HL2 Bink Video: Psyche

Dark Auro

Jul 31, 2003
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This was the video that showed different shapes and things flashing by and you see the G-Man at the end. The high res bink video is now available on fileplanet. Anyway, I watched it and saw one thing go by with a couple sentences so I took a picture. Could this explain why Gordon has been gone for so long or other things?


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i really dont think it has to much of a bareing on the story, but i would say the guys been in stasis, so to gordon his exit of the tram in HL1, and his arrival in HL2, seems instantanious.
There was a discussion about this a while ago. They appear to be related to being in a Coma.

Good find though for anyone who didn't know, though.
Hm, can't edit anymore. Some more pictures:


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Hmmmm, that last one is mind-bogling. I can't seem to figure out what it is.
Oh please, this is like trying to understand what the architect in Matrix Reloaded was saying! :rolling:
The Architect was easy enough to understand.(With the help of a handy dictionary)
For this we'll need a Psycologist.Perhaps there is a hidden meaning in it.

(Unlikely but something to do)
There was a discusion about this when the E3 video was first released one HELL of a long time ago.

It determined through the help of some very informed (And saddly no longer regulars) members of these forums that the text concerned a coma. The images however were unclear.

However no I think I see alyx in one and of course the G_Man. I can also make out striders. And I cant remember what else. :)
Dark Auro said:
This was the video that showed different shapes and things flashing by and you see the G-Man at the end. The high res bink video is now available on fileplanet. Anyway, I watched it and saw one thing go by with a couple sentences so I took a picture. Could this explain why Gordon has been gone for so long or other things?

Looks like o'le Gordy got a bumpy on his noggin, n got found by some scientists that are doing research on him because they r wondering how he is so l337.

Also teh prt where is says evidence of sizure and catitonia, is probably his diagnosis after they first group that had him left him 4 dead.(Assuming after G-man led gordy into the portal, they knocked him out, studied him for a while clojnes him or something and then just droped him off somewhere where Alyx or someone else found him.

Read my Sig Its teh Funn-E

Sizure is when u collapse amd u shake and bite ur tounge really hard.
Catitonia is sleep but your vitals are so low its almost like u just a corpse. Not sure if ur body goes stiff or not but that doesnt matter ;)
I sustained many injuries while reading your post coolio. ;)

Well, that text was really interesting, I do belive you will wake up from a coma, Valve said you will be confused and have no memory of what has happened, so it fits perfectly.

Man it's good to be back on these forums.
Since I couldn't see a damn thing in the picture you have of it I looked at it myslef (and for some reason at the time my pc wouldnt let me do Print Screen).....so I just wrote the whole thing down. The edges of what ever is writen are cut of. Makes some sentences cut out, but you can get the gyst of it....here it is.... I added stuff onto the ends to compleat words that I could tell what they were....i just put it in ()

[movie text]

under observation. Galvanic activation with seve(re)
(in)cidence of seizure and muscular catatonia recor(rded)
titration of 30 ml sample, substained alpha activit(y)
(f)reeman, Gordon increased activity in neuralisc
no response. Subject to availability and urgency
(the lambda sign) unknown vector at this time. Requirements of
(b)eyond current threshold for amgydalic supressi(on)
ark energy remnants in the simulation until basal

[/movie text]

[edit] and when I said (the lambda sign), I ment that it had that symbol...it didn't actually say "The Lambda Sign"..........[/edit]

So thats what the words say. Theres some other stuff, but its just some super math. Physics kinda stuff. And one other thing, but it dosn't look like words. Its more like 1's and 0's with some other shapes thrown in.
Fender357 said:
unknown vector at this time. Requirements of

I think this adds evidence that there is a bio-outbreak of some kind in City 17, at least... Perhaps the Combine don't need gas-masks because they breath different air, but just to protect against infection...
What about the two collections of some type of math formulas? Get some screenshots of those, I don't feel like posting images.
ray_MAN said:
Hmmmm, that last one is mind-bogling. I can't seem to figure out what it is.

They look similar to the skinless cyborgs in the Terminator movies judging by their shaddows. Maybe they are robots...? They look like they have bumby edges on their legs and other parts of their bodies.
Moto-x_Pat said:
They look similar to the skinless cyborgs in the Terminator movies judging by their shaddows. Maybe they are robots...? They look like they have bumby edges on their legs and other parts of their bodies.
yup, look like robots to me.
sheesh, seems like they're ripping off a couple movies. antlions- starship troopers. Striders- war of the worlds. Robots - terminator

heh, or just inspiration, not ripping off or copying. But you can't deny how much the antlion looks like one of those damn starship trooper bugs.
i posted this over at phl, but i thought i would put it here too, b/c i think it would be better accepted over here where theres a bit more intellegent conversation. something interesting i found when i looked at the new screenshots from the psyche video. the text that is more clear now says: "Requirements of...eyond current threshold for amgydalic suppressi..." i think this has a lot to do with whats been happening to gordon during his coma, or whatever has been happening to him. the amygdala is an almond shaped structure of the brain lying below the surface of the cortex in the tip of the temporal lobe. it is the structure of the brain associated with forming, recognizing, and remembering emotional experiences. its primary role is to attach emotional feelings to events or situations, especially those involving fear, panic, danger or anxiety. im a psychology student and i recognized its importance, and after revewing my text, i couldnt help but think that this is quite possibly something that "they" would try to do to gordon. amgydalic supression would obviously be beneficial to the gman, because it would be a good way for him to control gordon, especially when he had plans for dropping him into another hostile situation; city 17. perhaps by supressing his obvious conditioned response of fear he acquired in the black mesa incident, hes trying to turn gordon into a fighter once again for use in city 17. by erasing his emotional attachment to those hostile situations gordon wouldnt be at risk for having a mental breakdown when faced with a similar situation. this suppression which is "beyond current threshold" would also explain the supposed flashbacks gordon will have, as was revealed by someone at valve.
kaf11 said:
i posted this over at phl, but i thought i would put it here too, b/c i think it would be better accepted over here where theres a bit more intellegent conversation. something interesting i found when i looked at the new screenshots from the psyche video. the text that is more clear now says: "Requirements of...eyond current threshold for amgydalic suppressi..." i think this has a lot to do with whats been happening to gordon during his coma, or whatever has been happening to him. the amygdala is an almond shaped structure of the brain lying below the surface of the cortex in the tip of the temporal lobe. it is the structure of the brain associated with forming, recognizing, and remembering emotional experiences. its primary role is to attach emotional feelings to events or situations, especially those involving fear, panic, danger or anxiety. im a psychology student and i recognized its importance, and after revewing my text, i couldnt help but think that this is quite possibly something that "they" would try to do to gordon. amgydalic supression would obviously be beneficial to the gman, because it would be a good way for him to control gordon, especially when he had plans for dropping him into another hostile situation; city 17. perhaps by supressing his obvious conditioned response of fear he acquired in the black mesa incident, hes trying to turn gordon into a fighter once again for use in city 17. by erasing his emotional attachment to those hostile situations gordon wouldnt be at risk for having a mental breakdown when faced with a similar situation. this suppression which is "beyond current threshold" would also explain the supposed flashbacks gordon will have, as was revealed by someone at valve.

*claps hands*
Very good. For anyone who doesn't know, I think the 'sustained alpha activity' is referring to alpha brainwave patterns.

Alpha brainwaves usually occur when the brain is not stimulated, but not asleep or drowsy.

