HL2 + Boredom = Scary

Ha! That's nothing compared to my life size model of Gordon made entirely out of wet toilet paper!
I'd watch it, but your bandwidth has been exceeded, so says the bandwidth Nazi called Homestead. And about the toilet paper Gordon... uh.... no comment. I'd do such a thing, but I'm pretty content with drooling over pictures of him, thanks.
And YES, I'm female. And I scare even myself. x_x
Gordon's gettin' some luck with the ladies :p I wonder if some sappy love story comes into play. That would kinda suck.
i would like to see two scientists making love, but only to see them then beaten beyond recognition with the folding stock freemans HK MP5K PDW.
Whatever, the flash sucked anyways... Just a message that said "The Crowbar is Back..." Than a picture of the crowbar flashed on the screen and than the message "Half-Life2 Coming September 30th..." appeared. No big deal really.
i wonder if replying here would bring this year-old post up to the top.. (i took the oldest one.the link is broken and the thread looks uninteresting, but it's *OLD*.that's what counts)
nagual678 said:
i wonder if replying here would bring this year-old post up to the top.. (i took the oldest one.the link is broken and the thread looks uninteresting, but it's *OLD*.that's what counts)
Excellent work, you have now reached the elusive status of "Absolute ****ing tard-man the extreme"

It takes a lot of effort to get to that point!!
Mr-Fusion said:
Excellent work, you have now reached the elusive status of "Absolute ****ing tard-man the extreme"

It takes a lot of effort to get to that point!!

I keep people locked up in my basement.

and they enjoy it...

I can't do anything evil right.
Was wondering what was going on. Then I saw the dates :LOL:
Munro said:
Ha! That's nothing compared to my life size model of Gordon made entirely out of wet toilet paper!

You really don't want to know what the toilet paper was previously used for...
Min Rizor said:
And about the toilet paper Gordon... uh.... no comment. I'd do such a thing, but I'm pretty content with drooling over pictures of him, thanks.
And YES, I'm female. And I scare even myself. x_x
Well it makes a refreshing change from sweaty palmed little sods buffing themselves off over Alyx.
Munro said:
Ha! That's nothing compared to my life size model of Gordon made entirely out of wet toilet paper!

this sound like something some one would make into a mod to anyone else? :cool: