HL2 Bosses


Jul 2, 2004
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What kind of Bosses will Half Life 2 have? I remember the old bosses like the Green Head Creature in Half Life 1 and the last one that Big Headed Alien thing. What will Half Life 2 offer? Hmm.. intresting.
:thumbs: We don't know. I'm guessing Striders could be a boss/mini-boss. From the footage we've seen they look hard to take down.
G-man will be transported into the Citadel and "Combined" with Breen to become the Uber-soldat-spider-mastermind-cyber-hell-demon-thingie.

His catch cry will be "All your cities are belong to us"

We could expect no less?
Striders look like plain enemeis but could be considierd as Mini-Bosses since its hard to take em down I agree with you.
I think there will be the Ant Lion King Boss these guys look powerful
gronoken i want to help u find more about hl2. do this for me if u havent already, go in Articles then to valve speaks section and read all about what has been said from valve, besides that i would suggest downloading both e3 vids and posible searching game sites for hl2 info/interviews.

i know sometimes its easier to ask the community questions but we have asked and been asked these questions many times to a point where its expected to be common knowledge. please do some research on your own and u wont regret it.

edit: there are a lot of things on the main sight that i think are worth looking at if u havent already.
i think the striders in HL2 are like those.. dont know their names.. those big creatures in HL, had a red dot in their "face", where you placed a couple of bazooka-shots and it was dead :p
The Strider looks to be the Gargantuan equivalent for HL2. Not quite a boss, but a super tough enemy that you probably can only kill with serious firepower or some kind of trap. More likely something the game puts in front of you to say "RUN!"

The Hydra definately looks like a boss type monster, though. That's the one bink I never get tired of watching - the Hydra looks pretty damn hostile. And hungry.
i keep picturing gman in some kind of mech suit, like those suits in alien the movie
Mech suits are a cliche of sci-fi games...
i know a bit about bosses... lol i beat the last boss of half life 2 :)

No one who has played the leak better list any spoilers. :frown:
I have no Idea what kind of bosses to expext. Allthough I'm guessing one may be a big robot type, as someone else mentioned about the strider.
merc said:
i know a bit about bosses... lol i beat the last boss of half life 2 :)


what are you talking about? wait it better not be the leaked your talking about, because if it is then your a bad, bad man.
No he has been to valve and played the game.

I hope they dont have bosses as such, just really hard enemys occasionally.
billbo said:
No one who has played the leak better list any spoilers. :frown:

I can categorically state that - The leak/hacked code/beta (delete where you see fit) was not, NOT I tell you again NOT even playable...It had none of the characteristics required to make it a GAME as such, let alone bosses!
Katana said:
i think the striders in HL2 are like those.. dont know their names.. those big creatures in HL, had a red dot in their "face", where you placed a couple of bazooka-shots and it was dead :p

If you mean what I think you mean, then you must have something wrong on your game. They can take a hell of a lot more damage than that.
HL2 will have the most evil creatures ever conceived as bosses...genetically engineered accident lawyers.

I don't like bosses, especially when they're obvious bosses. So you've beaten every low enemy and only then they come with their big über-alien? In reality it would be the other way around :p
merc said:
i know a bit about bosses... lol i beat the last boss of half life 2 :)


It wasn't a big guy with better guns and armors than you wasn't it?

I think Hydra and Strider are gonna be bosses.
Man Merc if they let you beat the last boss do they not want you to enjoy the stinking game? That's cruel...just plain cruel. To have my experience of the story scuppered like that would piss me off.
I'm hoping the last boss is the tower itself, transforming into some huge Mecha Breen which must be takken out with your own mecha gordon that alyx has built for you.
lol, yeah, like transformers or the power rangers or somthing, how kool !
KiNG said:
gronoken i want to help u find more about hl2. do this for me if u havent already, go in Articles then to valve speaks section and read all about what has been said from valve, besides that i would suggest downloading both e3 vids and posible searching game sites for hl2 info/interviews.

i know sometimes its easier to ask the community questions but we have asked and been asked these questions many times to a point where its expected to be common knowledge. please do some research on your own and u wont regret it.

edit: there are a lot of things on the main sight that i think are worth looking at if u havent already.

ok, this is just retarded.

1) searching for "hl2 bosses" you find nothing that resembles this thread or the specific question Gronoken is asking.

2) i totally understand telling people to use the search engine when people keep double posting topics and the like but this is hardly the case here. Gronoken asked an honest question that deserved an honest answer/discussion, not "we've seen this a million times, do your own research".