"A person who has completed a task and sits down to rest is often in an alpha state. A person who takes time out to reflect or meditate is usually in an alpha state. A person who takes a break from a conference and walks in the garden is often in an alpha state." - http://brain.web-us.com/brainwavesfunction.htm
kaf11 said:
i posted this over at phl, but i thought i would put it here too, b/c i think it would be better accepted over here where theres a bit more intellegent conversation. something interesting i found when i looked at the new screenshots from the psyche video. the text that is more clear now says: "Requirements of...eyond current threshold for amgydalic suppressi..." i think this has a lot to do with whats been happening to gordon during his coma, or whatever has been happening to him. the amygdala is an almond shaped structure of the brain lying below the surface of the cortex in the tip of the temporal lobe. it is the structure of the brain associated with forming, recognizing, and remembering emotional experiences. its primary role is to attach emotional feelings to events or situations, especially those involving fear, panic, danger or anxiety. im a psychology student and i recognized its importance, and after revewing my text, i couldnt help but think that this is quite possibly something that "they" would try to do to gordon. amgydalic supression would obviously be beneficial to the gman, because it would be a good way for him to control gordon, especially when he had plans for dropping him into another hostile situation; city 17. perhaps by supressing his obvious conditioned response of fear he acquired in the black mesa incident, hes trying to turn gordon into a fighter once again for use in city 17. by erasing his emotional attachment to those hostile situations gordon wouldnt be at risk for having a mental breakdown when faced with a similar situation. this suppression which is "beyond current threshold" would also explain the supposed flashbacks gordon will have, as was revealed by someone at valve.

Thats the best description/theory of the text I'v seen so far.

As for the equations I remember being told they have something to do with super string theory and possibly gravity/time travel (as time speeds up close to large gravitational fields).

In theory you could use a strong gavitational field to "warp" yourself into another dimention and, or timeline (read world line if your a John Titor follower). There was a very long complicated theory some old regulars came up with on that linked Dr Kliener video, the Black Mesia incident and the equations in the video together and explained what was going on with all the interdimentional funnyness. Had something to do with vortexes.

hopefully there's still somone around who can remember it and more importantly explain it.
It's just a bunch of crap they made up to make it look freaky.
That's not the easter egg .. :)
im not saying its the big easter egg, but theres no reason to believe that valve put it in for no reason. it seems to me that anything valve does with regard to media releases is intentional. if anyone else knows about those supposed string theory equations id like to hear about the connection, that sounds interesting. thanks for thinking that my post made sense, of course it is perfectly sound in my head...
This is so exciting I can hardly sit still when I read your theories.
i know, i got excited myself when it started to make sense
coax said:
This is so exciting I can hardly sit still when I read your theories.

You sir, are the ugliest turd my affronted eyes have ever had to endure, your pressence would offend an infected wart on the underside of morbid pigs rim hole.

BTW I like your avatar, EDIT: it changed now I don't like it.
We've talked about that text before, a while back. I still think it refers to Gordy being in a coma... though I've not seen that bit down the bottom before...

"-ark energy remnants in simulation until basal-"

Dark energy? Could be. Several recent cosmological theories involve dark energy... but what's this about a simulation? Are they trying to figure out how to cure Gordy of something? Basal what? Basal membranes? Aren't they in the nose or the brain or something?

Has some dark energy hitch-hiked on the SS Gordon Freeman? Specifically, in his schnozz?
this was around when the first video was released.. everyone here figured it out as well as we could.. it didn't seem to be ultra significant but had to do with a coma or being put into stasis.
Only thing that really bothers me with kaf11's excellent theory is that it sorta steps out of the whole 'you are Gordon' thingy, if Gordon lacks some emotional responses, while Valve has been aiming for emotional commitment with the NPC's, then you as a player, have a totally different view on the game than Gordon has, so you're not Gordon anymore. You think 'that G-Man is an asshole' while Gordon isn't supposed to feel anything (according to the storyline like kaf11 suggests). The thoughs of you and Gordon are not parallel anymore because Valve would give Gordon some character, a thing that he in HL1 didn't have, because you were Gordon, Gordon didn't have an observation of the situation, you did!
If you understand what I'm trying to say.
mrchimp said:
You sir, are the ugliest turd my affronted eyes have ever had to endure, your pressence would offend an infected wart on the underside of morbid pigs rim hole.

