HL2 AI not as good as Halo1/2

Re: Re: HL2 AI not as good as Halo1/2

Originally posted by phantomdesign
Wait untill the game is released for such comments.

Here here. :cheers:

Why do people feel the need to come on here slagging off aspects of games mechanics in the final game when they know precisley ZERO about them?

Wait for the game to be released.
Buy the game.
Play the game.
THEN come on here and bitch about it.
Originally posted by Ele
uh oh guys, I liked Halos AI. I started playing the game on legendary cos i wanted some challenge, but soon changed it to heroic because of their AI. Covenant just kept keeping me under surpressive fire and getting to cover when i had clear line of fire / they were getting too much damage. And for the marine AI. It wasnt THAT bad and what can u except from them. They were against superior force which just beated their last stand on reach.
I believe you guys have played on easy-settings and just rushed thru the levels. Try heroic or legendary, and then come saying here that halos ai is bad :)
And the story and settings in Halo, they were ½ of the overall enjoyment.
I would love to see halo2 on pc. But if not, I think I gotta buy xbox.

yeah i agree...go play halo on lengendary and then come back and say that halo has bad AI...halo has some of the best AI i ever seen...FPS wise.....
Originally posted by DjBourgeoisie
The best ai for any game to date imo are vietcong, and ghost recon. Now those 2 games have VERY good ai, not only will they flank you, but pin you down with fire while they advance and get in range for nade attacks etc. Anyone who has played these games knows what I mean. I have high hopes hl2s ai will be equally good.
Ghost Recon was awesome...
Originally posted by SiLLy RAbBiT
yeah i agree...go play halo on lengendary and then come back and say that halo has bad AI...halo has some of the best AI i ever seen...FPS wise.....
Halo has bad AI.
I don't think you can really say Halo has AI at all. It's just a few if statements. If enemy is near, then shoot at floor aimlessly. That's about it, from what I've played...
Originally posted by InsertNameHere
I don't think you can really say Halo has AI at all. It's just a few if statements. If enemy is near, then shoot at floor aimlessly. That's about it, from what I've played...


thats the answer to the entire thread. sutch wisdom blinds meager idiots like me who have actualy played the bloody game for more than 15 minutes.
Originally posted by SiLLy RAbBiT
yeah i agree...go play halo on lengendary and then come back and say that halo has bad AI...halo has some of the best AI i ever seen...FPS wise.....

There's a difference between CHEAP AI and good AI. It just seems that as you raise the difficulty, enemies become more accurate and their tactics cheaper... Just because they can shoot you more efficiently doesn't mean the AI is good. It's like playing a 2D fighting game on the highest difficulty - the computer opponent has an advantage because it knows where you're going to be and when. No matter how badly the AI is coded, it will still beat you. That is an example of cheap AI.
Yeah, I bought it and beat it on Heroic. All in less than 15 minutes, you say? Wow, time sure dragged out while I played it!
I'll be like "chuawenching", I watched Halo 2 trailer and I noticed that AI
is horrible, they act like little kids with brain damage, that game is gonna fail. :rolleyes:
The bottom line is Halo and Halo 2 have nothing on Half-Life 2, its pretty obvisouly Half-Life 2 is goning to be alot better, and you cant even compare the 2, Halo 2 (and 1) is not even in Half-Life 2 league.
yah but halo laggs allot for something that shouldnt have allot of
Halo has some of best AI around. play the game on the highier levels and you will see just how good it is.
Originally posted by Dsn2K
Halo has some of best AI around. play the game on the highier levels and you will see just how good it is.

No, the AI is exactly the same on easy as it is on legendary. I've played them both. The only difference is that on legendary thier shots are more effective, their aim is better and they have more sheilding. That can't be counted as AI. When you get pinned down in legendary, it's tempting to think "oh the AI is better", but it's really because they're hitting you with almost every shot. They use the exact same tactics as they do on easy.
Originally posted by Hallucinogen
I'll be like "chuawenching", I watched Halo 2 trailer and I noticed that AI
is horrible, they act like little kids with brain damage, that game is gonna fail. :rolleyes:
The bottom line is Halo and Halo 2 have nothing on Half-Life 2, its pretty obvisouly Half-Life 2 is goning to be alot better, and you cant even compare the 2, Halo 2 (and 1) is not even in Half-Life 2 league.

