HL2 ati voucher question


Sep 20, 2004
Reaction score
What happens if we already inserted our key? do we get cs s immidiatly when it comes out or do we have to insert it again?
or does it screw up the entire system?
theoretically you should get the bronze package as soon as it is made available.
you will most likely be given an option if you would like to upgrade that package to silver or gold.. and be given the opportunity to pay the difference between said packages.

so like it would cost you 10-20 bucks for silver etc.
no you should get cs:s straight away. just insert your voucher key again and it will install the bronze package. you then pay a little bit more to have the silver package instead. but its upto you.
I think it might be worth the $10 some odd dollars just to get HL1 Source, although I've never really been a fan of DOD.

So I'll probably upgrade my voucher to silver. It'd be cool if HL1 Source was released today as well. I'd like to beat it again before HL2 gets released.
for 10 extra bucks you get dod:s, hl:s and valve's back catalogue...
I already have all that but who cares its only 10 extra bucks.. maybe they might throw in some tfc:s later down the road.
We already have all the CS Source contained in the preload. When the time is right, it will be unlocked.