BTW I like your avatar, EDIT: it changed now I don't like it.

haha, dude, my current avatar is better.. it has more contrast.
oh and its 'presence". maha
PvtRyan said:
Only thing that really bothers me with kaf11's excellent theory is that it sorta steps out of the whole 'you are Gordon' thingy, if Gordon lacks some emotional responses, while Valve has been aiming for emotional commitment with the NPC's, then you as a player, have a totally different view on the game than Gordon has, so you're not Gordon anymore. You think 'that G-Man is an asshole' while Gordon isn't supposed to feel anything (according to the storyline like kaf11 suggests). The thoughs of you and Gordon are not parallel anymore because Valve would give Gordon some character, a thing that he in HL1 didn't have, because you were Gordon, Gordon didn't have an observation of the situation, you did!
If you understand what I'm trying to say.
i see exactly what you mean, but i didnt mean for my interpretation to suggest that the supression would take away all of gordons emotions. it simply would remove any of the conditioned responses gordon picked up during black mesa. it would be like a coping mechanism the gman induces on gordon to make him more reliable (from his standpoint). for example, during black mesa, gordon was exposed to many things, such as death, destruction, and violence. the gman does this suppression in order to prevent a mental breakdown when he apparently snaps gordon out of a slumber thats lasted x amount of years and drops him in the middle of another hostile situation where he would once again be exposed to death and what not.
Dark Auro said:
Hm, can't edit anymore. Some more pictures:

yea a long while ag i made a topic about the exact same hting with some of those pics , yea some of those zombie looking things are pretty freaky i wonder what or who they symbolize...
I have some gamma adjusted shots of basically the same thing. If no one else posts something similar, I'll add them when I go home. Much easier to see a few details.

EDIT: GAaaah. Forgot to mention--I suspect this video is Gordon waking up from some sort of comma/cryo-sleep/whatever.
haha i was thinking that too but maybe thats what gordon could turn into thus alyx comes int oplay for HL 3! lol im just making something stupid up because some german site mentioned HL 3 with alyx as the main char sopposdly which i doubt.
If the video portrays what's going through Gordo's head in comatown, then those pictures from future events (Alyx & Strider who he hasn't met yet, etc.) imply that Gord got psychic future-powers from hanging aroung Nihilanth. :P

Also, I bet the text in the video will be the new instruction booklet introduction, like the employment letter in #1.
There's no guarantee you don't start the game after you've met Alyx--unless for some reason the stolen build says differently. (Wouldn't know.)

On a separate note, here are the promisde gamma-adjusted screen captures.
EDIT: Attachments aren't showing up in-line, so I'm moving them to my server until you people eat all my bandwidth.

EDIT2: Apparently they don't let linked images show up inline either. Oh well. You can click on them if you want to see them.


Image near the end -- the GMan walks closer and closer.


The tripod is definitely there


Appears to just be a runthrough of a character set.


And of course, the text posted above.


Looks like some sort of sequence? My math is far enough in the past that I can't tell if it's some known formula or if it's just stuff.


Not sure what that thing is.
One thing that makes it hard to figure out the storyline of HL2 is the fact that the game needs to be designed with new players in mind. If there are references to events that occured in the original then you can expect a level of confusion on the part of the first time gamer. Somehow the story needs to put the player in Gordan's shoes without memory of the first event so perhaps this whole Coma theory is correct.
I thought HL1 was being made avaliable in the new engine for HL2 owners?
marksmanHL2 :) said:
There was a discusion about this when the E3 video was first released one HELL of a long time ago.

It determined through the help of some very informed (And saddly no longer regulars) members of these forums that the text concerned a coma. The images however were unclear.

However no I think I see alyx in one and of course the G_Man. I can also make out striders. And I cant remember what else. :)

The pics resembled the same as they did now, only the text posted by the threadstarter where unclear at that time. We already knew he came out of a coma, because Gabe Newell had said something like that ;)
There were also hidden formula's in the psyche video, had something to with teleporting & timetraveling, no shit