HL2 Bink Video: Psyche

I think you already noticed, but I was bored...


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There's a differene between assming and describing the enemy exactly.. having playing the stolen build, I very well know you have as well and you're lying.
hiln said:
man, you totally ruined it.
I was enjoying just asuming what it was...
I hate you alpha bitches

trust me, he didn't ruin what they are (although he should never have said what he did, that was just ****ing stupid). There are still TON'S of surprises waiting for you when you play :)
when you guys call him gordy it makes him seem like your boyfriend or someting :naughty: :burp:
stop with the ruining of the surprises!
nice job

pgod said:
I think you already noticed, but I was bored...

HAHA good find!! they used an already released screenshot as a placeholder (or not) for one of those flashed images!! ahaha... man thats just being lazy... lol

also.. the psyche video is when gordon dies/is teleported after the strider *zaps* (?) him .... soo.. that stream of footage and pics doesnt stream in the begginning it streams like that in the end... remember.. "just like, old times, ay Mr. Freeman?" soo.. calling gordon physic is giving him a lil too much credit..

may be he's bullshiting us and made the whole thing up, i hope
I fear not. But just don't take too much mind in what he says - wait and find out, because with some things like that they're not as bad as people make it seem.
Take herpes for example...

I mean... what? Erm... Yeah <backs away slowly>
well i think that gordon still knows what happened in the blackmesa incident . . . or well its a fact
eber said:
well i think that gordon still knows what happened in the blackmesa incident . . . or well its a fact
Errr. This thread has been dead for a while now... that means you don't post in it anymore...

But... good point I guess...

laz45 said:
why cant i assume?
Hmm I can't see anyone posting this response yet...
You shouldn't assume anything because you'll make an ass out of U (you) & me :)
Gotta love that one ;)
Hooray for beating the dead horse over here, but I would think they could explain Gordon's memory loss and stuff of HL1 by saying there was some stuff you did there that you didn't really do in HL1.

...That is: HL1 is what you remember, not what you really did - since you're Gordon.

...Well, it made sense to me.
Fender357 said:
Since I couldn't see a damn thing in the picture you have of it I looked at it myslef (and for some reason at the time my pc wouldnt let me do Print Screen).....so I just wrote the whole thing down. The edges of what ever is writen are cut of. Makes some sentences cut out, but you can get the gyst of it....here it is.... I added stuff onto the ends to compleat words that I could tell what they were....i just put it in ()

[movie text]

under observation. Galvanic activation with seve(re)
(in)cidence of seizure and muscular catatonia recor(rded)
titration of 30 ml sample, substained alpha activit(y)
(f)reeman, Gordon increased activity in neuralisc
no response. Subject to availability and urgency
(the lambda sign) unknown vector at this time.
Requirements of
(b)eyond current threshold for amgydalic supressi(on)
ark energy remnants in the simulation until basal

[/movie text]

[edit] and when I said (the lambda sign), I ment that it had that symbol...it didn't actually say "The Lambda Sign"..........[/edit]

So thats what the words say. Theres some other stuff, but its just some super math. Physics kinda stuff. And one other thing, but it dosn't look like words. Its more like 1's and 0's with some other shapes thrown in.

bold part is what im reffering to....

just a little sidenote... it looks to me like the lambda sign might have more to do with gordon then just the 'standard' physics/chemistry terms....
Esquire said:
The first one might be Alyx, if not just some random girl.
The second one looks really cool. And confusing.
The third one kind of looks like Eli. (Same clothes)
The fourth looks like the G-Man.
The fifth is... you said it yourself.
vegeta897 said:
The first one might be Alyx, if not just some random girl.
The second one looks really cool. And confusing.
The third one kind of looks like Eli. (Same clothes)
The fourth looks like the G-Man.
The fifth is... you said it yourself.

Yeah i thought the girl was alex too but then discarded that thought. But on another look, i think it just might be alex.
The picture reminds me of the "Kliener's Lab" video when Alyx is turning to Dr Kliener to ask him if "it" is going to work. I'll try to get a pic of it.

The second one sure has got some seriously crazy amount of brackets in it.

Eli, yes it does now that you've said that.
dassbaba said:
got coma? -_- valve is so cool

(random info) i used to think you're avatar was the splintercell guy, sam fisher. But then i realised others had it too, and while changing my own avatar i saw that it was Barney.
Watching some of that Kliener's lab video in slow motion really made me appreciate the emotional effects of HL2 so much more. It actually triggered my real life emotional responses, making me want to say "it's alright Alyx everything's gonna be fine" when she was looking worried/upset.


But back to the action at hand, here's the image i was referring to when i said "Yeah i thought the girl was alex too.... ..The picture reminds me of the "Kliener's Lab" video..."

Looking at it now, i don't think they are the same image but they do have similarities. The major one being in both images the girl is looking to her left.
Nice triple post. :)

It's a good point, but I think now that they aren't the same... I think I have a theory... All these Psyche characters look like the originals (Eli, G-Man, Alyx) but slightly different. Maybe that means something? Like the evil twins of them!! Oh Noes!!!11
looks like Alyx is wearing wetsuit like in old screenshots... if that is Alyx...
mooma said:
looks like Alyx is wearing wetsuit like in old screenshots... if that is Alyx...
yeah, they changed her outfit since the very first media releases last year.
I still haven't seen her old outfit (or its so similar that i didnt notice) so does anyone got pics of that?
its shown in the pre E3 2003 video (the short one in which gordon shoots the strider with the OICW). she is wearing it at the end in the hydra scene. i believe you can see it changed to its current form in the tunnels bink.
ever thought that her outfit changes throughout the game?
dugly said:
ever thought that her outfit changes throughout the game?
Nope... I reeaaaally doubt there is much time to change.

Anyway, in later vids she is shown to always wear the same, at least from kleiner to eli's lab.
Also, HL2 takes place in 3 consecutive days - and a resistance is going on. Alyx can hold on one pair of clothes throughout the game easily enough.
lans said:
Also, HL2 takes place in 3 consecutive days - and a resistance is going on. Alyx can hold on one pair of clothes throughout the game easily enough.

But, does she really have to *wear* those clothes? :rolleyes:
At the very beginning, those blue things that flash real fast are the hydras tendrils, then immediately after those 4 more pop up, only they're green. So I guess there'll be a green hydra as well?
The green Hydra may be like those plant things in HL1, cant remember the name, but everyone knows what i mean :D
There is some sort of link between the GMan and Gordon i just know it

If Gordon is getting ready to kill the GMan in the end of HL2 and the GMan says "Gordon, i am your father" i am going to laugh my ass off . . .