In the end it is YOUR decision to read the thread. If you've already discussed something like this somewhere before it's hardly Gronoken's fault, especially when a search of the forums really doesn't give him much if any of the info that he is inquiring about. Hell, this is a forum after all, people are allowed to actually discuss things. Just because you don't feel like discussing this doesn't mean anyone else that WOULD like to ask a related question should be deprived of an answer.
A 100 meter headcrab.. Or a supermutated Alyx would be... Suprising... =)
merc said:
i know a bit about bosses... lol i beat the last boss of half life 2 :)


Didn't you like ask them that "would this spoil my experience?" you probably uncovered the plot after defeating the boss.
I beleive a one-on-one battle with Breen or the Gman would be neat. Half-Life seemed to lack human-sized bosses (my memory could be playing tricks on me though). Man would it be neat to get to the end of the game after fighting great a-many gargatuant bosses (Striders, big mofos, etc.) and discover that all of the events were caused my Man's actions. You would then fight the individual responsible for this mischeif (understatement).

Imagine fighting Breen in his office atop the Citadel with him armed with a mini-manipulator-gun attached to one arm and shooting at you with another high powered weapon (alien in nature, preferably). I feel all giddy at the though of dodging Breen's desk being thrown around by his almost jedi-like abilities (because, in a way, the manipulator-gun can resemble "force-push").

I'll laugh if HL2 ends that way. :E
Based on the fact, that in every scene we saw this far, Gordon had limited ammo on every gun. This will make every sort of opposition hard.

Then, looking at those striders...10 full hits with rockets seemed to do very little damage...,and you'll probably never even have 10 rockets at the same time...this makes striders worse then bosses :)
Bosses suck TBH. It detracts from the game when you get some super bad ass thing or person showing up. For instance the dude in the helipcopter in Far Cry was stupid. You spend the whole game wasting choppers or shooting the gunners out of them until super special guy shows up and take 10 rockets up his jacksey, what a load of tosh.
ACLeroK212 said:
ok, this is just retarded.

1) searching for "hl2 bosses" you find nothing that resembles this thread or the specific question Gronoken is asking.

2) i totally understand telling people to use the search engine when people keep double posting topics and the like but this is hardly the case here. Gronoken asked an honest question that deserved an honest answer/discussion, not "we've seen this a million times, do your own research".

In the end it is YOUR decision to read the thread. If you've already discussed something like this somewhere before it's hardly Gronoken's fault, especially when a search of the forums really doesn't give him much if any of the info that he is inquiring about. Hell, this is a forum after all, people are allowed to actually discuss things. Just because you don't feel like discussing this doesn't mean anyone else that WOULD like to ask a related question should be deprived of an answer.

Well said m8 - this guy is obviously just a complete smacktard. Nothing is more annoying on fan sites like this than know-all nerds who reply to every simple question with a pile of crap like this. Even if Gonoken HAD repeated an old question - read it, forget about it and move on - no one is interested in your encyclopaedic knowledge of half life trivia, or your anal remarks.
VBN said:
Bosses suck TBH. It detracts from the game when you get some super bad ass thing or person showing up. For instance the dude in the helipcopter in Far Cry was stupid. You spend the whole game wasting choppers or shooting the gunners out of them until super special guy shows up and take 10 rockets up his jacksey, what a load of tosh.
I agree. Suddenly the logic behind the damage system is thrown away for the super strong "i can take 300 bullets to the testicles and live" characters.

It's just silly.
I don't think striders or the hydra will be final bosses --> they've shown us both of these in the videos. I think, if there were a final boss or bosses, they would keep it secret until the game was out. I bet there is ALOT of stuff they are keeping secret so when it is in our hands, we'll be crapping our pants when we come across it playing the game. :rolling:
the-doc said:
Well said m8 - this guy is obviously just a complete smacktard. Nothing is more annoying on fan sites like this than know-all nerds who reply to every simple question with a pile of crap like this. Even if Gonoken HAD repeated an old question - read it, forget about it and move on - no one is interested in your encyclopaedic knowledge of half life trivia, or your anal remarks.

What I always find hilarious is let's say he actually did use the search engine and found a thread relating to his question. So he decides to post in it and discuss. Within 5 min. of his posting he would be flamed hardcore for digging up an old post. It's a lose lose situation.
I'm sure whatever (if there is one) the boss of HL2 is it will have some sort of way of using the physics to its advantage. It will probably be a huge stick with a manipulater on the end :borg:
There probably will be an end boss. I just hope that they don't go for the conventional pump-it-full-of-lead technique to defeat it and instead try to make some kind of puzzle out of it. Also, I hope the last boss is actually relevant and consistent with the rest of the game. No big uber mech-aliens unless you can damn well justify it.

Also, I doubt merc played against and defeated the last boss, because that would just kill the game for him. If Valve said "You're fighting the last boss", I'd be more than willing to bet that they were lying. Something as big as a final boss would be primarily internal and not up for playtesting by some average joe who dropped by your office.
lans said:
Didn't you like ask them that "would this spoil my experience?" you probably uncovered the plot after defeating the boss.

It could be like soul reaver 2, where you would be compleatly confused unless you played the whole game.
I can guarantee we haven't seen the boss (if there is one) in a video or screenshot. They wouldn't be dumb enough to go and do that. It would absolutely ruin the games plot! Thats like knowing exactly what day and hour you're going to die...ok thats a little bit of a stretch, but you get it.