince into playing good games...

i hope the later release Half Life 2, will have better AI..

wonder they use finite and fuzzy state machine for their AI?
well different ppl have different taste...

maybe they are really hard core gamers. 1 day 20 hours game and 2 hours full time job 2 hours sleep + eat!

Originally posted by chuawenching
Well i judge a game normally by a trailer...

i had no idea and never even tested the game at all...

So normaly trailer than makes me convince into playing good games...

i hope the later release Half Life 2, will have better AI..

wonder they use finite and fuzzy state machine for their AI?

Well then you have issues.
Originally posted by Non-Sequitur
Are you joking? The Halo AI is shocking! The marines are absolutely USELESS. The aliens run around a bit, lob a grenade sporadically, hide behind a rock, only to run back out and get shot.

Not exactly my idea of fantastic AI.

Regardless, the game can be incredibly fun.

Anyone notice that that whole 2nd half of the game is just running backwards through areas you've already been through? LAZY DESIGN! I'm playing through the game for the first time and I can say I'm very disappointed with some of the decisions Bungie made...

the AI is the best ive seen to date.

and considering it took me more time to complete halo than all the half lifes 1/opposing force/blueshift together i wouldnt go calling Bungie Lazy.
Call of Duty has some good AI actually. I was surprised how fun that game is.
Hmm.. how come some of you all are zombie, headcrabs and etc?

how you all change it?
Originally posted by chuawenching
Hmm.. how come some of you all are zombie, headcrabs and etc?

how you all change it?

Number of posts or legnth of time since signup. One of the two.
chuawenching you change your status depending on how many posts you've posted. for example i've posted over 100 so i move from headcrab to zombie. there are more stages after this as well.

Hallucinogen sorry about that i probably didn't read your post properly or something.

anyway about this whole Halo AI debate, it's probably down to the actual gamer. xbox/console gamers will find Halo to be better than sex. hand the same game to a veteran PC gamer and he'll laugh you out of his door, chortle you into a court room, and guffaw you all the way to a mental hospital.

my personal preference is that (A) Halo's AI is very much underpar and very sporadic (B) the level design, although excellent in places, is overall lazy and cumbersome. maybe it was the designers trying to give you an idea of the size of Halo, making you run around room after room of .... the.... same.... damn.... monsters.... and... rooms.... the... same.... damn.... monsters.... and.... roooms.... the..... same.... damn.... monsters..... and.... rooms.... until finally you get to a decent level, then you repeat ad infinitum. whatever it was they didn't get it right.

hopefully Halo 2 will be more what i was expecting from the original.
Umm...Halo was released in 2001, my friend. Not 1999. I've already said this but I guess you didn't see it. Nice try though.

Originally posted by Warbie
Shame on you guys :P - Halo's a great game.

The SP is better on the XBox tho :) (pc's good for MP)

I hate to sound like a broken record - but what pc SP fps games do you think are good?? (bar Deus Ex, HL and System Shock 2 they're all crap :/)

All console FPS's are crap, bar none. Take a game like Halo. If they had developed it for PC in the first place it would've been great. But they cut tons of corners developing for the X-box. The SP is horribly redundant, I can't play it for more than 15 minutes straight unless there is someone to talk to while I'm playing. Halo MP is a blast, though, I love the vehicles.

On the subject of Halo's AI, I think it's pretty average. The Covenant aliens can do a good job staying alive, but they don't work in groups or use tactics. Also, the little ones (I love those guys! :bounce: ) start running around saying "I'm outta here!", but sometimes they're headed straight toward you.
uh oh guys, I liked Halos AI. I started playing the game on legendary cos i wanted some challenge, but soon changed it to heroic because of their AI. Covenant just kept keeping me under surpressive fire and getting to cover when i had clear line of fire / they were getting too much damage. And for the marine AI. It wasnt THAT bad and what can u except from them. They were against superior force which just beated their last stand on reach.
I believe you guys have played on easy-settings and just rushed thru the levels. Try heroic or legendary, and then come saying here that halos ai is bad :)
And the story and settings in Halo, they were ½ of the overall enjoyment.
I would love to see halo2 on pc. But if not, I think I gotta buy xbox.
Originally posted by chuawenching
I look at the trailer, i notice that the AI in Half Life 2 not as good as Halo 1 or 2.

Halo 1 the AI, really know how to avoid no matter what and they can differentiate a lot of things...

But in Half Life 2 trailer, they see the bad guys, they hide behind something and shoot, but when the enemy is near you, they won't run away no matter what!

Any comments?

Chua Wen Ching :p

Wait untill the game is released for such commetns.