hmm....this is turning out to be a half-life 2 vs. halo 2 thread......if this is so...my feeling is that halo 2 will be a much better game...base on halo, gameplay wise, nothing beats it....and since halo 2 will be better than the first...i'm willing to bet that when the two games are out...halo 2 will be the better...too bad halo's pc parents decided to give it up for adoption and was raise by xbox...and for me, that's the only real downfall about halo...*knowing this is a pro, hl2 forum...***ns for cover* :cheese:
Originally posted by Non-Sequitur
There's a difference between CHEAP AI and good AI. It just seems that as you raise the difficulty, enemies become more accurate and their tactics cheaper... Just because they can shoot you more efficiently doesn't mean the AI is good. It's like playing a 2D fighting game on the highest difficulty - the computer opponent has an advantage because it knows where you're going to be and when. No matter how badly the AI is coded, it will still beat you. That is an example of cheap AI.

Exactly. Playing the game on Legendary means that they can take quadruple the damage of Normal level, double damage from Heroic - says so right in the manual. This is not "better AI" at higher difficulties, just takes so much longer to kill them, plus their aim is better, more shots, more aliens around to begin with, faster spawn rate. This is NOT better AI!
As I said wait for the release of HL2 to make such comments. Halo 1 had shitty AI. As it has been said, they only make the enemy more accurate, mroe aromored, and your own sheilds weaker. It's a very classic tatic. The AI is rarely adjusted when you cahnge dificulty settings, but these 3 variables are altered.

True for 95% of games!
Even the "beta" had alot better AI then Halo (final) PC, bah that game a junk and Half-Life 2 is its own league and Halo cant touch it, neither would Halo 2.
Why are comparing the AI in an old E3 demo to the AI in a full game?

Halo's AI is good, dispite what some people here may think. It reacts realistically to grenades, the enemies (at least the elites) change their cover as you move around, they run for cover and stay there when their sheilds are broken and they use objects around them like Ghosts or turrets to their advantage. Not only that but there's a clear difference between the AI of the creatures, like the AI of a Grunt versus that of an Elite. The Elite are actually much 'smarter' than the Grunts and it's very easy to see this.

However comparing it to HL2 is not possible, because we have no release version of HL2 to compare it to.
in HL2 the e3 demo was all scripted for Demostrational purposes. but in the beta their is one stage that the you can see the AI in good action. you just get a buggy piss off some combines and drive down the road and hide. the combines then for one long line and hunt you down and if you have a good enough hiding spot u can watch as they look for you its pretty cool to watch as they search for you instead of just forgetting about you or running away like most AI i've seen. in Halo its easy to tell a alien to run away and say something funny if they start getting shot at so the AI is trigger scripted. also in Halo the AI is just as repetitive as the levels. also think combines are trains born and bred soldiers. of course they aren't gonna back off easily they are trained to stand their ground and not fear anything. also the Combines look more realistic and the face mask of the combines are chrome and reflect just like in the real world not to mention when you throw a grenade and watch them fly into the air.
Originally posted by xelios
Why are comparing the AI in an old E3 demo to the AI in a full game?

However comparing it to HL2 is not possible, because we have no release version of HL2 to compare it to.

Thats right, but apperantly the boy who made this dumb thread doesnt realise this and judges a game by an old ass video from 8 months ago :rolleyes:
Haha... okay well nevermind i do receive comments..

I don't want to involve myself into any fight...

yeah, my own opinion (my own), if a trailer does not convince me, why should i play it? I am not looking at the graphics. I am looking on the AI (the major reason) and other elements too.

*Extra: Not everyone is rich can afford a money like you Hallucinogen. I believe you can just buy any games you want in your country. Back to my country, original games are hell expensive. So the trailer do help me to see whether i should buy the game or not! (but the e3 hl2 trailer is superb! haha, just the AI is not convincing.. as a end user perspective)


Coz i am a developer, and i want to see how people develop AI! Set a standard in myself (a vision) and tell myself i can do better than that (more time).

Ok, lets go into more details about AI..

i had no idea what is implemented within the full half life2... so based on the trailer you see,

what are the AI concepts you think that Half Life 2 used?

Wonder do they use flocking?


Originally posted by chuawenching
I look at the trailer, i notice that the AI in Half Life 2 not as good as Halo 1 or 2.

Halo 1 the AI, really know how to avoid no matter what and they can differentiate a lot of things...

But in Half Life 2 trailer, they see the bad guys, they hide behind something and shoot, but when the enemy is near you, they won't run away no matter what!

Any comments?

Chua Wen Ching :p
well, if you played hl1 you know they run away, so you'd expect a lot better from hl2